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Mónika HOLIK Head of Unit: Erasmus, Jean Monnet Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "Mónika HOLIK Head of Unit: Erasmus, Jean Monnet Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mónika HOLIK Head of Unit: Erasmus, Jean Monnet Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

2 Directorates A & B Policy and Programmes European Commission Executive Agency Policy Programme implementation Centralised actions Policy documents Programme definition Priorities Committees Impact analysis Management of decentralised actions via National Agencies Management of centralised actions Calls, selection, contracts Monitoring, acceptance, payments Clustering & dissemination Results & feedback Centre for Programme management ~400 staff Based in Brussels Managed by EC officials Role of the EACEA

3 SUPPORT FOR MOBILITY ERASMUS Centralised Actions and Support for Mobility Multilateral Projects - NEW IN LLP CALL 2011 - University-Enterprise Cooperation - Social inclusion - Fostering excellence and innovation - Mobility strategies - Modernisation agenda (curricular, funding and governance reforms) Networks - Academic networks Accompanying Measures Erasmus University Charter National teams of Bologna experts ECTS/DS Label National Academic Recognition Information Centres (NARIC) CENTRALISED ACTIONS

4 Erasmus centralised Actions Fostering the excellence and innovation in higher education Support to modernisation agenda of Higher Education (curriculum, governance, funding reforms) Social inclusion in higher education Mobility strategies and removal of barriers to mobility in higher education Co-operation between higher education institutions and enterprises Multilateral Projects Academic Networks Deadline: 28 February 2011 Projects aiming at gathering the widest and most advanced set of specific competencies in a given subject area. Accompanying measures Aim to support innovative, self-standing projects which would otherwise not be eligible under the main Erasmus programme.

5 1st July 2008- 30 June 2009 Final reports (public part) available under: 1st July 2009- 30 June 2011 Project summaries available under: 1st July 2011- 31 December 2013 Call and application package published (deadline is 18 March 2011) Work now divided in two categories: 1.Implementing the Bologna process reforms 2.Promoting EU initiatives and programmes in the field of higher education National Teams of Bologna experts

6 Strengths : 1. Peer to peer targeted support 2. Excellent collaboration between Bologna experts, National Agencies, Ministries and higher education stakeholders 3. Successful joint activities between teams from different countries Strengths and weaknesses of Bologna experts’ projects Weaknesses: 1. Quantitative and qualitative impact of the activities not sufficiently measured 2. Existence of Bologna experts and their activities need more visibility 3. Some projects facing delays 4. Not all members of the team are sufficiently active.

7 ECTS and DS Labels – Selection 2011 >All applications for ECTS/DS labels should be made to the National Agency of the country in which the applicant higher education institution is located. Higher education institutions should contact their National Agency for application forms and guidelines for applicants. National Agency >The deadline for submission of applications is 15 May 2011.

8 Useful links LLP Call 2011 – Centralised actions (call and application documentation as well as presentations made at the LLP infodays) National Teams of Bologna experts – Invitation to submit 2011 and applications forms ECTS and DS labels - Current holders and Selection 2011 documentation Project compendia (Erasmus centralised actions and Bologna experts project)

9 María Luisa GARCIA MINGUEZ (coordination), Gilles GERVAIS, Natalia RIESGO, Martin FREWER, Misia COGHLAN, Mireia FABREGA- IGLESIAS, José MATOS MARTINS Katia DE SOUSA EACEA-ERA- Myriam RANCON Misia COGHLAN Katia DE SOUSA Contacts

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