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2 INTRODUCTION The religion of Islam arose in the Arabian Peninsula and gave birth to an Arab empire and a rich civilization. Across a massive expanse of territory, Islam provided the inspiration for art, architecture, literature, and philosophy. As dynasties rose and fell, power shifted to different centers, such as Damascus, Baghdad, and Cairo.

3 Rise of Islam For centuries the Arabian Peninsula was inhabited by loosely connected tribes. The tribes were polytheistic, but they placed special emphasis on the god Allah and on the KAABA, a central place of worship in the town of MECCA. Muhammad, who grew up in Mecca, believed that he received revelations from God. Out of these revelations came the Quran, the holy book of Islam. Islam is a monotheistic religion with an ethical code consisting of the Five Pillars of Islam (pg 194). Muhammad started preaching, but he and his followers were persecuted in Mecca and so moved to Medina. There Muhammad became both a religious and a political leader. After eight years, he led a military force that easily conquered Mecca.

4 Vocabulary Sec. 1 Sheikh Quran Islam Hijrah

5 Vocabulary (cont) Hajj Shari’ah Five Pillars of Faith

6 Section 2 overview After Muhammad’s death, his successor organized the Arabs and set in motion a great expansion. Internal struggles weakened the empire and, by the close of the 13th century, the Arab Empire had ended.

7 Arab Empire and Its Successors
After Muhammad's death, the Arabs rapidly embarked on a period of massive conquest. Since there was no established line of succession, disputes and assassinations marked the rein of the early Muslim rulers, or caliphs. Under the Umayyad dynasty, an ill-fated revolt led to a permanent schism that divided Islam into two branches—Shiites and Sunnis. The Abbasid dynasty displayed a greater openness to non-Arab participation in civic life and oversaw a thriving trading empire

8 Arab Empire (cont) . However, Seljuk Turks began to take over parts of the Arab empire. When they threatened the heart of the Byzantine Empire, European crusaders came to the aid of the Byzantines. The century of Crusades did not have an enduring influence, except to create enmity between Christians and Muslims. A century later, Mongol invaders swept through the region, destroying entire cities. Egypt, which remained free of Mongol control, became the center of Islamic civilization.

9 Vocabulary Sec.2 Caliph – successor to Muhammad
Jihad – struggle in the way of God (fair, defensive warfare) Shiite – only accepted the descendants of Ali as the true rulers of Islam

10 Vocab (cont) Sunni – did not agree with Umayyad rule but accepted the Umayyads as rulers. Vizier – prime minister who advised the caliph Sultan – Turkish leader “holder of power” Mosque – Muslim houses of worship

11 Islamic Civilization Overall, the period of the Arab Empire was prosperous. Aided by the development of banking, the Arabs carried on extensive trade by land and by sea. Cities such as Baghdad, Cairo, and Damascus were the regional centers. Meanwhile, farming remained the source of livelihood for most people. In this diverse context, Islam offered answers concerning politics, economics, and social life.

12 Islamic (cont) Islam held that all people are equal in the eyes of Allah. In reality, however, equality was not strictly the case. Class divisions were common, and both slaves and women faced various restrictions. Slaves, though, sometimes could gain their freedom. Early Muslim women enjoyed many rights, but these rights were eroded by older customs and traditions.

13 Section 3 Islamic civilization
Baghdad, Cairo, and Damascus were the centers of administration, cultural, and economic activity for their regions. Islamic law made it clear that slaves should be treated fairly, and it was considered a good act to free them. The Quran granted women spiritual and social equality with men. After the spread of Islam, older customs eroded the rights enjoyed by women.

14 Vocabulary sect. 3 Bazaar – covered market, important part of every Muslim city or town Dowry – gift of money or property paid to bride

15 Culture of Islam A major cultural contribution of the Arabs was the translation of the works of major Greek philosophers into Arabic. It was through the Muslim world that Europeans recovered the works of Aristotle and others. The Muslims were also thinkers and creators in their own right.

16 Con’t Islamic scholars wrote commentaries on Greek philosophy, developed algebra, and made important contributions in astronomy, navigation, and medicine that would be adopted in Europe. In a major work, the Arab historian Ibn-Khaldun argued for a cyclical view of civilizations.

17 Culture of Islam (c0nt) The great works of Middle Eastern literature included the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and The 1001 Nights. Mosques from Iraq to Spain offered magnificent examples of Islamic art and architecture. Ornately decorated palaces, such as the Alhambra in Granada, Spain, also reflected the glory of Islam.

18 Con’t Islamic art typically consisted of Arabic letters, natural plants, and abstract figures repeated in geometric patterns called arabesques. However, human representations were avoided in accordance with Islamic tradition.

19 Culture of islam (cont)
Muslim scholars made great advances in the areas of mathematics and the natural sciences. Muslim art and architecture incorporated innovative, geometric styles of decoration.

20 Vocabulary sec. 4 Astrolabe – instrument used by sailors to determine their location by observing the positions of stars and planets. Minaret – tower of a Mosque from which the muezzin calls the faithful to prayer five times a day.

21 Vocab con’t Muezzin – the crier who calls the Muslim faithful to prayer from the minaret of a mosque. Arabesques – geometric patterns repeated over and over to completely cover a surface with decorations.


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