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1. 2 Why are Result & Impact Indicators Needed? To better understand the positive/negative results of EC aid. The main questions are: 1.What change is.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Why are Result & Impact Indicators Needed? To better understand the positive/negative results of EC aid. The main questions are: 1.What change is."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 Why are Result & Impact Indicators Needed? To better understand the positive/negative results of EC aid. The main questions are: 1.What change is needed? 2.For whom? 3.How to measure this change?

3 3 Why are Result & Impact Indicators Needed? 1. Assist EC country teams to develop a set of indicators for the programming level (e.g. to guide development and monitoring of a Country Strategy Paper) 2. To fill, as much as possible, the 'missing middle' between implementation indicators and global impact indicators

4 4 The Missing Middle Outputs Results (Outcomes) Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Implementation Programming

5 5 Education MDGs MDG 2 Achieve Universal Primary Education MDG 3 Promote Gender Equality & Empower Women Quality Learning/ Skills Access (at all levels) It is generally acknowledged that Uganda has been successful in improving access, but it is felt that this was at the cost of the quality of education. Netherlands Education Sector Evaluation of Uganda, 2008 School enrolment has increased …[but] weak governance outcomes remain, such as teacher absenteeism and the associated lack of teaching activity in schools. EC India Evaluation, 2007 More than 90% of children in developing countries are enrolled in primary schools and 54% attend secondary school. UNDP Website

6 6 Education Intervention Logic Institutional Management Curricula & Teaching Materials Teacher Recruitment & Training Education Facilities Health Better Allocation of Educational Resources Increased Affordability of Education Optimal Employment Skills and Learning Enhancement Equitable Access to Education Quality of Education Greater Income Opportunities Economic Growth Social Development Poverty Reduction Output Clusters Results (Outcomes) Specific Impact Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Improved Participation in Society Improved Family Planning & Health Awareness MDG 3 MDG 2 MDG 1

7 7 Result (Outcome) Indicators 1 Institutional Management Curricula & Teaching Materials Teacher Recruitment & Training Education Facilities Health Better Allocation of Educational Resources Increased Affordability of Education Optimal Employment Output Clusters Results (Outcomes) Indicators 1.Transparent decision making 2.Cost for household 13.Employment: school/university construction and maintenance 14.Employment: teachers and government workers

8 8 Result (Outcome) Indicators 2 Institutional Management Curricula & Teaching Materials Teacher Recruitment & Training Education Facilities Health Better Allocation of Educational Resources Increased Affordability of Education Optimal Employment Equitable Access to Education Quality of Education Output Clusters Results (Outcomes) Indicators 3.Absenteeism & Drop Out 4.Teacher ratios/rates 5.Qualification of teachers 6.Teaching material ratios 7.Transition & Repetition 8.Equitable education participation 9.Enrolment rate 10.Completion rate 11.Distance to school/university 12.School and university places

9 9 Specific Impact Indicators Institutional Management Curricula & Teaching Materials Teacher Recruitment & Training Education Facilities Health Better Allocation of Educational Resources Increased Affordability of Education Optimal Employment Skills and Learning Enhancement Equitable Access to Education Quality of Education Output Clusters Results (Outcomes) Specific Impact Indicators 15.Literacy & Numeracy rates 16.Examination results 17.Social views

10 10 Intermediate Impact Indicators Institutional Management Curricula & Teaching Materials Teacher Recruitment & Training Education Facilities Health Better Allocation of Educational Resources Increased Affordability of Education Optimal Employment Skills and Learning Enhancement Equitable Access to Education Quality of Education Greater Income Opportunities Output Clusters Results (Outcomes) Specific Impact Intermediate Impacts Indicator Improved Participation in Society Improved Family Planning & Health Awareness 18.Employability

11 11 The Missing Middle Outputs Results (Outcomes) Specific Impacts Intermediate Impacts Global Impacts Implementation Programming

12 12 Attention 1. This is a simplified tool, not a template. Intervention logic must be developed for each country based on its context and existing government strategies 2. Indictors are not fixed but provide ideas on how to set, monitor and evaluate CSP objectives 3. Crosscutting issues should be mainstreamed into relevant indicators (e.g. disaggregation of data by gender) 4. Outcomes/Impact are not fully attributable to the EC Outputs are 100% attributable to the EC but attribution falls as you move up the chain of results

13 13 List of Key Indicators (with examples) Affordability Result (Outcome) Indicators 1. Transparent decision making - Implementation of transparent mechanisms to allocate resources between sectors (e.g. using tools such as average cost ratios per student for different educational levels) 2. Cost for Household - Cost of education (i.e. fees, materials/equipment, lunches etc) as a % of household expenditure; cost per student as a % of income per capita Quality Result (Outcome) Indicators 3. Absenteeism and drop out - Teacher/student absenteeism rates; drop out rates 4. Teacher ratios/rates - Student teacher ratio; rate of double shifting 5. Qualification of teachers - Average qualification of teachers at each educational level 6. Teaching material ratios - Student textbook ratio 7. Transition and repetition - Progression rates; repetition rates Access Result (Outcome) Indicators 8. Equitable educational participation - Ratio of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education; ratio of other disadvantaged groups compared to x% of population 9. Enrolment rate - Gross and net enrolment rates 10. Completion rate - Gross and net enrolment rates Specific Impact Indicators 15. Literacy and numeracy rates - Literacy and numeracy rates by age, sex and social group 16. Examination results - Examination results for various educational levels and subject areas by age, sex & social group 17. Social views - Support for violent conflict; prejudiced views towards other social groups Intermediate Impact Indicators 18. Employability - % of school leavers/graduates gaining paid employment (split by type of employment) Optimal Employment Result (Outcome) Indicators 13. Employment: school/university construction and maintenance - Number of people directly and indirectly employed in school/university construction and maintenance 14. Employment: teachers and government workers - Number of people directly & indirectly employed as teachers and government workers linked to education sector 11. Distance to school/university - x% of students within x kilometre of a school 12. School and university places - Educational places as an x% of eligible students

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