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FCAL and Super Belle ■ Motivations ■ Requirement to improve super-Belle detector hermeticity ■ FCAL detectors and super-Belle proposal ■ Problems, questions.

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Presentation on theme: "FCAL and Super Belle ■ Motivations ■ Requirement to improve super-Belle detector hermeticity ■ FCAL detectors and super-Belle proposal ■ Problems, questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 FCAL and Super Belle ■ Motivations ■ Requirement to improve super-Belle detector hermeticity ■ FCAL detectors and super-Belle proposal ■ Problems, questions – starting point for discussion on the proposal Leszek Zawiejski FCAL Collaboration Meeting, May 07, 2008, Kraków Slides on Belle results are based on M. Różańska, M. Yamauchi, M. Hazumi prezentations

2 Motivations I High precision physics which can be studied with super-Belle detector II Test in running experiment, FCAL detectors before realisation of the ILC project

3 B meson yield B Factory Super B Factory Super B Factory KEKB Mt. Tsukuba Belle

4 Belle Experiment 1.3 million B B pairs / day Total ~770  10 6 B B pairs _ _ peak luminosity: 1.71 x 10 34 cm -2 s -1 world record Beam crossing angle :22 mrad

5 Major achievements at Belle Evidence for direct CP violation in B  K +   Evidence for direct CP violation in B  K +   Evidence for B   Observation of b  d  Observation of B  K (*) ll Decisive confirmation of Kobayashi-Maskawa model Belle collaboration 13 countries ~400 collaborators As of June 2007 # of papers : 219 # of citations: 9883 Observation of CP violation in B meson system Observation of CP violation in B meson system Measurements of CP violation in B   Ks,  ’Ks etc. Measurements of CP violation in B   Ks,  ’Ks etc. Discovery of X(3872) Discovery of X(3872) Evidence for D 0 mixing Observation of direct CP violation in B      Observation of direct CP violation in B      1. P Violation in B Decays 2. Fundamental SM Parameters (Complex Quark Couplings) 3. Beyond the SM (BSM) 4. Unanticipated New Particles 1. P Violation in B Decays 2. Fundamental SM Parameters (Complex Quark Couplings) 3. Beyond the SM (BSM) 4. Unanticipated New Particles




9 Sensistive to New Pysics O (10 -2 ) O (10 -4 ) O (10 - 5 )  bubu WW WW bc b WW Z s,d t B 0  D *-  +  B  h  B +   +  expected decay rates Small hadronic effects; theoretically clean. examples of SM amplitudes poorly known: multiple ’s in final states  experimentaly difficult ! Examples: B decays with missing energy - requirement to improve hermeticity of the Belle detector Examples: B  h , B +   + , B o  D*-  + 

10  (4S) B tag  K Two ways of B tag reconstruction: ■ Select B sig candidate and check whether remaining particles are consistent with B decay („inclusive” B tag reconstruction) ■ Reconstruct B tag (in exclusive mode) and check whether remaining particles are consistent with B sig („exclusive” B tag reconstruction) B tag reconstruction:  BB event  which particles belong to B sig  kinematical constraints on B sig signature: K + invisible reconstruct reconstruct B tag B tag at B-factories: e + e -  (4S)  BB B decay with missing energy e.g. B +  K + B sig P sig = - P tag Experimental Techniques

11 DAMA CDMS Expected BF’s in the SM: B  h (*) Flavor Changing Neutral Current process: Z-mediated electroweak penguin + box diagrams b WW Z s,d t b WW WW t b s,d t Sensistive to New Physics in loops, e.g.: b h s,d other weakly coupled particles: possible window to light dark matter, not accessible in direct searches e.g. C. Bird et al., PRL 93, 201803 (2004) J. H. Jeon et al., PL B 636, 270 (2006) SSSS 

12 B  h (*) - method h (*) = K *+,K *0,K +,K 0,  +,  0,  +,  0,   E =  E i - E beam M bc =  E 2 beam -(  p i ) 2  (4S) B tag h (*) B  candidates 788K B  h (*) + nothing Reconstruct B tag in hadronic mode: signal signature: M bc [GeV/c 2 ] E ECL E ECL : residual energy in calorimeter for signal: E ECL  0 E ECL E ECL : residual energy in calorimeter for signal: E ECL  0 535 M  BB MCMCMCMC 1.6 < p h (*) < 2.5 GeV/c background suppression : 1.6 < p h (*) < 2.5 GeV/c reject 2-body (eg. B  K*  )suppress b  c

13 B  h (*) - results 535 M  BB hep-ex/0707.0138 submitted to PRL 1.6 < p* < 2.5 GeV/c N b = 20.0  4.0 N obs = 10 BF(B +  K + ) < 1.4x10 -5 @90% CL K + momentum signal SM BF  20 Theoretical predictions: C. Bird et al., PRL 93, 201803 (2004) Light dark matter? Can be searched in super-Belle B  K * ( or  )

14 Karlsruhe SUSY07Maria Rozanska for the Belle Collaboration 14 B    bubu WW bubu HH purely leptonic B decay: W-mediated annihilation theoretically very clean, SM BF: B decay constant f B =0.216  0.022 GeV from LQCD HPQCD Collab., PRL 95, 212001 (2005) Sensistive to Charged Higgs m b tan  +m c cot  m  tan  Decay amplitude  m b m  tan 2  H  effects to branching fraction: providing f B is known providing f B is known W. S. Hou, PR D 48, 2342 (1993)

15 449 M  BB PRL 97, 251802 (2006) B   - results Constraint on Charged Higgs (2HDM II) excluded taking |V ub | = (4.39  0.33)×10 -3 from HFAG rHrH

16 B  D (*)   WW  bc HH bc m b tan  +m c cot   m  tan  Theoretical tool: Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) Sensitive to extended Higgs sector New Physics at tree level Sensitive observables e.g.  polarization; possible O (1 ) effects Expected SM BF’s~ O (10 -2 ) inclusive BF(b  c   ) = (2.48  0.26)% from LEP PDG 2007 Y.Okada: CP violation & CKM; plenary talk at ICHEP06 H-b-u vertex measured in B    H-b-c vertex measured in B  D   H-b-t vertex measured in direct production by LHC.

17 Forward Detector K.F Chen, C. Peng

18 Forward Region

19 K.F Chen, C. Peng

20 Pair Monitor FCAL detectors – candidates for use in Belle upgrade project?

21 LumiCal calorimeter The current design: Several (  3 ) sensor layers can be used as tracker detector? Can an increase in granularity will be acceptable for FE electronics design as was prepared recently for ILC? EM Si/W calorimeter with 30 layers with the following thicknesses: Tungsten - 3.5 mm Silicon sensor - 0.32 mm Support - 0.6 mm Electronic space - 0.1 mm Inner radius of the active area : 80 mm Outer radius : 195 mm Sensor segmentation – 64 cylinders with 48 sectors in azimuth Calorimeter can be placed 2270 mm from IP Angular coverage from ~ 30 mrad to 80 mrad (ILD installation place)

22 LumiCal extension : add silicon tracker (pad/pixel layers?

23 (pCVD, GaAs, sCVD, radiation hard Si)


25 Possible places for FCAL detectors at super-Belle The central region - Yoshuke talk or somewhere outside the central region ? FW 5.3 – 11.1 degree, BW 165.1 – 172.7 degree

26 Proposal to install FCAL detectors in super-Belle detector creates several problems and questions. Sensors&mechanics  What sensors(silicon/diamond/GaAs) granularity seems to be sufficient?  How many layers?  What will be optimal type of the detector: calorimeter (tungsten/sensors) and tracker (with a few layers) or only tracker (pads, pixels layers)  How big energy deposit can be expected in sensors (shower, MIP’s)?  What power will be distributed by FE electronics – a way of cooling  Radiation dose( during for example in year operation) ?  Place – how far from IP? Depends on type of the selected detector, accepted range for polar angle and background -outside the both sides of Belle detector, clamped on beam pipe? Monte Carlo (physics and detector ) studies can help to give answers for most of them PROBLEMS - QUESTIONS FE electronics& readout What will be occupancy? Manpower and short time is a big problem: if the FE and readout electronics (ASIC,fanout) as designed for ILD detector can be used (with small modifications) for super-Belle project.

27 Discussion on possible participation in super-Belle ?  How useful in realization of ours ILD tasks can be experience obtained by work of FCAL detectors in super-Belle experiment ?  Which FCAL groups (worked on the corresponding detector) can really be interested?  From realisation of the particular scientific tasks in Institutions working in FCAL, such group should became an official member of super- Belle collaboration  Timetable : what is exactly a death time for installation of FCAL detector (s) inside super-Belle - 2012? It will be necessary to estimate more precisely available menpower and cost.  Financial support – requested money, with help from super-Belle collaboration? Such money should cover the build the prototypes, temporary work of specialists, travel expences, staying in KEKB. The possibility to get a big money from national financial institutions (polish) are very limited.

28 Strategy of super-Belle collaboration

29 Roadmaps : KEKB Experiment + upgrade

30 RDR Tech, Design Phase 1 GDE process physics 2005200620072008 2012 2009 2010 2011 LHC physics CLIC R&D EUROTeV TDP 2 construction commissioning site selection EUDET and ILC

31 Summary  Super Belle Physics program will be very excited  An increase of the detector hermeticity help in selection rare processes  FCAL detectors (with possible modifications), can play important role in suplaying information on the missing energy (for selection the very clean sample of events)  One can expect big problems with manpower, money, short timetable for realisation, formalities how to become the official member of super Belle collaboration  Futher discussion on possibility to join the project is necessary

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