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HLT architecture
TPC FEE FEC (Front End Card) CHANNELS (CLOSE TO THE READOUT PLANE) DETECTOR Power consumption: < 40 mW / channel L1: 5ms 200 Hz 8 CHIPS x 16 CH / CHIP 8 CHIPS x 16 CH / CHIP drift region 88ms L2: < 100 ms 200 Hz Digital Circuit gating grid PASA ADC RAM anode wire DDL (4096 CH / DDL) 570132 PADS pad plane CUSTOM IC (CMOS 0.35mm) CUSTOM IC (CMOS 0.25mm ) CSA SEMI-GAUSS. SHAPER 1 MIP = 4.8 fC S/N = 30 : 1 DYNAMIC = 30 MIP BASELINE CORR. TAIL CANCELL. ZERO SUPPR. 10 BIT < 10 MHz MULTI-EVENT MEMORY GAIN = 12 mV / fC FWHM = 190 ns
ADC Adaptive Baseline Correct. I Tail Cancel. Adaptive Baseline Correct. II Data Format. Multi-Event Memory + - 10- bit 20 MSPS 11- bit CA2 arithmetic 18- bit CA2 arithmetic 11- bit arithmetic 40-bit format 40-bit format SAMPLING CLOCK 20 MHz READOUT CLOCK 40 MHz 0.25 mm (ST) area:64mm2 power:29 mW / ch SEU protection DIGITAL TAIL CANCELLATION PERFORMANCE ADC counts DIGITAL PROCESSOR & CONTROL LOGIC 8 ADCs MEMORY ADC counts Time samples (170 ns)
Data compression: Entropy coder
Probability distribution of 8-bit TPC data Results: NA49: compressed event size = 72% ALICE: = 65% (Arne Wiebalck, diploma thesis, Heidelberg) Variable Length Coding short codes for long codes for frequent values infrequent values
RCU design – control flow
TTCrx SIU controller FEE bus controller DDL command decoder FEE SC RCU resource & priority manager State machines Huffman encoder Slow control Watch dog: health agent Debugger PCI core
RCU design - data flow Shared memory modules TTC controller
TTCrx registers FEE bus controller Event memory SIU controller fifo FEE bus controller Event fragment pointer list SIU Huffman encoder FEE bus controller Configuration memory Slow control
Data compression: TPC - RCU
TPC front-end electronics system architecture and readout controller unit. Pipelined Huffman Encoding Unit, implemented in a Xilinx Virtex 50 chip* * T. Jahnke, S. Schoessel and K. Sulimma, EDA group, Department of Computer Science, University of Frankfurt
RCU prototypes Prototype I Prototype II Prototype III RCU production
Commercial OEM-PCI board FEE-board test (ALTRO + FEE bus) SIU integration Qtr 3, 2001 – Qtr 2, 2002 Prototype II Custom design All functional blocks PCB: Qtr 2, 2002 Implementation of basic functionality (FEE-board -> SIU): Qtr 2, 2002 Implementation of essential functionalty: Qtr 4, 2002 Prototype III SRAM FPGA -> masked version or Antifuse FPGA (if needed) RCU production Qtr 2, 2003
RCU prototype I Commercial OEM-PCI board ALTERA FPGA APEX EP20K400
SRAM 4 x 32k x 16bits PMC I/O connectors (178 pins) Buffered I/O (72 pins)
RCU prototype I Implementation of basic test functionality
FEE boards trigger Implementation of basic test functionality FEE-board test (ALTRO + FEE bus) SIU integration FEE-bus daughter board PMC PCI bus FPGA APEX20k400 PCI core I/O internal SRAM SIU card 4 x 32k x 16 FLASH EEPROM onboard SRAM
RCU prototype II Implementation of essential functionality
Custom design All functional blocks SC TTC FEE-bus PCI bus SIU-CMC interface PCI core FPGA internal SRAM SIU > 2 MB FLASH EEPROM Memory D32
RCU prototype II - schematics
JN2A CIA miscellaneous JN1 JN2 Flash (1.8V Gen.) Power SRAM Flash Flash JN3 JN4 JN5 SDRAM SRAM APEX Connectors
RCU prototype II – RCU mezzanine
RCU Mezzanine Card Components on top side No maximum height restriction Front-End Bus Conn 1 Front-End Bus Conn 2
RCU prototype II - schematics
SIU / DIU mezzanine card (1/2 CMC) RCU Mezzanine Card Components on top side No maximum height restriction Front-End Bus Conn 1 Front-End Bus Conn 2 CIA miscellaneous JN1 JN2 JN2A Flash (1.8V Gen.) Power SRAM Flash Flash JN3 JN4 JN5 SDRAM SRAM APEX Connectors
Programming model Development version – status December 2001 PC
LINUX RH7.1 (2.4.2) PCI-tools RCU-API device driver PCI core mailbox memory PLDA board SIU controller FEE bus controller ALTRO emulator FEE bus SIU ALTRO emulator DDL
SIU-RORC integration RCU prototype I pRORC LINUX/NT PLDA/PCI-tools
RCU-API devicer driver SIU FPGA interface SIU controller PCI core SIU SRAM PCI bus DDL pRORC LINUX DDL/PCI-tools pRORC-API device driver DIU PCI bridge Glue logic interface DIU PCI bus
SIU-RORC integration Result data control PC1: write memory block to FPGA internal SRAM PC1 memory block PC2: allocate bigphys area, init link + pRORC RCU internal SRAM SIU controller: wait for READY-TO-RECEIVE PC2: send DDL-FEE command READY-TO-RECEIVE SIU SIU controller: strobe data into SIU DDL DIU pRORC: copy data into bigphys area via DMA = PC2 ”bigphys” memory area
RCU system for TPC test 2002 RCU prototype II/I pRORC Trigger
FEE-bus FEE-boards LINUX RH7.x DATE PLDA/PCI-tools RCU-API devicer driver SIU FPGA interface RCU prototype II/I FEE-bus controller SIU controller Manager PCI core SIU SRAM FLASH ext. SRAM PCI bus DDL LINUX RH7.x DATE DDL/PCI-tools pRORC-API device driver DIU PCI bridge Glue logic interface DIU pRORC PCI bus
Programming model TPC test version – summer 2002 DATE FEE configurator
LINUX RH7.1 (2.4.2) PCI-tools RCU-API device driver PCI core mailbox memory Prototype II (Prototype I) SIU controller RCU resource & priority manager FEE bus controller FEE bus SIU FEE boards DDL
TPC PCI-RORC PCI bus FPGA Memory DIU - CMC PCI bridge Coprocessor
Glue logic D32 interface internal 2 MB DIU card SRAM FLASH EEPROM 2 MB Memory D32
HLT architecture overview
Optical Links to Front - End Not a specialized computer, but a generic large scale (>500 node) multi processor cluster A few nodes have additional hardware (PCI RORC) has to be operational in off-line mode also Use of commodity processors Use of commodity networks Reliability and fault tolerance is mandatory Use standard OS (Linux) Use of on-line disks as mass storage Receiver Processos / HLT Processor RcvBd RcvBd RcvBd RcvBd RcvBd RcvBd RcvBd RcvBd RcvBd RcvBd RcvBd RcvBd NIC PCI PCI NIC NIC NIC PCI PCI NIC NIC NIC PCI PCI NIC NIC NIC PCI PCI NIC NIC Distributed Farm Controller HLT Network NIC PCI PCI NIC NIC PCI NIC NIC Monitoring Server NIC PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC HLT Processors
HLT - Cluster Slow Control
Features: Battery Backed Completely independent of host Power Controller Remote powering of host Reset Controller Remote physical RESET PCI Bus perform PCI bus scans, identify devices Floppy/flash emulator create remotely defined boot image Keyboard driver remote keyboard emulation Mouse driver remote mouse emulation VGA replace graphics card price very low cost Functionality: complete remote control of PC like terminal server but already at BIOS level intercept port 80 messages (even remotely diagnose dead computer) interoperate with remote server, providing status/error information watch dog functionality identify host and receive boot image for host RESET/Power maintenance
HLT Networking (TPC only)
All data rates in kB/sec (readout not included here) 92 000 spare 7 000 65 000 92 000 spare 180 links, 200 Hz 92 000 spare 65 000 7 000 92 000 160 Hz TRD with 4 sectors corresponds to 57 Hz use 60 Hz full readout as baseline Raw Event in 515 kB per receiver processor Assume space points are about ½ of 8-bit raw data average space point size per receiver processor 215 kB Track segments are factor 10 smaller than appropriate space points ? aggregate cluster finder nodes Track segments nodes Track merger 72+36 nodes Global L3 12 nodes Assume 40 Hz coinzidence trigger plus 160 Hz TRD pretrig with 4 sectors per trigger
HLT Interfaces HLT is autonomous system with high reliability standards (part of data path) HLT has a number of operating modes on-line trigger off-line processor farm possibly combination of both very high input data rates (20 GB/sec) high internal networking requirements HLT front-end is first processing layer Goal: same interface for data input, internal data exchange and data output HLT internal, input and output interface Publish/subscribe: When local do not move data – Exchange pointers only Separate processes, multiple subscribers for one publisher Network API and architecture independent Fault tolerant (can loose node) Consider monitoring Standard within HLT and for input and output Demonstrated to work on both shared memory paradigm and sockets Very light weight Performance measurement was done on ordinary 700 MHz PC (December 2000)
HLT system structure Pattern Recognition (Sub)-event Reconstruction
TRD trigger PHOS trigger Dimuon trigger Trigger detectors Level-1 Pattern Recognition TPC: fast cluster finder + fast tracker Hough transform + cluster evaluator Kalman fitter Dimuon arm tracking Level-3 Extrapolate to ITS ... Extrapolate to TOF Extrapolate to TRD (Sub)-event Reconstruction
Preprocessing per sector
RCU raw data, 10bit dynamic range, zero suppressed Huffman encoding (and vector quantization) detector front-end electronics Huffman decoding, unpacking, 10-to-8 bit conversion fast cluster finder: simple unfolding, flagging of overlapping clusters RORC fast track finder initialization (e.g. Hough transform) cluster list fast vertex finder Hough histograms Peakfinder receiver node global node vertex position raw data
FPGA coprocessor: cluster finder
Fast cluster finder up to 32 padrows per RORC up to 141 pads/row and up to 512 timebins/pad internal RAM: 2x512x8bit timing (in clock cycles, e.g. 5 nsec)1: #(cluster-timebins per pad) / 2 + #clusters outer padrow: 150 nsec/pad, 21 sec/row centroid calculation: pipelined array multiplier 1. Timing estimates by K. Sulimma, EDA group, Department of Computer Science, University of Frankfurt
FPGA coprocessor: Hough transformation
Fast track finder: Hough transformations2 (row,pad,time)-to-(2/R,,) transformation (n-pixel)-to-(circle-parameter) transformation feature extraction: local peak finding in parameter space 2. E.g. see Pattern Recognition Algorithms on FPGAs and CPUs for the ATLAS LVL2 Trigger, C. Hinkelbein et at., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 47 (2000) 362.
Processing per sector RORC receiver node raw data, 8bit dynamic range,
decoded and unpacked vertex position, cluster list slicing of padrow-pad-time space into sheets of pseudo-rapidity, subdiving each sheet into overlapping patches RORC sub-volumes in r,, fast track finder B: 1. Hough transformation fast track finder A: track follower fast track finder B: 2. Hough maxima finder, 3. tracklett verification track segments receiver node cluster deconvolution and fitting updated vertex position updated cluster list, track segment list
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