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MITERRA-EUROPE Assessment of nitrogen flows in agriculture of EU-27

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Presentation on theme: "MITERRA-EUROPE Assessment of nitrogen flows in agriculture of EU-27"— Presentation transcript:

1 MITERRA-EUROPE Assessment of nitrogen flows in agriculture of EU-27
Oene Oenema, Jan Peter Lesschen & Gerard Velthof Wageningen University & Research Centre & 9 partners from 6 Member States

2 Outline Description of MITERRA-Europe Results Conclusions N emissions
NO3 concentrations Conclusions

3 MITERRA-EUROPE A tool for integrated assessment of N (C and P) emissions from agriculture in EU-27 at Member State and regional levels Developed for the European Commission Based on information from CAPRI and RAINS/GAINS Simple/rapid model; uniform approach for EU-27 Scenario analysis

4 Understanding the cause-effect-benefit relationships

Nitrogen (P and C) balances Ammonia, nitrous oxide, denitrification and methane emissions from animal housing, storage and soils Nitrate leaching to groundwater and surface water Effects of measures (policies) to mitigate ammonia and nitrate emissions NEC, IPPC, Nitrate Directive, Water Framework Directive scenarios Soil organic matter and C sequestration

6 Model concept for N; what comes in, must come out
N outputs: harvested crop NH3 N2O NOX N2 Atmosphere NH3 N2O NOX N2 Atmosphere Crop production: - Crop type Cropped area Management N inputs: N fertilizer BNF, N deposition Animal production: - Animal species Animal number Management manure feed N outputs: milk, meat, egg NH4+ NO3- DON Npart NH4+ NO3- DON Npart Groundwater & surface waters

7 Scales Spatial: Temporal 27 Member States year Nuts 2 level
Nitrate Vulnerable Zones Country level Temporal year

8 Input data FAO, Eurostat Fertilizer (national), yields
CAPRI (Eurostat) Crop types and areas Distribution of animals over NUTS II RAINS Animal types, number and N excretion Manure management system JRC Soil and meteorological data NVZ maps Alterra N contents of crops Crop residues Grassland area and yields

9 Calculations Variabele Method
Fertilizer and manure distribution on Nuts 2 level Distribution based on N demand, N input, crops N and P surpluses Soil surface balance (OECD approach) Emission of NH3, N2O, NOx, CH4 Emission factors (~from RAINS) Leaching and denitrification (N2): Manure storage Runoff Large surface water Groundwater and small surface water Site specific leaching fractions


11 N leaching pathways Leaching from stored manure
Surface run-off from fields Shallow leaching to surface waters Leaching to below rooting zone

12 Site-specific leaching and surface-runoff fractions
Slope, land-use, precipitation surplus, depth to rock, Application rate manure and fertilizer Leaching fractions Precipitations surplus, temperature, soil texture, land-use, rooting depth, soil organic C content, Nitrogen surplus


14 N leaching to groundwater, kg ha-1 yr-1
Shallow N leaching to surface waters, kg ha-1 yr-1 Runoff of N, kg ha-1 yr-1 N leaching to groundwater, kg ha-1 yr-1

15 Nitrate concentration in shallow groundwater,
mg NO3 l-1

16 Ammonia emissions kg N ha-1

17 Fate of N surplus (total N balance)

18 Results of policy scenarios
2020, NH3 measures Results of policy scenarios 28/03/2017 2020, current trend 100% NH3 emission NO3 leaching 2020, NO3 measures N2O emission 2020, NO3 measures, low N feed 2020, NO3 measures, NH3 measures 50% Schatting van implementatie zoals verwacht, geen volle implementatie (extra efforts) Baseline

19 Conclusions MITERRA-EUROPE applies a uniform and integrated approach for agriculture in EU-27 N balances on regional level N leaching and gaseous N emissions NO3 concentration in shallow groundwater Scenario analyses EU Agriculture

20 Developments; links of MITERRA with other models
RAINS/GAINS CAPRI CCAT tool (Cross Compliance Assessment Tool): Eururalis  land use: INTEGRATOR (Nitroeurope):

21 References
Oenema, O., D. Oudendag and G.L.Velthof (2007) Nutrient losses from manure management in the European Union. Livestock Sciences 112, 261–272. Velthof GL, D Oudendag, HP Witzke, WAH Asman, Z Klimont and O Oenema (2008) Assessment of nitrogen emissions in EU-27 using the integrated model MITERRA-EUROPE. Journal of Environmental Quality (in press). Oenema, O., H.P. Witzke, Z. Klimont, J.P. Lesschen, and G.L. Velthof (2008) Integrated assessment of promising measures to decrease nitrogen losses from agriculture in EU-27. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment (submitted)

22 28/03/2017 Thank you! © Wageningen UR


24 P balance on country level

25 Validation/test: NO3 leaching

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