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Usage Guidelines for Jeopardy PowerPoint Game Game Setup Right now, Click File > Save As, and save this template with a different file name. This will.

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Presentation on theme: "Usage Guidelines for Jeopardy PowerPoint Game Game Setup Right now, Click File > Save As, and save this template with a different file name. This will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Usage Guidelines for Jeopardy PowerPoint Game Game Setup Right now, Click File > Save As, and save this template with a different file name. This will keep the template untouched, so you can use it next time! Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the five category names on the main game board (Slide 4). Game Play Open 2 nd Slide, let the sound play. Click to 3 rd Slide, let the sound play. Click to 4 th Slide and show students the Game Board As you play the game, click on the YELLOW DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When the student answers, click anywhere on the screen to see the correct answer. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen (Slide 4) and checking off as you go. Click on the “House / Home Icon” box to return to the main scoreboard. Final Jeopardy – Go to Slide 3 and click “Final Jeopardy” button in the bottom right corner, click again for the Question, click again for final jeopardy sound, When that is finished playing click again for the answer slide.


3 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 Final 100 DNA structure Structure discovery Rules, Directions Pieces of DNA Maps (plasmid apping and restriction digest mapping)

4 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 DNA structure Structure discovery Rules, Directions Pieces of DNA Maps (plasmid apping and restriction digest mapping) Final jeopardy

5 What is a monomer of DNA?

6 What is a nucleotide?

7 This bond links nitrogen bases.

8 What is a Hydrogen Bond?

9 This bond links nucleotides

10 What is a Phosphodiester Bond?

11 G-C has this many bonds, which makes it _____ stable.

12 What is 3,more?

13 This is linked to the 3’ carbon in deoxyribose.

14 What is an OH group?

15 This scientist worked with X-ray crystallography that suggested a helical structure for DNA.

16 Who was Rosalind Franklin?

17 Watson and Crick are credited with.

18 What is the discovery of the DNA structure/coming up with the helical model?


20 What happened in Frederick Griffith’s experiment?

21 What is the transformation of non-pathogenic (rough) Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria into pathogenic (smooth) bacteria when live rough population was exposed to an extract of dead, boiled smooth Streptococcus ? Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria

22 This is what Chargaff’s rule states.

23 What A=T, G=C?

24 This is what Avey, McLeod, and McCarty did.

25 What is Demonstrate that DNA is responsible for bacterial transformation?

26 This refers to the 5' to 3' direction of one strand running opposite to the 5' to 3' direction of the other strand..

27 What is antiparallel?

28 IN DNA replication, Nulceotides are added in this direction

29 What is 5’ to 3’.

30 This is the direction that carbons are labeled.

31 1’ at the nitrogen base to 5’ at the phosphate group

32 If 10% of DNA consists of thymine, this is how much guanine it contains?

33 What is 40%.?

34 The 3’ and 5’ refers to

35 The carbon atoms of deoxyribose that can form phosphodiester bonds

36 These regions are excised from DNA

37 What are introns?

38 This is an Okazaki fragment.

39 What are pieces of DNA in the lagging strand?

40 What are exons and how much of our genome contains them?

41 What regions of DNA left behind after excision of introns, encoded with information for protein synthesis, 5%??

42 This is a replicon.

43 What are regions of DNA synthesis-- along the length of DNA ?

44 These are the characteristics of repetitive DNA.

45 What are: 1. It accounts for more than 20% of our genome 2.Its function is unknown 3.also known as selfish or parasitic DNA 4. is self-replicating 5. is associated with some heritable diseases such as Huntington’s disease.

46 These are accessory fragments of DNA in the cytoplasm.

47 What are plasmids?

48 This is a recognition site.

49 What is the site where DNA fragments are recognized to be cut by endonucleases.?

50 What is an endonuclease and which ones were used in the forensic lab?.

51 A restriction enzyme that cuts DNA into fragments…EcoRI and PstI?

52 If a restriction enzyme cut DNA after the TATA region, what are the resulting DNA fragments? GGACTATACGTAC


54 Draw a plasmid map with the following info: Digested with Enzyme 1 700 bp 300 bp Digested with Enzyme 2 1000 bp Digested with both enzymes500 bp 300 bp 200 bp

55 An example is mosaic expression due to Lyonization and Barr bodies, such as the Calico cat. (Random Lyonization of the existing cells during the 12 th day of embryogenisis.)


57 These are the various heteromorphic sex chromosomes that determine sex. (provide all 4)


59 What are: 1. XY system: XX - female; XY - male (mammals) 2. ZW system: ZW - female; ZZ - male (birds; some insects) 3. Xo system: Xo - male; XX - female (lack of male c'some) (many insects) 4. X & Y ratios: X and Y c'somes occur in ratios which determine sex.

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