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OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 1 Research and Innovation in the Outermost Regions.

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Presentation on theme: "OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 1 Research and Innovation in the Outermost Regions."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 1 Research and Innovation in the Outermost Regions

2 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 22 StrengthsWeaknesses AssetsRecommendations growing university young and educated population development of quality research infrastructure openness to the regional environement and to cooperation with ACP countries Economic fabric mainly composed of VSBs – SMEs Newness and smallness of universities and research teams research actors often dependent on national authorities governance of RTDI policies for the French Ors geographical and digital isolation biodiversity hotspots laboratory experimentation and observation under varied natural conditions (eg renewable energy, astronomy, atmosphere, SmartGrids) poste avancé de lEurope Economic development potential underexploited (biotechnology, medicine,...) improve the transfer of innovation and knowledge management in the economic fabric develop a regional research and innovation strategy improve the governance of the RTDI instruments encourage the emergence in the European Research Area valorise the ORs assets

3 StrengthsWeaknesses AssetsRecommendations growing university young and educated population development of quality research infrastructure openness to the regional environement and to cooperation with ACP countries Economic fabric mainly composed of VSBs – SMEs Newness and smallness of universities and research teams research actors often dependent on national authorities governance of RTDI policies for the French Ors geographical and digital isolation biodiversity hotspots laboratory experimentation and observation under varied natural conditions (eg renewable energy, astronomy, atmosphere, SmartGrids) poste avancé de lEurope Economic development potential underexploited (biotechnology, medicine,...) improve the transfer of innovation and knowledge management in the economic fabric develop a regional research and innovation strategy improve the governance of the RTDI instruments encourage the emergence in the European Research Area valorise the ORs assets Unchanged factors…

4 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 44 … progressive factors Structuring of research

5 The system is able to retrieve real-time data acquired by satellites in a 2500 km radius 12,5.10 6 Km² of oceanic environment Sensors dedicated to : Fisheries Research Oceanic Research Climate & Atmospheric Research Fisheries Control Slick safety … but also progressing factors… Research infrastructures : SEAS-OI Project ERDF / Territorial Co-operation

6 4500 m² RMN 600 MHz LC-MSMS Virology laboratory P3 Animal research A2 ERDF Convergence 1- metabolic diseases 2- infectious diseases 3- genetic and perinatal Two industrial research themes : 1- respiratory diseases 2- diabetes and nutrition

7 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 77 … but also progressing factors… Structure of the research: participation in FP7

8 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 88 … but also progressing factors… FP7-Capacities: an example of research infrastructures in the Canary islands FP7-INFRA-2008-1

9 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 99 … but also progressing factors… FP7-Capacities: an example of Research Potential (RegPot) at La Réunion FP7-REPOT-2008-1

10 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 10 … but also progressing factors… FP7-Cooperation : Food, Agriculture and fisheries, and Biotechnology - Azores FP7-KBBE-2007-1-2-13

11 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 11 … but also progressing factors… FP7-Capacities: an example of Regions of Knowledge (RoK) – Canary islands FP7-REGIONS-2008-1

12 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 12 … but also progressing factors… FP7- Capacities: an example of ERA-NET in biodiversity FP6-ERA-NET

13 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 13 Inititiatives from the European Commission Some important points A new paradigm: to make the most of the unique features of the Outermost regions Outposts of the EU in the world Experimental laboratories (biodiversity, climate change, renewable energies, …) Scientific portals in their geographical area High quality agriculture products The role of the Outermost regions in the EUs maritime policy

14 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 14 Reccomendations from the Outermost Conference Some important points A new strategy to develop the Outermost regions: The triple balance: balance between the strenghts of our regions and the structural deficiencies Balance between the internal and external aspects of European policies Balance between the adoption of general community policies and the declination of specific sectoral instruments One should take into account the specific features of the Outermost regions especially in the forthcoming ??? Revision of European policies (Council of 14 June 2010)

15 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 15 Some actions to be taken A strenghthened dialogue is needed between the Outermost regions and the European Commission in order to better prepare the necessary adaptations to different studies, strategies, and European policies: EGNOS, GMES for the space sector SET-Plan, maritime energies (other than off-shore windmills) PCRDT / CIP A better access to / and a better dissemination of/ information : Regional NCPs ! Support for the establishment of technical assisstance and project preparation for FP7 Participation to the preparation of FP8

16 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 16 OPEN DAY, Brussels, 2010 16 Merci de votre attention Thank you for your attention

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