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Definition: EPH-Gestosis is a disease of disturbed gestation, i.e. a high risk pregnancy. If this disturbance is demonstrated by abnormal body water retention.

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2 Definition: EPH-Gestosis is a disease of disturbed gestation, i.e. a high risk pregnancy. If this disturbance is demonstrated by abnormal body water retention (Edema) and/or excretion of pathological amounts of urinary proteins (Proteinuria) and/or elevated blood pressure (Hypertension), then it can be labeled as a special subgroup named EPH-Gestosis.. EPH-Gestosis is not one single well defined disease of pregnancy, yet it is a syndrome which involves many body systems e.g., cardiovascular, renal, hepatic, respiratory and central nervous system (El-Kabarity, 2000).

3 Incidence: EPH-Gestosis is the main cause of maternal mortality and is associated with five-fold increase in perinatal mortality in developing countries (Jaramillo et al., 2001). EPH-Gestosis is primarily a disease of primigravida and is not usually a recurrent condition. EPH-Gestosis occurs in around 10-15 % of first pregnancies and 5-10 % of subsequent pregnancies. Most of the cases are diagnosed after 34th weeks of pregnancy (Robson, 1999).

4 Classification & Grading: EPH-Gestosis has the following "Modified Gestosis Index" (El-Kabarity's Formula): (El-Kabarity, 2000): 0123 Systolic BP (mmHg)Less than 140 140-159160-179>180 Diastolic BP (mmHg) Less than 90 90-99100-109>110 Edema Occult or leg Legs edema Legs & Abdomen Generalized Proteinuria Nil or trace 0.5 gm/L + > 0.5-1 gm/L ++ > 1 gm/Litre ++

5 Management Guidelines of EPH-Gestosis: Current protocol of management of cases EPH-Gestosis at Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital: Principles: Team approach. Obstetric intensive care management. Magnesium sulfate administration. Control of hypertension. Termination of pregnancy after stabilization of the general condition of the patient with liberal tendency towards Cesarean section.

6 How to reduce maternal mortality due to EPH-Gestosis: By raising the standard of prenatal (antenatal) care provided to pregnant women with early referral of high risk cases. Centralization of case management in a tertiary care hospitals. On admission, all the above mentioned principles and guidelines should "De strictly followed.

7 Grading of EPH-Gestosis: Mild EPH-Gestosis: (Score < 4). Severe EPH-Gestosis: (Score 4 - 8). Imminent eclampsia: (score > 8): Severe EPH-gestosis plus mental, visual, auditory hallucinations with cloudiness and/or epigastric pain & vomiting. Fulminating EPH-Gestosis: Symptoms & signs proceeding from normal to severe or imminent eclampsia within a period of 12 hours or less. Eclampsia: EPH-Gestosis with convulsive fits. Eclampsia may be antepartum, intrapartum or postpartum.

8 Management Guidelines of EPH-Gestosis: Current protocol of management of cases EPH-Gestosis at Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital: Principles: Team approach. Obstetric intensive care management. Magnesium sulfate administration Control of hypertension. Termination of pregnancy after stabilization of the general condition of the patient with liberal tendency towards Cesarean section.

9 How to reduce maternal mortality due to EPH-Gestosis: By raising the standard of prenatal (antenatal) care provided to pregnant women with early referral of high risk cases. Centralization of case management in a tertiary care hospitals. On admission, all the above mentioned principles and guidelines should be strictly followed.

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