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Hello my name is Jon and this is a PowerPoint on my fabulous self. Enjoy!

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Presentation on theme: "Hello my name is Jon and this is a PowerPoint on my fabulous self. Enjoy!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello my name is Jon and this is a PowerPoint on my fabulous self. Enjoy!

2 I luv using slangs and abbreviations when im on chatting websites. Here are some I use. Slang words Luv (love) Luv (love) Dat (that) Dat (that) Sum (some) Sum (some) U (you) U (you) r (are) r (are) abbreviations Idk (I don’t know) Idk (I don’t know) Idc (I don’t care) Idc (I don’t care) Lol (laugh out loud) Lol (laugh out loud) rofl (roll on floor laugh) rofl (roll on floor laugh) Brb (be right back) Brb (be right back)

3 I love food but my favourites are… Pizza Burgers Donuts Chicken Chips And loads more

4 My favourite inspiration for singing would have to be Whitney Houston. She sings songs that are from the olden days like in the 70’s. Her voice is amazing. Sadly she died last year and it was a tragedy. She is my favorite singer and I listen to her old music at home. My favourite song from her is I will always love you.

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