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Presentation on theme: " Ministère de l'Écologie, de l'Énergie, du Développement durable et de la Mer Water Framework Directive Feedback on reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministère de l'Écologie, de l'Énergie, du Développement durable et de la Mer Water Framework Directive Feedback on reporting on 22 March 2010 ------ TG Wise Madrid –7&8 June 2010

2 2 Feedback from reporting of March 2010 2 Good news Intensive involvement and good cooperation From experts and all partners From local and national level Real political commitment Reporting tour in each RBD chaired by a member of the WBD board Information to the Committee for water and competent authorities at key times Good adaptability and resourcefulness from the European partners Training session Atkins availability – online assistance and log of questions Tools for the reporting

3 3 Feedback from reporting of March 2010 3 Bad news Heavy burden 8-10 years man of work- More than estimated Resubmission of article 5 updated in links with RBDMP & PoM Tools under continuing development Last updated version of GIS Guidance on 22 December Waste of time (many discussions to try to solve problems) Complexity of reporting with a lot of players

4 4 Feedback from reporting of March 2010 4 To be improved National –RBD organisation To be adapted/consolidated for future reporting Interoperability WISE & GIS specifications Improve the coordination between the 2 guidances Better coordination between teams Wise & GIS Gaps between requirements & knowledge status Not all data available (E.g coastal water data) Use of alternative methods to reduce unknown data but affecting the confidence level

5 5 Feedback from reporting of March 2010 5 Next steps Structure the reporting organisation with partners A study with people having worked for the reporting Integrate reporting in usual work Cross-cutting analyses Consistency checks Data reported analyses Set up action plans to go on Thematic action plans National tool to follow up the PoM

6 6 Feedback from reporting of March 2010 6 2013 reporting Make reporting sheets and reporting schemas at the same time

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