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Financial Management Aspects of Emergency Operations Moses Wasike, OPCFM Fiduciary Forum March 2008.

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1 Financial Management Aspects of Emergency Operations Moses Wasike, OPCFM Fiduciary Forum March 2008






7 Guiding Principles Consistent with OP/BP 10.02…, OP/BP 8.00 requires appropriate oversight arrangements for rapid response operations including:  Corporate governance and fiduciary oversight to ensure appropriate scope, design and speed  Monitoring and supervision

8 Features of the OP/BP 8.00 Accelerated, Consolidated and Simplified procedures for Emergency Operations:  Streamlined ex-ante processing  Different balance between ex-ante and ex-post controls and risk mitigation  Alternative implementation arrangements as necessary - UN, NGOs, Other Agencies

9 What is Different?  Compressed project cycle  Priority for ex-post rather than the ex- ante oversight  Minimal effectiveness and disbursement conditions  Intensive FM supervision during implementation

10 Ex-ante/Ex-post Controls  At negotiations, prioritize critical over desired FM arrangements  Experienced FM staff involvement  Intensified FM supervision to expedite acceptable FM arrangements

11 FM Involvement  Early engagement  FM assessment as warranted  Anticipate action  Plan intensified supervision  Importance of reviews and audits

12 FM Assessment  Exercise professional judgment  Understand country issues  Use conditionality only when absolutely necessary  Innovative options  Option to rely on UN, NGOs etc. when warranted

13 FM Supervision Activities  Frequent desk reviews - FM Reports, Bank Activity Statements, analytical reviews  Provide continuous on-the-job training  Be present at meetings to guide and resolve issues  Visit the project

14 FM Supervision Activities  Outsource certain FM supervision activities to expand coverage  Use government fiduciary agents  Coordinate with other donors  Engage beneficiaries in self monitoring

15 Bank resources  Guidelines: Financial Management Aspects of Emergency Operations Processed under OP/BP 8.00  Regional focal persons  Anchor focal persons  UN FM Framework Agreement  FM website

16 Next… Country Experiences:  Iraq – Mona El-Chami & Akram El-Shorbagi  Sudan – Nestor Coffi Discussions

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