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Implementing Identity Management, Provisioning, and LDAP Authentication for PeopleSoft June 8, 2007 USM Conference Coppin State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing Identity Management, Provisioning, and LDAP Authentication for PeopleSoft June 8, 2007 USM Conference Coppin State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing Identity Management, Provisioning, and LDAP Authentication for PeopleSoft June 8, 2007 USM Conference Coppin State University

2 Coppin State University Presenter(s) Chris KennedyChris Kennedy Sr. PeopleSoft Administrator/Analyst Leda McNairLeda McNair Sr. DBA / PeopleSoft Administrator 2

3 Coppin State University Overview Coppin State University uses the Fischer Identity Management and Provisioning suite to automatically create student and employee accounts for Microsoft Active Directory and PeopleSoft. This presentation will discuss which events are used in PeopleSoft to trigger the account creation process and how the campus is using the Fischer Directory for LDAP authentication 3

4 Coppin State University Agenda/Contents 1.Network / PeopleSoft Environment Overview/Layout 2.Event Triggers –Students –Employees 3.LDAP Authentication 4.Lessons Learned 4

5 Coppin State University Coppin State University  Baltimore, MD  Liberal Arts University  Founded in 1900  Enrollment between 4,000 – 4,500 students 5

6 Coppin State University PeopleSoft Applications Live:Live: Financials 8.9MP4 / PeopleTools 8.47.11Financials 8.9MP4 / PeopleTools 8.47.11 Enterprise Portal 8.8 / PeopleTools 8.45.13Enterprise Portal 8.8 / PeopleTools 8.45.13 HR/SA/CR 8 / PeopleTools 8.22.13HR/SA/CR 8 / PeopleTools 8.22.13 Future:Future: Upgrading to HCM/CS 9.0 (go-live Summer 2008)Upgrading to HCM/CS 9.0 (go-live Summer 2008) Upgrading to Enterprise Portal 9.0 (go-live Fall 2008)Upgrading to Enterprise Portal 9.0 (go-live Fall 2008) 6

7 Coppin State University PeopleSoft Environment (Production Only) Each Application (Portal, HR/SA, Financials): 2 web servers 1 report server (due to load balancing of web servers) 2 application servers (one for application messaging and one for user logins) 1 database server 1 fileserver 7

8 Coppin State University 8 Network / PeopleSoft Environment Configuration

9 Coppin State University Network / PeopleSoft Environment Configuration 9

10 Coppin State University Event Triggers (Students)  Matriculation (ADM_APPL_PROG record)  Creates network account, network home directory, web folder, and email account  Writes temporary table for creating PeopleSoft account 10

11 Coppin State University Event Triggers (Employees)  Hire (Job record)  Based on their empl class  Creates network account, network home directory, and email account  PeopleSoft account created manually  Termination, Leave of Absence, Retirement (Job record)  Writes record to temporary table for review to disable account  Reason - employee may have multiple jobs 11

12 Coppin State University Event Trigger (Component PeopleCode) ADM_ACT_ENTRY.GBL.SavePostChange Example: /* * Fischer PeopleCode to Publish Messages */ Declare Function PublishMessage PeopleCode FISC_FUNC_LIB.FISC_FUNC_LIB FieldFormula; &ReturnValue = PublishMessage(GetLevel0()); 12

13 Coppin State University Event Triggers (Future Enhancements)  Automate creation of PeopleSoft accounts for both students and employees 13

14 Coppin State University LDAP Configuration 14 LDAP Authentication Password Synchronization

15 Coppin State University LDAP Configuration Reasons for using Fischer Active Directory for LDAP authentication: –PeopleSoft does not use multiple directories –Needed one directory with all student and employee accounts 15

16 Coppin State University LDAP Configuration PeopleTools > Security > Directory > Configure Directory 16

17 Coppin State University LDAP Configuration PeopleTools > Security > Directory > Authentication Map 17

18 Coppin State University Lessons Learned Leave encrypt flag in PSOPRDEFN set to 1 (otherwise batch processes in HR/SA will fail) Set password in PSOPRDEFN to some plain text value Disable password controls in PeopleSoft Make sure password controls are consistent between active directory domains LDAP failover configuration not available until PeopleTools 8.48 18

19 Coppin State University Questions? 19

20 Coppin State University Contacts Chris KennedyChris Kennedy Sr. PeopleSoft Administrator/Analyst Coppin State University E-mail: Leda McNairLeda McNair Sr. DBA / PeopleSoft Administrator Coppin State University E-mail: 20

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