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PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 Welcome to the 2008 Annual PFC Meeting July 21-22, 2008, Albuquerque, NM Hosted.

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Presentation on theme: "PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 Welcome to the 2008 Annual PFC Meeting July 21-22, 2008, Albuquerque, NM Hosted."— Presentation transcript:

1 PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 Welcome to the 2008 Annual PFC Meeting July 21-22, 2008, Albuquerque, NM Hosted by Sandia National Laboratories at the Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. NM Museum of Natural History & Science Museum is open from 10AM - 5PM. Admission $7 adults heartily encouraged but not included with the PFC Meeting Museum Café across entry lobby from meeting room Bathroom location: far end of café.

2 PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 PFC Meeting ABQ July 08  The PFC Group is a national working group chaired by Jeff Brooks. Its mission is coordination of programs that deal with PSI and HHFC and includes representation from DIII-D, C-MOD and NSTX/LTX.  The PFCG hold two annual meetings. Its Steering Committee holds conference calls roughly monthly.  The PFCG links to the overall fusion program via the VLT* and BPO** through its Engineering Sciences Topical Group (Uckan/Nygren, chairs) and its Boundary Plasma Topical Group (Rognlien/White chairs). *VLT (Virtual Laboratory for Technology), Stan Milora (ORNL), Dir. - focal point for coordination of US fusion technology programs **BPO (US Burning Plasma Org., Jim Van Damm (UT Austin), Ch. - umbrella organization for US fusion community, strong interactions with ITPA, STAC, etc., recommendations to US DOE/OFES.

3 PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 PFC Meeting ABQ July 08 Agenda & Attendees read the agenda look for names and subjects that interest you.

4 PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 PFC Meeting ABQ July 08 Monday, July 21, 2008 Session 1a: PFC Opening Session 8:30WelcomeNygren (SNL) 8:35PFC Steering Comm. Chr. ReportBrooks (Purdue) 8:45DOE ReportNardella (DOE) 9:00VLT ReportMilora (ORNL) Session 1b: Special Reports 9:15ITER LandscapeUlrickson (SNL) 9:35ITER First Wall R&D and TestingUlrickson (SNL) 9:55Future Path for ST DevicesMajeski (PPPL) Session 2: PMI Laboratory Experiments 10:30TPE & Related W StudiesKolasinski/Causey (SNL) 11:00… dpa damage.. D retention in WWampler (SNL) 11:15Erosion … Be & W in PISCES-BNishijima (UCSD) 11:30W.. mixed species plasmaBaldwin (UCSD) 11:45Update on Heat Pulsing results Umstader (UCSD) Lunch 1:00Ion sputt... lithiated ATJ.. IIAX Surla/Ibano (UIUC) 1:15.. SLiDE experimentJaworski (UIUC) 1:30Impurities.. CTIX, H-sensor Dev. Buchenauer (SNL) 1:45.. lab exp. lithiated graphite … NSTXAllain (Purdue) Monday, July 21, 2008 Session 3: Plasma Edge/PMI Modeling 2:00Sputt./transport.ITER,C-Mod,NSTX Brooks (Purdue) 2:20ITER heat loads.. model hot ion loss Rognlien (LLNL) 2:402D UEDGE... NSTX LLD Maingi (ORNL) 3:00ELM surface response ITER Hassanein (Purdue) 3:20Melt layer free-surface motion Morley (UCLA) Session 4: Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow 3:45IntroR. Nygren (Sandia) 3:50.. Thermal Perf. Gas-Cooled Divertor Modules Said/Yoda (Georgia Tech) 4:10.. He-cooled PFCs testsYouchison (Sandia) 4:30Thermal Control.. NSTX LLDNygren (Sandia) 4:45Joining Studies.. ITER FWGoods (Sandia) 5:00Validation of thermofluid simulations for PFCs Ying/Narula (UCLA) 5:15Adjourn

5 PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 PFC Meeting ABQ July 08 Tuesday July 22, 2008 Session 5: Tokamak Experiments 8:30Status of Li Exp. on NSTX Maingi (ORNL) 9:00Status of LTX.Majeski (PPPL) 9:20.. recent DiMES/MiMES exp.Rudakov (UCSD) 9:40.. Li in NSTX (2006/2007) Wampler (Sandia) 10:00Status of BW-meshWong (GA) 10:35Results..DIII-D Edge ProbesWatkins (Sandia) 10:55C-Mod PFC resultsB. Lipschultz (MIT) 11:10ITPA reportB. Lipschultz (MIT) Session 6: PSI-18: Report & Discussion 11:25Report on PSI-18 (Toledo)Hassenein (Purdue) 11:40Discussion and Issues for US PFC Programall Lunch Session 7: SBIR/STTR Funded Projects SBIR ProgramYouchison (Sandia) Ultramet P-II - PFCs Stewart HyperComp P-I.. blanket module:..computations and rapid turnaround capabilities Munipalli Plasma Processes P- II W Div Concept for He Jet Cooling O’Dell P-I Electrochem. Microalloy..W PFCs O’Dell Tuesday July 22, 2008 Acoustic Ideas P-II Phased array ultrasonic.. Lupien Technova P-I - Nanostructured Interfaces Soroushian Ultramet P-II Ultrahigh FCI for Dual-Coolant TBM Wright P-I Innovative Surfaces, Controlled Li FlowWright P-I High-Toughness W Alloys for PFCsWright P-I FCIs … Closed Cell SiC Foam Wright Session 8: Discussion of PFC Priorities 4:30PFC program priorities, resources, int’n’l opportunities, issues, mix - ITER/Liq.-Mets/Exp 5:40Adjourn [SC evening meeting] Wednesday June 23, 2008 Session 9: PFC Steering Committee Report Session 10: Liquid Metal, Adv. Concepts, Misc. 8:45LLD Installation status/plansKugel (PPPL) 9:15experiments to support LLD Morley (UCLA) 9:30Upgrade, … HHF RemovalBoyd (Prairie View) 9:40Super-X Divertor Concept Valanju (UT-Austin) 10:15Discussion Session 11: Discussions & Wrap-up

6 PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 PFC Meeting ABQ July 08 Opening Gene Nardella’s comments include the latest information on the solicitations for proposal as well as the latest on the OFES topical meetings. Stan Milora’s comments include STAC-III and BPO Special session (Mike Ulrickson) Status of ITER FW design, recent changes, IO personnel, US tasks and projected tasks, interest and capability of partners, etc (Mike Ulrickson) Ongoing program on US FW design development and R&D/testing, including EU FW testing in Czech facility and its related issues (Dick Majeski) How would the ST program address and resolve the most crucial scientific questions ahead of it for the this goal - startup and sustainment, transport, boundary physics?.

7 PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 PFC Meeting ABQ July 08 Summary of Plasma Edge/PMI modeling (Session 3) ITER, conventional PFCs: wall/div. fluxes, sputtering, transport – ITER with W-divertor/Be-wall: Brooks et al. Be growth near strike-pt, no growth elsewhere on divertor Be growth on non-divertor W surfaces; likely acceptable – ITER wall plasma near top X-pt: Rognlien et al. Low power flux (includes blob convection / excludes ELMs) High density cold plasma/neutral cloud exists Intermittent transport gives ~1/2 wall density/sputtering – ITER ELMs, VDEs and runaway electrons: Hassanein et al. ELM to C div. shows likely radiative melting of nearby W dome VDEs can overhead Be or W walls Runaway electrons (from disruptions) need mitigation (C-MOD result?)

8 PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 PFC Meeting ABQ July 08 Summary of Plasma Edge/PMI modeling (Session 3 continued) ITER, conventional PFCs: wall/div. fluxes, sputtering, transport – ITER wall melt layer instability from gas disruption mitigation: Morley et al. Rayleigh-Taylor instability of radiation-melted Be wall may remove Be – CMOD modeling of large local Mo erosion: Brooks et al. – DIII-D kinetic modeling of hot-ion tails to wall can be high: Rognlien et al. Non-conventional divertors: Liquid Li – NSTX modeling of edge plasma/Li transport: Stotler et al.; Brooks et al. Extensive analysis of transport coeff. to fit reference discharge Lower edge n, high T with Li pumping via reduced recycling Simple thermal response analysis shows maximum T could be reached – Flowing of liquid metals: Morley et al.

9 PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 PFC Meeting ABQ July 08 PFC Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow (Session 4) Gas & He cooled divertor modules Abdel-Kalik/Yoda (Georgia Tech) Modeling/testing (air, electrical heater) of FZK thimble & other mockups Testing of He-cooled PFCs Youchison (Sandia) HHF Tests and pressure drop of round Ultramet tubes with Mo mesh in 2006 (22.4 MW/m 2 ) and square tubes with Mo mesh underway in 2008. Plans: loop expansion to EB1200, goals of 100g/s, 1100C He in target. Thermal Control of LLD Nygren (SNL) Analysis of LLD heaters (48), minimize Li evap to maximize shot time. Joining for US ITER FW Goods (SNL) Studies of HIP processes for Be/Cu/CuCrZr (100MPa, 2hrs, 540-580C) and CuCrZr/Cu/SS with extensive testing gave successful results. 560C HIP & sputter deposited interlayer baseline and Cu/SS HIP at 980C, 100MPa, 2hr; adequate CuCrZr props: YS 205 MPa, UTS 330 MPa Thermofluid Simulations Narula/Ying (LANL) Impact of choices in Reynolds-averaged methods on model accuracy; test cases include He jet cooling in FZK perforated W-alloy thimble.

10 PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 PFC Meeting ABQ July 08 Session 7: SBIR/STTR funded work (9 projects) Acoustic Ideas Transducer dev., simulation software, FWQM scans, CuCrZr side difficult, design/fab for better QA, production phased array instrument Hypercomp Integrated CAE interface for multiphysics – TBM SC/Tetra, ANSYS, HIMAG Plasma Processes, Inc Aries CS Tee-tube, ElForm process, W alloying – Zr, B, C Technova, Inc Nano-engineered interfaces for HIPping C nanotubes, gold, W nano wires – compliance, more area Ultramet, Inc. W alloy dev., sol Re, Ta, HfC, HfN, TaC inclusions W{1,0,0}, W{1,1,0} SiC foam dev for FCI (open/closed), 500C PbLi ingress, w, w/o facesheets Dendritic structures for Li wetting Mo foam heat sink, circumferential flow

11 PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 PFC Meeting ABQ July 08 PFCG Discussion on Priorities, etc. (Session 8) JET collaboration, ITER-like wall No much topics completed Put together Venn diagram: EU list, machine 5 year plan lists, PFC lists, ITPA lists PFCG still very interested in all metal wall – another white paper referencing IAEA on US position 4-5M for collab on different machines How should we retool with KSTAR, EAST, JET-ILW, etc. - Is there a long run time advantage upon which we want to capitalize? Answer was no. Other advantages Redefine Quid-pro-quo – Longer term exchanges. They get expertise, we (US) get more help. Should PFC form (or reform) its happened. Existing own working group?

12 PFC Meeting Summary, RE Nygren -- FNST meeting, UCLA 12-14 August 2008 PFC Meeting ABQ July 08 PFCG Discussion on Priorities, etc. (Session 8 continued) ITER decisions should still be highest priority: –ITER FW material plan –Retention, Impact of fuzz –White paper (Ulrickson, Hassanien,…) Funding the experts we need given budget structure –Formal task agreements? Probably not OTHER Can we get the VLT into the BPO more (ITER Research Plan) Task group to digest greenwald and prepare preliminary response (not yet set) Should we have a PFC 5 year plan? No What about FSP? Wait and see who will propose and what DOE includes in scope in RFP LLD likely to be longer lived –More PFC Li work would seem justified but not advocated by DOE

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