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Water C 1 Flashcards pp. 45-53. Use the graph on pg. 46 to answer some of these questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Water C 1 Flashcards pp. 45-53. Use the graph on pg. 46 to answer some of these questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water C 1 Flashcards pp. 45-53

2 Use the graph on pg. 46 to answer some of these questions.

3 Give an example of a solute and a solvent.

4 Solvent: water Solute: kool-aid (or sugar) OR Solvent: laundry detergent Solute: grease stain

5 If you have 60g KNO 3 at 40 o C in 100g of water, is the solution… saturated, unsaturated or supersaturated?

6 Saturated

7 If you have 80g of KNO 3 at 10 o C, 100g of water, is the solution… saturated, unsaturated or supersaturated?

8 Supersaturated

9 If you have 70g of KNO 3 at 80 o C, in 100g of water, is the solution… saturated, unsaturated or supersaturated?

10 Unsaturated

11 What is the minimum amount of water needed to dissolve 70g KNO 3 at 80 o C?

12 At 80 o C 160g KNO 3 = 70g KNO 3 100g H 2 O Xg x = 43.8g

13 What mass of KNO 3 will dissolve in 100g of water at 10 o C?

14 About 20 g KNO 3

15 How much KNO 3 will dissolve in 250g of H 2 O at 50 o C?

16 At 50 o C 80g = X 100g 250g x = 200g KNO 3

17 If you have 50g KNO 3 at 50 o C, in 100g H 2 O how much more KNO 3 must be added to saturate the solution?

18 80g is saturated so subtract 50g and 30g more of KNO 3 must be added.

19 An alka-seltzer tablet is placed in water and then the medicine is consumed. Identify the 3 underlined substances as solute, solution and solvent.

20 Solute - Alka-seltzer tablet Solvent - water Solution - medicine

21 What is the percent concentration of a solution that contains 45g of weed killer in 1500g of water?

22 45 x 100 (45g + 1500g) =2.9%

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