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Basic Chest Radiology for the TB Clinician
PRESENTATION MATERIALS Basic Chest Radiology for the TB Clinician Adapted from the ISTC TB Training Modules 2009
Basic Radiology for the TB Clinician
Objectives: At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: Analyze the technical quality of chest X-rays (CXRs) using simple parameters Identify basic normal CXR anatomy on both frontal and lateral views Recognize radiographic patterns of disease and describe using appropriate terminology Describe both the typical and atypical patterns of radiographic presentation for pulmonary tuberculosis 2
Basic Radiology for the TB Clinician (2)
Overview: Technical aspects of chest radiography Systematic approach to reading CXR Basic CXR anatomy Patterns of disease Radiographic manifestations of tuberculosis (TB) [Image Credit: Lung Health Image Library/Gary Hampton] 3
Chest Radiography: Basic Principles
X-ray photon: Absorbed / scattered / transmitted X-ray absorption depends on: Beam energy (constant) Tissue density Maximum X-Ray Transmission (least dense tissue) Absorption (densest tissue) Blackest air fat soft tissue calcium bone X-ray contrast metal Whitest 4
Differential X-Ray Absorption
Why we see what we see: Structures are visible on a radiograph because of the juxtaposition of two different densities creating an interface Silhouette Sign Loss of an expected interface No boundary can be seen between two structures because they now are similar in density Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 5
Silhouette Sign: RLL Pneumonia
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 6
Silhouette Sign: RLL Pneumonia
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 6
Assess CXR Technical Quality
Inspiratory effort 9-10 posterior ribs Penetration thoracic intervertebral disc space just visible Positioning / rotation medial clavicle heads equidistant from spinous process 7
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco
8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 8 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 8 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 8 12
Inspiratory Effort Low Lung Volumes Full Inspiration 9
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 9
Exposure Overexposure Proper Exposure 10
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 10
Overexposure Proper Exposure 11
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 11 15
Rotated (Oblique) Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 12 16
Basic Radiology for the TB Clinician
A systematic approach to reading a CXR Image Credit: Lung Health Image Library/Gary Hampton 13
Approach to Reading a CXR
Be Systematic Lungs Pleural surfaces Cardiomediastinal contours Bones and soft tissues Abdomen Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 14
Worth a Second Look Apices Retrocardiac areas (left and right)
Hilar regions Below diaphragm 15
Apical TB Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 16 20
Apical TB (2) Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 17
Left Retrocardiac Opacity
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 18 22
Nodule Behind Diaphragm
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 19 23
Basic Radiology for the TB Clinician
Basic CXR Anatomy Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 20
Basic CXR Anatomy Frontal and Lateral Views Heart Aorta
Pulmonary arteries Airways Image Credit: Lung Health Image Library/Pierre Virot 21
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco
22 26
Right pulmonary artery Left pulmonary artery Trachea & bronchi
Aortic arch Right pulmonary artery Left pulmonary artery Trachea & bronchi Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 23
Aortic arch Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 23
Right pulmonary artery
Aortic arch Right pulmonary artery Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 23
Right pulmonary artery Left pulmonary artery
Aortic arch Right pulmonary artery Left pulmonary artery Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 23
Right pulmonary artery Left pulmonary artery Trachea & bronchi
Aortic arch Right pulmonary artery Left pulmonary artery Trachea & bronchi Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 23
Basic Radiology for the TB Clinician
Patterns of disease 24
Chest Radiographic Patterns of Disease
Consolidation / air-space opacity Interstitial opacity Nodules and masses Lymphadenopathy Cysts and cavities Pleural abnormalities 25
Consolidation / Air-Space Opacity
Caused by filling of alveoli with fluid, pus, blood, cells (tumor), etc. May be diffuse, or isolated to segments or lobes of the lung May be associated with air bronchograms (air-filled bronchus surrounded by opacified lung) 26
Pneumonia Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 27 35
Interstitial Opacity Disease localized to pulmonary interstitium, i.e., the alveolar septae and connective tissues that support the alveoli Hallmarks: Lines and/or reticulation Small, well-defined nodules Miliary pattern DDX: Pulmonary edema, interstitial lung diseases (e.g., idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis), sarcoidosis, infection, tumor (lymphangitic spread), etc. 28
Interstitial Opacity: Lines
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 29 37
Interstitial Opacity: Lines
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 29 38
Interstitial Opacity: Lines & Reticulation
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 30 39
Nodules and Masses Nodule: discrete pulmonary lesion, sharply defined, nearly circular opacity cm Mass: larger than 3 cm Describe with qualifiers: Single or multiple Size Border characteristics Presence or absence of calcification Location 31
Well-Defined Calcification Ill-Defined Mass 32
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 32 41
Lymphadenopathy (LAN)
Non-specific terms: Mediastinal widening Hilar prominence Specific patterns: Particular station enlargement (location) Important to know what “normal” should look like in order to recognize “abnormal” 33
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco
34 43
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco
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Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco
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Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco
34 46
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco
34 47
Lymphadenopathy Infrahilar window (right hilar and/or subcarinal)
Left hilar Subcarinal Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 35 48
Lymphadenopathy Infrahilar window (right hilar and/or subcarinal) 35
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 35 49
Lymphadenopathy Left hilar 35
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 35 50
Lymphadenopathy Subcarinal 35
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 35 51
Right Paratracheal & Bilateral LAN
Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 36 52
Right Hilar LAN Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 37 53
Right Hilar LAN Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 38 54
Subcarinal LAN * Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 39 55
AP Window LAN Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 40 56
Cysts & Cavities Abnormal pulmonary parenchymal spaces (“holes”), filled with air and/or fluid, with a definable wall (>1 mm) Cyst: congenital or acquired Cavity: caused by tissue necrosis, (inflammatory and/or neoplastic) Characterize: Wall thickness at thickest portion Inner lining Presence / absence of air / fluid level Number and location 41
TB or Not TB? Cysts and Cavities
Are there radiographic features that suggest benign vs. malignant diagnoses? A C B D “45 year old man from China with cough, weight loss” Image credit: Curry International Tuberculosis Center, University of California, San Francisco 42
TB or Not TB? Cysts and Cavities (2)
Are there radiographic features that suggest benign vs. malignant diagnoses? Benign cysts: uniform wall thickness, 1mm, smooth inner lining (e.g., PCP) Benign cavities: max. wall thickness 4 mm, minimally irregular inner lining (e.g., TB) Malignant cavities: max. wall thickness 16 mm, irregular inner lining 43
Pleural Disease: Basic Patterns
Effusion Angle blunting to massive Thickening Mass Air Calcification 44
Pleural Effusion 45 61
Post-TB Pleural Calcification
Plombage with Lucite balls
Basic Radiology for the TB Clinician
Radiographic Manifestations of TB 48
Can this be TB? “Typical Pattern”: Post-primary TB Distribution
Apical / posterior segments of upper lobes Superior segments of lower lobes Isolated anterior segment involvement unusual for M.tb (think M. avium complex) 49
“Typical pattern”: Post-Primary TB
Patterns of disease Air-space consolidation Cavitation, cavitary nodule Endobronchial spread Miliary Bronchostenosis Tuberculoma Pleural effusions (empyema most likely in post-primary disease) 50
Can this be TB? “Atypical pattern”: Primary TB 51
Distribution : any lobe involved (slight lower lobe predominance) Air-space consolidation Cavitation is uncommon (<10%) Adenopathy is common (esp. children and HIV), predilection for right side Miliary pattern Pleural effusions 51
Can this be TB? Miliary TB
Radiographic Patterns: Pulmonary TB
TB Pattern “Typical” (Post-Primary) “Atypical” (Primary) Infiltrate 85% upper Upper : Lower 60 : 40 Usually upper in children Cavitation Common Uncommon Adenopathy Children common Adults ~30% Unilateral > bilateral Effusion May be present 53
CXR Pattern: Early vs. Advanced HIV
Early HIV (CD4>200) Advanced HIV (CD4<200) Pattern “Typical” (Post-primary) “Atypical” (Primary) Infiltrate Upper lobes Lower lobes, multiple sites, or miliary Cavitation Common Uncommon Adenopathy Effusion More common 54
Can this be TB? “Old / Healed” TB Ca++ granuloma–Ghon lesion
Ca++ granuloma and hilar node calcification–Ranke complex Apical pleural thickening Fibrosis and volume loss 55
Basic Radiology for the TB Clinician
Summary: Remember: Technical quality can significantly impact your CXR interpretation Develop a systematic approach (and use it every time!) Practice identifying normal CXR anatomy Important to characterize and describe lesions—this can help with your differential diagnosis Whether typical or atypical TB can always fool you! 56
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