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CIFRE Grants for PhD – A few numbers Thomas Deschamps French consulate in San Francisco.

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1 CIFRE Grants for PhD – A few numbers Thomas Deschamps French consulate in San Francisco

2 Purpose To give PhD students exposure to two different environments : public research laboratory and industry To boost research and exchanges between academic laboratories and companies

3 Organization by ANRT 3 year contract with minimum gross annual salary of 23,5k Company receives 1k/year for 3 years Partnership contract Enrolled each year in doctoral school attached of laboratory Research Laboratory Company PhD Student

4 Progress report 14k PhDs awarded since 1981 7k companies involved 4k academic laboratories involved > 2k patents 20% foreign students in 2011

5 A few numbers

6 Testimonial My joint work at CNRS and Philips Research Lab on Computer Vision for Medical Imaging & Diagnostics Application

7 More information?

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