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IPA Budget Proposals 2008 Prepared by David Tuckett for the European Presidents and Representatives with grateful acknowledgement to Simon Shutler and.

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Presentation on theme: "IPA Budget Proposals 2008 Prepared by David Tuckett for the European Presidents and Representatives with grateful acknowledgement to Simon Shutler and."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPA Budget Proposals 2008 Prepared by David Tuckett for the European Presidents and Representatives with grateful acknowledgement to Simon Shutler and Henk Jan Dalewyk

2 Relationships and Purposes The joint meeting brings together the Presidents of all European Societies, the 7 European Representatives on the IPA Board and the EPF Executive. The IPA Budget is proposed by the Executive and Finance Committee to the IPA Board in January. Comments on its priorities are sought by the European Representatives and the IPA generally.

3 The IPA Strategic Plan and Budget The IPA President set out some strategic priorities broadly agreed at a Board Meeting in Berlin in July. to encourage the development and improvement of good analytic practice; to strengthen the relationship of the IPA with its members, candidates, Constituent Organizations and regional bodies; to expand the relationship with society at large. The figures used in the charts that follow are those proposed at this stage by the Executive and Budget and Finance Committees. The question is what to do under those headings and in what proportions to devote money and energy to those tasks. It is the job of the Board to make final decisions on these matters in January.


5 Questions: Member Services take 22%, Professional, Scientific and Educational 12% and Outreach 12%. Are these the right proportions. Governance takes 26%. Is this value for money? What steps can be taken to assess value for money for those expenditures?


7 WebSite Plan Website development has received approximately $288,000 since 2001. A further $86,000 on the website is now proposed. Will this money be well spent? Have alternative options been sufficiently pursued? Is the issue one of improving function or content? Does the IPA website duplicate or add to Society websites? The 2008 proposal aims to improve functionality in a general way and also to add to information – including about psychoanalysis as one of the talking treatments. Can we usefully agree on this sort of thing across 100 societies? Is this a good use of IPA resources or is this a local matter? Should the IPA (continue to) develop its own identity or rather focus on being a resource to societies?

8 Publications and New Magazine Publications had a mandate to the end of 2007 and a 5 year plan to break even by now. It’s sales to date of about $100k represent a deficit so far of $452k. It is planned to spend a further $106,000 on publications but the new income anticipated is only $26,000, bringing losses to $532,000. Is this a member benefit and good use of resource? The News Magazine costs $64,000. How many people value it and are there better ways to spend this money – particularly as electronic means of distribution exist at a fraction of the cost?

9 Research The budget for the research committee has not been set in detail. The Finance Committee proposes to limit the total research budget to $250,000 introducing a cut of $63K. The FC wants a discussion about the research budget and whether it should be more focused. In 2007 the three main items were the Research Advisory Board (which makes research grants) costing $160K, the Research Training Programme (a summer school training psychoanalysts to do research) $69k and a Conceptual Research Workshop (18K)


11 Outreach Questions The DPPT project has very different projects. Are they succeeding in terms of their aims? What evidence should the Board require to know other money is spent with clear aims and clear results. This last point can be repeated for all succeeding slides?





16 Priorities The previous slide shows the priorities selected in the budget. These priorities are supported by substantial staff and headquarters spending. Have we got this right? How can we think about alternatives? For example, ending new expenditure on publications and new website development would release at least $193,000 for alternative projects; It could, for example, be aimed at activities aimed at raising the core standards of IPA analysts clinical work and educational efforts.

17 Finance Committee Proposals Several important proposals will be made in New York about future budgeting procedures: 1. The Board review all Committee mandates to provide them with a specific lifetime and objectives. 2. The Board should review the strategy of the Publications and Research committees and their mandates. 3. The DPPT programme should not continue beyond 2009. 4. The IPA should allocate $100,000 surplus funds from 2007 to its 100 year anniversary celebration. 5. All IPA Developmental Activities (setting up new groups, allied centres, etc) should be renewed.

18 Priorities discussed in the European Representatives Group The finance committee proposals did not reach us in time for discussion but our general conclusions are: To agree strongly with the idea all major activities should be examined in regard to their objectives and mandates. In the specific areas of the website and publications we felt this was particularly necessary and that new expenditure should not be committed to new projects until this happens and has been approved by the Board.

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