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The rudiments of what is music I. What is the stuff on the page? II. Breaking down rhythm III. Breaking how do you know what the notes are?

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Presentation on theme: "The rudiments of what is music I. What is the stuff on the page? II. Breaking down rhythm III. Breaking how do you know what the notes are?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The rudiments of what is music I. What is the stuff on the page? II. Breaking down rhythm III. Breaking how do you know what the notes are?

2 What the heck is all that stuff? Vocabulary: clefkey signature measure/ bartime signature Barlinestaff


4 So what’s the difference between these two clefs?  Why?  Let’s talk about humans...  Women sing on the treble clef Women  Men sing on the bass clef Men

5 There are 4 different voice parts for humans: Voice PartDefinitionFamous Names / Names we might know... Sopranohighest female voice part Kathleen BattleKathleen Battle,Jessie Norman, Renee Flemming, Pop - Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Christina Aguilera, Maria Carey, Arianna GrandeJessie NormanRenee Flemming Whitney HoustonCeline DionChristina AguileraMaria Carey Arianna Grande Altolower female voice part Delphine Galou Pop: Tina Turner, Amy Winehouse, Adele, Stevie Nicks, Janis Joplin, Rhianna, Queen LatifahTina TurnerAmy WinehouseAdeleStevie NicksJanis JoplinRhiannaQueen Latifah Tenorhighest male voice part Jose Carreras, Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo: The three tenors Adam LevineAdam Levine, Ben Folds, Elton John, Five for Fighting (John Ondrasik), Jimmy Eat World (Jim Adkins), Pink Floyd, Yes, Bruno Mars, Jason Mraz, Jay Sean, Jason DeruloBen Folds,Elton JohnFive for Fighting (John Ondrasik)Jimmy Eat World (Jim Adkins)Pink FloydYesBruno MarsJason MrazJay SeanJason Derulo Basslowest male voice part Ruggero RaimondiRuggero Raimondi // Johnny Cash (Ring of Fire with Home Free), Trace Adkins, Michael Buble, Frank Sinatra, Barry White, Mike RoweJohnny Cash(Ring of Fire with Home Free)Trace AdkinsMichael BubleFrank Sinatra,Barry White Mike Rowe

6 So, how do they know know what to sing? Notes that have value... those values create rhythm... So what is rhythm? Rhythm is beats over a period of time But what makes rhythm work? (How do you know what to play?)

7 The biggest note is: The whole note It lasts 4 beats! Each note represents a different amount of time!

8 What would be half of a whole note? The next smallest note is a half note! How long does that last? Right! 2 beats

9 What would be half of a half note? The next smallest note is a quarter note! How long does that last? Right! 1 beat

10 What would be half of a quarter note? The next smallest note is an 8 th note! How long does that last? Right! only ½ a beat let’s go one more...

11 What would be half of an 8 th note? The next smallest note is an 16 th note! How long does that last? Right! only ¼ a beat

12 So the whole rhythm tree looks like this : Value:

13 What is the opposite of noise? So the noisy side looks like this: And the quiet side looks like this:

14 So the whole thing:

15 So let’s play a game:

16 What are those rules of counting? 1. Each measure starts with 1 2. Count as high as the time signature says... 3. Don’t repeat numbers 4. (parenthesis for held notes) and circles around rests 4. (parenthesis for held notes) and circles around rests

17 Level 1: halves and wholes! Ask questions now if you are confused! (SM: 1 – 12)

18 Level 2: Integrating quarter notes Ask questions now if you are confused! (SM: 12 – 15)

19 Level 3: Integrating quarter notes with new time sigs Ask questions now if you are confused! (SM: 16)

20 Introducing the Ties are used to do what? _______________ Right! Hold things together! When we have ties, we simply treat them like held notes!

21 Level 4: Using ties!

22 Knowing about acne...  You are not alone... Notes get zits too!  You are not alone... Notes get zits too!  These zits make these notes special.  When you see a dot it means: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

23 So let’s break this down... 1. w. -> _______ + ________ = _________ 2. h. -> _______ + ________ = _________ 3. q. -> _______ + ________ = _________ 4. e. -> _______ + ________ = _________

24 Level 5: Dots and ties and time sigs, oh my! Ask questions now!

25 One more practice...

26 Let’s see if you can be graded for it...? What about with e notes?

27 Level 6: With e notes

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