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Biology and Society Biol 1001

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1 Biology and Society Biol 1001
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) Ms Julie Smith VD, STD’s Graphic images of both male and female genitalia Who is at risk? You, your friends, jocks, geeks, wealthy, poor STI’s don’t care…..Anyone that is sexually active Sexually activity not limited to intercourse – oral/genital contact, kissing (syphilis, herpes), toys How many STI’s are out there just waiting for you? (get some input from students) 30+ STI’s out there, 2.5 million teens contract STI each year By age 24, at least one of every four Americans is infected with a STI people under 25 account for approximately two-thirds of all new STI infections (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 2002). What are the most common STI’s among college students? the most common STIs among college-age students are HPV, Herpes Simplex Virus, and Chlamydia.

2 The Take Home Message Learn what risks are out there
Evaluate the risk level of your sexual behavior Make educated decisions about your sexual activities Learn where to go for help and information Not the first time you’re hearing this, New era of your life, freedom, alcohol Worthy reminder 19 son, 16 daughter – issue close to my heart (Click for each reason to appear)

3 What Causes STI’s Parasites Bacteria Viruses
Curable with OTC and prescription Bacteria Curable with antibiotics Viruses Not Curable, manageable Three types of organisms that are responsible for STI’s ??????? (Ask Students) Parasite (Click) Small organism (may be visible with naked eye, but tiny) little creepy crawlies Drains nutrients from host User of hosts resources Bacteria (Click) Microscopic single celled organism Grows on host Many friendly bacteria that we need (gut, anus, vagina, mouth) Many unfriendly bacteria that make us sick Viruses (Click) Tiny packets of DNA/RNA Inject into host cells replicate themselves No ‘friendly’ viruses

4 Parasitic Pubic Lice (crabs) Scabies Trichomoniasis Pubic Lice (click)
Pubic Lice (click) Related to head lice Can be transferred from clothing, towels etc Scabies (click) Trichomoniasis (click) All little critters that typically lay eggs under skin, bite and suck blood for nutrients

5 Bacterial Syphilis Gonorrhea *Chlamydia Syphilis Primary stage
Syphilis Primary stage Any ideas which STI’s fall into this category. Remember, they are curable with anitbioitics. Most common types of Bacterial Infections: Syphilis, Gonorrhea & Chlamydia Syphilis – (click) chancre on penis, (click) chancre on labia primary stage - chancre sore in genital regions (click for image), heals secondary stage - sores usually on hands and feet late stage - insanity and death (Al Capone) Tuskegee Syphilis Study 400 poor black men infected with syphilis, not treated so drs could study the progression of the disease One of the few STI’s rates declined substantially over last 15 years 2.5/100,000 (No images of gonorrhea or chlamydia) Gonorrhea 116.2/100,000 held fairly steady last 10 years (statistics) Chlamydia #1 bacterial infection, most commonly transmitted STI 304.3/ cases nearly doubled last 10 years 75% F, 50% M asymptomatic explains rapid growth Can cause infertility in both M & F if untreated

6 Viral HIV Herpes Hepatitis Genital Warts (condylomata acuminata)
HIV (virus) AIDS (disease) first discovered 1981 405,926 persons were living 2003 524,060 people with AIDS have died in the USA Herpes (click) on penis (click) labia 1 out of 5 (20%) 17-29, are infected with HSV-2. (2/3 are asymptomatic) ( 500,000 new cases annually after outbreak virus ‘hides’ in the nervous system until next outbreak Hepatitis Vaccination available for Hep B Destroys liver Genital Warts (click) on penis (click) labia Also known as condylomata acuminata Caused by human papilloma virus more than 300 HPV’s, only few cause genital warts Between 500,000 and one million new cases of genital warts occur every year.(

7 Symptoms & Possible Causes
Unusual vaginal discharge Bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, PID, trichomoniasis, yeast infection Penile discharge Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis Abnormal and/or heavy vaginal bleeding Chlamydia, gonorrhea, PID Bleeding after intercourse Chlamydia, gonorrhea, PID Burning or pain during urination Chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, trichomoniasis Pelvic pain (pain below the belly button) Chlamydia, gonorrhea, PID Swollen and/or painful testicles Chlamydia, gonorrhea Itching or tingling in the genital area Bacterial vaginosis, herpes, trichomoniasis, yeast infection Blisters or sores on the genitals, Herpes, syphilis anus, or surrounding areas Warts or bumps on the genitals, Human papillomavirus anus, or surrounding area Persistent vaginal yeast infections HIV infection/AIDS Yellowing of the eyes and skin (jaundice) Hepatitis B, hepatitis C Very busy slide, but points are Anything irregular ( pain, discharge, sores) in your genital regions warrants a trip to the Dr Symptoms can’t necessarily identify STI’s Various tests preformed that can identify the infection Doesn’t point out that some STI’s exhibit no symptoms.

8 Prevention STI's Abstinence Education Monogamy Condoms/Dental Dams
Some STI’s, but not all STI's Okay, now you know what’s out there, how do you protect yourself? Abstinence Only 100% guarantee prevent STI’s simple – don’t have sex. If not having sex, can’t get STI If not your choice – best thing you can do is educate yourself, know what’s out there and how best to prevent endangering your life Limiting number of sexually partners reduces chance on contracting STI Proper use of synthetic (latex or polyurethane) condoms and dental dams can prevent the transfer of some, but not all STI’s. Natural condoms are not effective barriers against STI’s

9 Resources Planned Parent UMD Health Services Internet 722-0833 x8155
Google search ‘Sexually Transmitted Infections’ If you think you have an STI, get it checked out. Most STI’s, if left untreated, can cause infertility or in some cases death. Local sources include: Planned Parenthood UMD Health Services To Educate yourself on the over 30 STI’s that you may be at risk for, simply do a web search for ‘sexually transmitted infections.” Nobody but you can be responsible for your sexuality.

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