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1 MA471 Introduction To Scientific Computing Fall 2003 Prof. Tim Warburton

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1 1 MA471 Introduction To Scientific Computing Fall 2003 Prof. Tim Warburton

2 2 Class and Lab Schedule Class: –Room 221, Miller Hall Monday, Wednesday 3:00pm to 3:50pm –ESCP 110 Monday, Wednesday 4:00pm to 5:15pm Office hours: –By appointment -- OR -- –Room 450, Humanities Building Tuesday, Thursday 1:30pm – 3:00pm

3 3 Grade Distribution 10 % class attendance and participation 40 % homework assignments 50 % project work

4 4 Textbook Notes will be available after every lecture.. Other materials covered will be supplemented with handouts available at: I will post this material as promptly as possible after the class. Web Page

5 5 Attendance Policy I will endeavor to make this course as interactive as possible. Most of the ground covered will be accompanied by class demonstrations. It is strongly recommended that you attend all classes. Projects will be group based – non-attendance will effect your grade and will hinder the performance of your group.

6 6 Minimal Homework and Project Presentation Standards All homework handed in must comply with the following format: Student name, top left hand corner of every page All sheets of paper must be stapled All homework must be typed (I.e. use Word or Latex) Math symbols may be inserted by hand Structure of work must be: 1) Introduction (description of homework problem or project) 2) Results including graphs, images and diagrams 3) Discussion 4) Computer code print outs Graphs of results are easier to read than large tables of data

7 7 Project Comments This course is heavily project based All projects will be constructed by groups I reserve the right to change group compositions No member from one group may exchange code (or group secrets) with a member from another group Innovation beyond algorithms presented in class is encouraged – however, all code must be written by group member and the source of existing algorithms must be cited in code listing and in write up. All project code must be written in Matlab.

8 8 Note Note: qualified students with disabilities needing appropriate academic adjustments should contact me as soon as possible to ensure your needs are met in a timely manner. Handouts are available in alternative accessible formats upon request.

9 9 Provisional Syllabus This is still under development but here are the main areas we are going to cover: 1)Using Unix 2)Coding in C (or Fortran for the determined) 3)Interfacing C and Fortran 4)Compiler optimization 5)Writing efficient code 6)Using math libraries (BLAS, LAPACK, ATLAS, INTEL’S MKL math kernel library)…) 7)Running a job on a parallel computer 8)Parallel programming 9)Using MPI (Message Passing Interface) 10)Using Upshot for parallel profiling 11)Visualization Project contents: 1)Machines can play cards too, analyzing a set up for implementation 2)Finite difference in parallel 3)Working in coding groups 4)Solving a large linear system in parallel 5)Depending on interest – implementing a PDE solver for acoustics

10 10 Computing Notes 1)Each student will be given an account on “blackbear” at the High Performance Computing and Education Center (HPCERC) formally known as AHPCC. 2)Jonathan Atencio maintains “blackbear”. His email is: 3)Please direct questions about “blackbear” to Atencio, and cc me at the same time 4)I expect all students to be courteous and respectful in their communications with Atencio at all times. Any breaches of acceptable etiquette will be dealt with in an appropriate manner. I.e. be nice to your systems manager 5)Your user name is: cs471a* (accounts to be allocated on Weds)

11 11 Lecture 1 Q) What is a parallel computer? A) Something that performs multiple actions, simultaneously – or “in parallel” at least some of the time This is possibly the most comprehensive description of a parallel computer. What follows is a brief overview of one type of mode of operation of a parallel computer.

12 12 Class Exercise 1 1)Arrange your selves in groups of 4 2)Each group is now a small cluster of 4 cpus (persons) i.e. There should be 5 parallel computers 3) The following instructions should now be performed in each group: a)Find a single piece of paper b)Write your names on the piece of paper c)Memorize the names on the paper d)Introduce yourself to all the other cpus e)Congratulations you have just met your project group Now – we analyze what went on

13 13 Class Exercise 2 Repeat exercise 1 with only one parallel computer with 20 processors. Now – we analyze what went on 1)Form a 20 cpu parallel computer 2) Find a single piece of paper a)Write your names on the piece of paper b)Memorize the names on the paper c)Introduce yourself to all the other cpus d)Congratulations you have just met your class

14 14 Class Exercise 3 1)Return to your groups of 4 2)Obtain one pack of playing cards from the instructor 3)Choose a game from the following: 1)Poker 2)21 3)Go Fish 4)Hearts 5)Spades 4)Play a hand or two with NO BETTING !!!!!!! 5)Ok – now the hard part, analyze where the cards go!! 6)I.e. Is there a dealer involved?, do you talk to any of the other players, or just your neighbor. Does your neighbor change between hands?… 7)Each person must write up a (less than one page) analysis of the way the cards travel – and document if there is any other information passed? 8)Hand in write up on Wednesday 27 th August  9)Diagrams are encouraged – as long as they are explained in text.

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