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Presentation on theme: "RESOURCE EFFICIENCY IN LATIN AMERICA: ECONOMICS AND OUTLOOK 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives of the project  Offer an economic perspective to address the conceptual discussion on the importance of improving resource efficiency (RE) and reduce emission intensity to achieve sustainable development  Bring empiric evidence and analysis on the regional situation concerning this matter REEO - LAC

3 What is the report providing?  A better understanding of the links between resource efficiency (RE) and economy  Identify opportunities and needs  Identify lessons at national and regional scale: policies and public – private initiatives.

4 Activities 1. Recompile and analyze existing information 2. Suggest focus (methodology-themes guidelines) to debate in an initial discussion and validation workshop 3. Investigation: a) regional analysis of trends and perspectives; b) national case studies 4. Elaborate conclusions: derive policy lessons and implications (national – regional) 5. Preliminary report 7. Final report 6. Discussion and validation workshop 8. Elaborate targeted executive summaries specific for each target group 9. Develop dissemination activities of the report’s results

5 5 Land use Energy and climate change Water use Countries analyzed in-depth Thematic Areas

6 Results y Policy Recomendations Chapters VI and VII 1. Literature revision Chapter I 2. Indicators and tendencies analysis Chapters II and III 3. Analysis of policy tools and Case studies Chapter IV 4. Perspective scenarios 2010-2030 Chapter V

7 Report structure Chapters 1 and 2:  Concept revisions, literature and indicators relevant to focus the analysis  Detailed analysis of tendencies and regional perspectives in the evolution of a series of RE indicators. Specific attention to those related to air emissions, energy use, water use and contamination and those related to land use change.

8 FocusTool Macro Economic Adjusted net savings Environmental Economic Accounts Environmental sustainability Ecological footprint Development and environment Environmental Kuznets Curves Decoupling analysis MesoEconomicTrade and environment Environmental sustainability Carbon footprint Water footprint and Virtual water Analysis of use of materials or materials balance MicroEconomicCost-benefit analyzes Environmental sustainability Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Tools used to assess resource efficiency and its economic implications

9 Ecological footprint vs. biocapacity

10 Evolution of Energy Intensity

11 Virtual water balance (period 1997-2001), in GM3/year

12 Report structure Chapter 3:  Situation related to development and RE in the region;  Regional performance compared to other regions and also from the perspective of historical trends;  Preliminary projections for those variables whose data availability and reliability allow.  In which measure can resource efficiency contribute to improve long-term sustainability of the regional development?

13 Environmental indicators to determine pressure and impact in natural resources Source: PNUMA & RedMercosur (2011: 79)

14 Report structure Chapter 4:  Analysis of a number of experiences, policies and public – private initiatives associated to the key topics for the region  Twelve (12) case studies of relevant experiences  Lessons learned and pending challenges, are highlighted.

15 Case Studies List

16 Report structure Chapters 5, 6 and 7:  Ch. 5: Analysis of the scenarios developed base on the situation analysis in the countries and its implications on policies;  Ch. 6: General conclusions  Ch. 7: Recommendations for policy design, opportunities for regional and international cooperation and vision for the future


18 Recommendations

19 1.Dissemination of successful local experiences from local practices to a policy approach 2.Role of leadership, articulation, regulation and control by the State. 3.Promotion of public-private partnerships and agreements with different stakeholders. 4.In order to include the RE approach in public policies, it is essential to strengthen research capacities and improve the availability of environmental statistics. Recommendations I

20 5.National regulatory systems and productive strategies must consider the efficient and sustainable use of land, and the social and environmental impact of agricultural and livestock production 6.Improvements in institutional and regulatory engineering, along with the inclusion of incentives for the rational use of water, have proven to be successful tools for RE 7.The inclusion of energy efficiency and the rational use of energy from biomass require specific additional efforts Recomendations II

21 8.It is necessary to include climate change in the existing national development strategies 9.In order to limit the environmental impacts of primary activities, it is necessary to promote sustainability and efficiency initiatives both at the national and regional levels. 10.Economic implications of environmental impacts, which are already reflected in the requirements of export markets, have to be considered in terms of competitiveness and sustainability. Recomendations III

22 11.The promotion and implementation of sustainable consumption and production practices should be seen as a key issue in regional cooperation 12.Need of national, regional and international financial mechanisms to replicate successful initiatives. Recomendations IV

23 23 Please visit the project´s webpage:

24 Thank you for your attention Elisa Tonda UNEP / ROLAC Regional Officer – Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Consumption and Production E-mail: Reference websites: -


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