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Ms. Abeera Arif Gulshan Jn. G, Level V, All Sections (11) August 2010 to May 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Abeera Arif Gulshan Jn. G, Level V, All Sections (11) August 2010 to May 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Abeera Arif Gulshan Jn. G, Level V, All Sections (11) August 2010 to May 2011

2 I.C.Tech. Wizard  Analyzing Data and Answering questions  Information Workshop 2000  Word Processing  MS Word 2003  Graphical Modeling  Black Cat Designer Level Red  Introduction to Spreadsheets  MS Excel 2003  Modeling Effects and Computer Control  Black Cat LOGO Level Red CT1 95 75 CT2 85 75 % 90 75

3 Analyzing Data and Answering Questions  Lesson Objectives :  Database, fields and records.  Working with existing file, Adding and Editing records.  Saving, Searching and sorting the records.  Usage and understanding of Graphs, Types of Graphs.  Conversion of database into graphs.  Software/Resource : Information Workshop 2000  Class Assignment: Print outs :  Ex1 on page 18 and  Ex2 on page 26  Class Assessment : Print outs :  Activity on page 27.  Learning Outcomes: Better understanding of editing Databases and graphs representation and their usage in daily life.  21 st Century Classroom Skill: Enhancing analytical and diagnostic skills. Polishing HOT and problem solving skill.

4 Word Processing  Lesson Objectives :  Used for report writing, making documents like letters, application, memos, news letters, certificate, class planner, circulars, Cards letters, certificate class planner,  Editing report on Water cycle.  Opening new file, saving as, saving,closing file and formatting toolbar like B, I & U.  Picture insertion, Rotating and resizing, WordArt and Clipart.  Font style, color, and alignment.  Spell check and grammar.  Find and Replace word.  Software/Resource : MS Word 2003  Class Assignment: Print outs :  Ex1 on page 36, Understanding of water cycle with demo /Simulation.  Ex2 on page 49 and Ex3 on page 54 Report Editing on Water cycle.Report Editing on Water cycle  Class Assessment: Print outs :  Activity on page 55 on Solids, Liquids and Gases.  Learning Outcomes: Learning Report writing skill. With relevant picture insertion and word art. Students type in their Newsletter write ups with relevant clip arts.  21 st Century Classroom Skill: Enhancing Creative writing skill. Excelling the creativity of students with the combination of write ups and relevant pictures. Certificate EID MUBARAK!

5 Graphical Modeling  Lesson Objectives :  Understanding difference between 2D and 3D shapes.  Preference of Black Cat over MS Paint ?  Object based designing so all objects are treated separately in an image.  Shape tool, Freehand tool, Straight line tool, Curved line tool.  Pictures tool, text tool, Flipping objects.  Resizing and rotating objects, alignments and color palettes.  Bring forward, send backward, group / ungroup and lock /unlock tool.  Planning for I.C.T. Lab, Library, bedroom and buildings.  Software/Resource : Easiteach Math’s Problem solving & Black Cat Designer.  Class Assignment: Print outs :  Ex1 on page 62, Understanding of 2D and 3D shapes.  Ex2 on page 75 My Dream Playground and Ex3 on page 77 I.C.T. lab.  Class Assessment: Print outs :  Activity on page 81 Library plan.  Learning Outcomes: Enhancing Drawing and planning skill. With relevant picture insertion and text. Students show their creativity to enhance plan according to their interest.  21st Century Classroom Skill: Enhancing Drawing and planning skill. With relevant picture insertion and text. Students show their creativity to enhance plan according to their interest.

6 Spreadsheets  Lesson Objectives :  Understanding of spreadsheet, cell, row column, sheet, calculate, function and formula.  Mathematical calculations ; +, -, /, * and more using formulae.  Data modification and changes in result.  Entering, formatting data, printing  SUM and AVERAGE formulae.  Copying formulae and functions in entire column.  Understanding of moon and sun rotation around earth.  Earth rotation around it axis, Understanding through simulations.  Software/Resource : MS Excel 2003  Class Assignment: Print outs :  Ex1 to Ex 8, pages 86 and 87. Work on rotation of Earth, Sun and Moon.  Ex9 10 Ex 12,pages 105 to 108 for working in Spreadsheets  Class Assessment: Print outs :  Activity on page 109.  Learning Outcomes: Elaborating and understanding of calculations and databases through spreadsheets, their graphical and tabular representation.  21 st Century Classroom Skill : Enhancing calculating and analytical skills. Polishing marketing skills. Cultivating Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation (Bloom’s Taxonomy)

7 Modeling Effects and Computer Control  Lesson Objectives :  Controlling screen turtle.  Simple instruction to move the turtle in different directions.  Understanding of patterns and angles.  Procedures and short sequences to produce shapes.  Instructions :Pen color, Pen Style, Pen width, Pen up/down, Clear screen, clear text, Forward and backward, right and left, hide and show turtle and label.  Turtle turn and repeat.  Software/Resource : Black Cat LOGO  Class Assignment: Print outs :  Ex1 on page 122  Class Assessment : Print outs :  Activity on page 124.  Learning Outcomes: Understanding and learning short programming through sequences.Enhancing capability of making designs like LOGOS, ICONS and SYMBOLS..  21 st Century Classroom Skill : Provoking artistic skills, enhancing inventing skills and encouraging new ideas of innovative students. Polishing Self-Directing skills.


9 I.C.TECH.LAB INTEL inside STUPID outside! Thank you!

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