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HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (HRM) PART I. What’s HRM  It is the group of functions in charge of the human component of the company.  These functions.

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Presentation on theme: "HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (HRM) PART I. What’s HRM  It is the group of functions in charge of the human component of the company.  These functions."— Presentation transcript:


2 What’s HRM  It is the group of functions in charge of the human component of the company.  These functions cover a lot of different aspects :  Administrative work: payroll, social documents, contracts, personal files,…  Recruitment and selection of the new workers  Skill development: through training  Skill assessment  Social relations with the unions  Well-being at work  Dismissals  …

3 HRM in the worker’s life  HRM is in charge of selecting the appropriate candidates for a function. When the person arrives in the company, he must be supported by the HR department and led to his new position.  The HR department is also in charge of integrating new workers in the company. If they need trainings, the HR manager has to plan, organize and appraise the training process.

4 HRM in the worker’s life (2)  The manager and the worker have to set objectives in the beginning of the year. The HR manager participates to the yearly appraisal which determines if the targets are met.  During the worker’s daily life the HR staff is there for the salary payment, questions about days off, sickness, accidents,… they give him support.

5 HRM in the worker’s life (3)  They also take care of well-being at work. They have to comply with the laws but also try to develop good work conditions (ergonomics, plants,…)  They take part in the worker council and are often the interlocutors of the unions.

6  They are in charge drawing career plans for the workers and listen to their needs and wishes.  They manage the career ending of the workers (retirement, early retirement, departure interview…)

7 PART II Senior Worker

8 Vocabulary  To be old at work means to be aged between 55 and 64 year.  The early retirement is at 58,3 for men and at 56,9 for women.  Loss of skills

9 Repartition of seniors on the Belgian’s Labour Market The 50-64 year

10 The early retirement  People can leave the company earlier than legal retirement with some conditions  Due to energetic crisis in the 70’  Decrease unemployment for young people  Give the opportunity to old worker to have more leisure activities  Protection for jobless people

11 Senior’s problems at work  Stress at work  54% of the older than 55 year  Nervous breakdown  The seriousness of the trouble increase Lay off, lack of job’s security,…  Training  Quality training suited to their needs

12 Reality at work  Many people don’t want to leave work  Even productive than younger worker  Are able to develop their skills  Can adapt to changing  Other motivations

13 Some solutions  Promote the recruitment for the older than 50 year  Promote longer career  Reduce early retirement  ….


15 FPS Economy also known as Ministery of Economics  Presentation of the company  Solutions  Mentoring  Knowledge Management (transfer)  Workshop about different subjects

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