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Economic Growth US Growth over time. Growth 1994-2004 saw a 38% growth in real GDP As populations grow GDP must also Real GDP per capita- real GDP divided.

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1 Economic Growth US Growth over time

2 Growth 1994-2004 saw a 38% growth in real GDP As populations grow GDP must also Real GDP per capita- real GDP divided by total population. (per capita=per person). This can help determine standard of living and comparing nations. Standard of living and quality of life Consistent rise in Real GDP should improve them

3 Capital deepening Process of increasing the amount of capital per worker- Physical capital=equipment for production Human capital=training and education for workers Increase in output and worker’s wages Growth will occur in economy. More workers= more productivity=more good=more money

4 Savings and Investment Capital Deepening Savings-income not used for consumption Savings rate- proportion of disposable income that is saved. Complete figure 12.14 on page 321 Savings in retirement, banks, ultimately investments Banks and mutual funds make $$$$$ available to firms for capital deepening

5 Other examples Population impact *India- large population but little capital deepening *China- large population and increasing capital deepening Government effects- taxing = less investment Trade deficit can also hurt investment in economy

6 Technology Advance in technology will help with growth Technological progress- increasing efficiency by producing more without using more input Computers, robotics, new methods, etc,, 4 causes 1. Research 2. innovations 3. Scale of market 4. Education & Experience 5. Natural resources

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