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Self-Certification What is it? Should it be adopted for Albuquerque?

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Presentation on theme: "Self-Certification What is it? Should it be adopted for Albuquerque?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-Certification What is it? Should it be adopted for Albuquerque?

2 Self-Certification is... a program that allows licensed architects and engineers, registered with the City, to self- certify that a project complies with all applicable laws and codes and the project can be approved without full review by plan examiners (though some 20% of applications are randomly selected for audit).

3 Is it New? Self-Certification programs have existed in New York City and Chicago for several years. 48% of new building applications to NY City Department of Buildings in 2006 were self-certified. City of Dayton, OH has a pilot program. AIA Phoenix was recently instrumental in the adoption of a self-certification program in Phoenix (modeled after Chicago).

4 Advantages? The chief advantage is the time saved in the permitting process for all projects. Earlier occupancy, rents, better materials prices. TI work, in particular, is positively affected. With a tight budget it may give the City the opportunity to re-assign personnel from plan check to other duties. Architects more directly assume the responsibility (and liability) they already have.

5 How Does It Work? (programs vary by city... following based on Phoenix) The architect applies to the City to become registered to self-certify projects. In addition to general information, and 3 yrs. of practice, 3-5 projects are listed for which the applicant was the architect of record. The architect attends a City-run training program for applicants. Typical fees run from $1,500-$2,500 for a 16 hr. training program. Qualified architect submits project (see flow chart).

6 Sample Flow Chart

7 What Stays the Same? Projects are valued as they would be for standard plan-check. Record Drawings may be required. Some additional fees may apply based on jurisdiction. Planning and Zoning. Field inspections are required.

8 What Projects Qualify? TI’s for business, mercantile, factory, assembly & Storage. New Residential and commercial to 4 stories. Landscape salvage, inventory and new landscapes. Grading/drainage & Parking lots.

9 What Doesn’t? Historic preservation Hillside projects Institutional projects Hazardous occupancies

10 AZ Program Links

11 What About My E & O? Preliminary indications from insurance agents in the Albuquerque area indicate there is no increase in liability beyond that already assumed by the design professional.

12 Should AIA-ABQ Pursue Self- Certification? Do you think this is a program we should have in Albuquerque? How do you feel about self-certification and the role of architects in the process?

13 More Information... http://arizonaselfcertification.com rovdrs/stand_plan/svcs/the_self- certificationprogram.html s/bldgs/provdrs/stand_plan/svcs/certified_correcti onsprogram.html hives/071018self.asp

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