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1 Introducing TEMPUS & ERASMUS+ Faculty of Economics Damascus University Dr. Riad Abdulraouf.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Introducing TEMPUS & ERASMUS+ Faculty of Economics Damascus University Dr. Riad Abdulraouf."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Introducing TEMPUS & ERASMUS+ Faculty of Economics Damascus University Dr. Riad Abdulraouf

2 2 Joint Project Action: Higher Education and Society Project Title: Modernizing Academic Teaching & Research Environment in Business & Economics at Lebanon and Syria Project Acronym: MATRE 544001-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE- TEMPUS-JPHES

3 3 Project’s Applicant and Partners P1: Oldenburg University (Germany) Applicant P2: Universidad de Alicante (Spain) P3: Vilnius University (Lituania) P4: Modern University for Business & Science (L) P5: Lebanese University (Lebanon) P6: Arab International University (Syria) P7: IUST (Syria) P8: Syrian Consulting Bureau for Development & Investment (Syria) P9: Damascus University (Syria)

4 4 Description of the Project Timing of the Project: 01/12/2013 – 30/11/2016 Objectives of the Project To boost research environment & to promote research culture To promote modernization of curricula & teaching skills & methods in the field of Business, Economics & Management To set & operate knowledge triangle (education, innovation, research) To propose policies & regulations in order to improve the research & teaching environment

5 5 Summary of the Project Research TeachingPolicy Analysis Knowledge Triangle

6 6 Work Packages WP1: Surveys & Analysis WP2: Establish the center and provide it with all required facilities WP3: Bonds building and networking WP4: Research skills development WP5: Reviewing & proposing the contents of the curricula WP6: Establishment of the centers knowledge resources WP7: Dissemination and visibility WP8: Policy advice WP9: Elaboration of a comprehensive sustainability plan WP10: Setting up and maintaining internal control WP11: Management of the project

7 7 Deliverables/ Outcomes WP1 Surveys & Analysis 1.1 kick-off meeting 1.2 Report on B-R environment 1.3 Seminar to present results 1.4 List of training areas

8 8 Project Budget

9 9 I. PROJECT COSTS € Direct costs 1Staff costs385893 2Travel costs/ Cost of Stay370526 3Equipment157000 4Printing and Publishing66000 5Other costs33300 Total Eligible Direct Costs1012719 Indirect Costs70890,33 TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS1083609,33 II. PROJECT FINANCE € ATempus Grant Requested975201,33 BCo-financing108408 TOTAL PROJECT FINANCE (A+B) 1083609,33

10 10 NameStaff Costs € Travel Costs EquipPrinting /Publsh Other costs Total Direct Co Indirect Costs Total eligible Costs OL133212751880111001850023800016660254660 UA286475089201000 815395707,7387246,73 VGT2049551176020001000746715226,9779897,97 UMUB S 68698389567300016450515020225414157,78216411,78 LU616564676655001200030001289229024,54137946,54 AIU233553450240000805041501100577703,99117760,99 IUST212003469655008400500702964920,7275216,72 CB716012242000194021358,1420760,14 DA21470261083300070000875786130,4693708,46 Total3858933705261570006600033300101271970890,331083609,3

11 11 Project Implementation E.1 The Project Rationale E.2 Quality of the Partnership E.3 The Project’s Content & Methodology E.4 Dissemination& Sustainability E.5 Budget and Cost Effectiveness

12 12 MATRE Objectives WPs Outcomes Management Control

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