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Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… Virtual Machine Technolgy Deployment at Fleet Numerical.

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Presentation on theme: "Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… Virtual Machine Technolgy Deployment at Fleet Numerical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… Virtual Machine Technolgy Deployment at Fleet Numerical Mr. Sky Paxton 1

2 Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… Introduction Why Virtualize A2 Enterprise Cloud Potential Benefits Our Plan To Virtualize Physical or Virtual Separation Service Level Agreements FNMOC virtualization Future Logical Steps High Level Overview Summary 2

3 Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… Why is FNMOC Virtualizing ? Get more out of our existing resources: By pooling common infrastructure resources we break the legacy “one application to one physical server” model with server consolidation. Reduce datacenter costs by reducing our physical infrastructure and increasing server to admin ratio: Fewer physical servers means reduced real estate, reduced power and cooling requirements. Better management tools improve server to admin ratios so personnel requirements can be reduced. Increase availability of hardware and applications for automated fault tolerance Planned and unplanned downtimes are of no significant impact to operations. Recovery can be automated and nearly immediate. We gain operational flexibility: We can respond to emerging changes with dynamic resource management, faster server provisioning and application deployment. With built in tools we can profile legacy application for better future planning. Improve application manageability and security: Deploy, manage and monitor application resources to determine and anticipate future requirements. Applications operating outside of determined norms can be isolated and forensics performed while previous known application server states are returned to operations 3

4 Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… A2 Enterprise Cloud 4

5 Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… Potential Benefits Standardization across the enterprise: As standard infrastructure servers are “Hardened” for Information Assurance, these secure, hardened server images can be shared with other other agencies. This will allows us to create and leverage a globally-consistent infrastructure with a management and security model. We can easily move computing workloads from internal virtualized infrastructure to external private clouds within our enterprise and back. Reduce the time admins spend applying security patches: Image owners within the enterprise will share security patch updates by distributing new “Golden” images eliminating several sites from all performing the same update steps and risks to operations while be proofed and validated. Virtual separation of operating zones will reduce the need for increased hardware infrastructure: This reduces the number and complexity of systems and networks requiring less administrative management. This is currently an industry standard that is being reviewed by adopted at NSA. Automation: New virtual servers can be placed into operation based on increased demand of services and established service level agreements. Service Level Agreements : Applications running on virtual servers provide very accurate resource profiles. These profiles can be used to establish service level agreements to determine future budget estimates based on shared usage. 5

6 Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… What do we plan to virtualize? Currently there are two types of server virtualization: –The first are the servers used to host and run applications with all their support infrastructure. Commonly referred to as the “Data Center”. These are the meat and potatoes of the data center. Application servers, data servers, web servers, identity servers, management servers, etc… – The second is the user experience at the desktop keyboard and all the day to day work accomplished on their local system. This is a Windows, Mac or Linux system with access to programs for web browsing, word processing, spreadsheets and developer tools. For most of us this function is handled by NMCI. The next generation of NMCI will be virtually managed systems. Virtualization of HPC will be possible in the near future : –This opportunity will bring further consolidation, standardization and automation potential while reducing the number of admins needed to provide the car and feeding of large system. –With increased numbers of cores and greater memory density many smaller FNMOC models will run with at least as well by wall clock time as they do on dedicated servers but without the reservation overhead needed in today’s Watch Run. 6

7 Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… Physical or Virtual Separation? Current ODAA directives limit the true value: The designs and benefits of the industry standard data center are not possible at this time within the IA framework imposed on FNMOC. Marginal gains are possible only within a single isolation zone as current IA interpretation only recognizes true physical air gaps as separation. The future is dependent on accreditations by agencies: Virtual separation is an accepted practice at financial institutions, medical establishments with private information, and 470 of the Fortune 500 businesses at this time. When will government directives catch up and expand definitions to include the better monitored and more easily isolated virtual domains? This is in process throughout DISA and DON agencies. We hope very soon before the next disruptive technology. 7

8 Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… Service Level Agreements 8 Management by SLA is possible. High and low limits of the hardware resource usage from the built-in management tools are used to establish application profiles. These metrics are the building blocks for automation of resource allocation. Volume or capacity - Quantity of cores, memory, I/O that answer how much do I need ? Quality - Conformance to user requirements for expected use. Responsiveness – Timeliness - Does it meet/exceed Wall clock time to completion expectations? Efficiency - cost or effort per unit / how much resource reservation is required?

9 Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… FNMOC Virtualization The Remote User Development Environment, known locally as ADE, reduced from 70 physical servers to 8 physical servers with the only comments from local users being they thought it seemed to run faster. An ~90% percent reduction in physical systems with savings in power and space. The ATOS2 suite of 250+ physical servers is partially migrated to virtual systems with an ~75% reduction. These are currently located in four physically separate IA zones. 9

10 Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… Future Logical Steps Merge multiple zones into a single resource pool with virtual separation providing security boundaries. Virtual Desktop support for internal systems that matches NPS and the new NMCI replacement. Private Cloud services and hosting shared with high availability and fault tolerance through the enterprise. Virtualize storage pools for better capacity and disk performance allocation on demand. Application Profiling to provide more comprehensive future growth planning. Smaller non latency dependent HPC Models to run in virtual space on demand. Provides better core utilization. Stabilize and standardize the intra-year cpu variations when multiple node buys in a single year spans several Intel processors types. Move to a single managed system that can be expanded and reduced by the simple addition of more “nodes” across life cycle support boundaries with minimal impact on IA. 10

11 Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… High Level View 11

12 Fleet Numerical… Supercomputing Excellence for Fleet Safety and Warfighter Decision Superiority… Summary Virtualization is a proven technology used within industry and will shape the way we do business in the future. While clouds are the direction industry is going Private clouds and shared services will be a first step within our enterprise The consolidation of server functions into fewer physical servers saves money and real estate Understanding Service level agreements to measure success and provide the first steps to automation is crucial The tools that encapsulate virtual servers provide application profiling to a degree never before possible. Future application requirements and fiscal projections will become more closely tied to actual use and not predictions. 12

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