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PODAG.17 Ron Weaver NSIDC DAAC Manager. Topics Data Charging SWAMP Long Term Archive of EOS Data NEWDiss DAAC Alliance EOS instrument/satellite Status.

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Presentation on theme: "PODAG.17 Ron Weaver NSIDC DAAC Manager. Topics Data Charging SWAMP Long Term Archive of EOS Data NEWDiss DAAC Alliance EOS instrument/satellite Status."— Presentation transcript:

1 PODAG.17 Ron Weaver NSIDC DAAC Manager

2 Topics Data Charging SWAMP Long Term Archive of EOS Data NEWDiss DAAC Alliance EOS instrument/satellite Status Allocation of funds for EOS vs non-EOS portions of the NSIDC DAAC

3 Data Charging Email directive issued, April 6, 2000 (Martha Maiden, NASA HQ) “The ESE has decided to proceed with implementing a cost for distribution of products at the level of recovering the full marginal cost, consistent with Circular A-130. By instituting a marginal cost charging policy, ESE is creating a means of remaining responsive to new and real increasing demand without incurring further burden on the US taxpayer. NASA has officially submitted language for our 2001 authorization bill to enable us to retain receipts from recovering user charges.” Scientist’s Discussion with OMB has lead to review by the OSTP. This review is Delayed until after Presidential election DAACS have been directed to provide plans for implementation of billing and accounting in their FY01 Workplans. NSIDC’s approach is evolving.

4 SWAMP SWAMP is the Science Working Group for the AM-1 (TERRA) Platform At their meeting in Toronto, a group called the SWAMP working group on Data (SWDG) presented their conclusions of a 3 month or so study of EOS science processing capacity and needed capacity. High points of this report are –Although EOSDIS is improved and EDOS is being fixed, the system is unstable and undersized –About $15M is needed this year (~7% of ESDIS budget), –A+ decisions were made without consulting the data producers –MODIS has 3X need for processing and storage Dolly Perkins, presented a detailed ESDIS response –Defended the process that led to implementation of A+, –Presented the DAACs favorably. –Detailed the ESDIS budget leading to the bottom line -- there is no money.

5 LTA of EOS Data LTA will be under NOAA auspices if and when NOAA acquires funds Implementation plan is being written –Options: NCDC, NGDC get the data (ours goes to NGDC) Archive in Place Two others that probably will not be implemented –Level of Service determined by NOAA, most likely charges for data will be implemented

6 New DISS Draft report has been written but, changes were requested by AA Those proposed changes drafted earlier this year. Waiting for report to be re-issued In the meantime; –ESSAC Data Operations Panel has been formed under Dr. Sara Graves, UNH –rumors abound that a Transition Team has been/is being formed

7 DAAC Alliance Effort by the DAACS to –coordinate work on common issues and problems –establish some self-governance and thus independence from ESDIS/NASA –prepare ourselves for the next era of NASA data management, which appears headed for a more distributed, competitive environment Written a draft strategic management plan Written a draft charter Elected interim officers: Don Collins chair, Ron Weaver, vice-chair

8 EOS Instrument Status TERRA MODIS –Snow and Ice Data release ? –Ingest rates AQUA - July 2001? –AMSR –MODIS ICESat October 2001? –GLAS ADEOS II –AMSR

9 Allocation of EOS vs Non-EOS DAAC Resources Following tables are based upon staff hour ESTIMATES provided by the project leaders at NSIDC, reduced to fit our current fy01 budget allocation. They were provided as part of the FY01 workplan writing process. The tables are ONLY based upon staff resources, no other expenses are included at this time. Submissions to date are about 126% of currently available resources. Not all DAAC tasks are covered yet, as some workplan submissions are still to be completed.

10 FY01 Allocation Based on ESDIS Core or Base allocation for FY01 and assigned Raytheon Staff. Total combined FTE is 43.6

11 Totals by Project

12 Brief explanation of categories EOS satellite –the sensor streams assigned to us, see following slide EOS, NSIDC add-on –a small proposed project to study use of MISR in snow and ice products Infrastructure –tasks that support the general DAAC, transcending data sets, improving computing and data management environment Other Data Sets –primarily in-situ data, or data that don’t fall under the other categories (EOS, Pathfinder, Passive Microwave) Outreach –tasks that provide information to the generalized user community, or publicize DAAC data sets or functions, support for the Information Center Pathfinder Data Sets –AVHRR Polar, EASE gridded PM data, RAMP, those data which follow from the NOAA/NASA Pathfinder Program Passive Microwave –SSMI, SMMR, but not AMSR/AMSR-E Systems Engineering –Tasks to support the NON-EOS computing environment at NSIDC DAAC Web Products, Documentation –maintenance and development of NSIDC web presence, maintenance of DAAC web pages and web- enabled data sets. –Maintenance and development of NSIDC DAAC data set documentation. General Administration –Support of financial, business management, DAAC management,liaison to ESDIS etc.

13 Detail on EOS Projects

14 EOS Science Linkages Following chart was provided by Vanessa Griffin. It depicts her understanding of science linkages within the EOS It is for the discussion with Drs. King and Reber

15 NASA Administrator Mr.. Daniel Goldin Earth Science Enterprise Dr. Ghassem Asrar Goddard Space Flight Center Mr.. A. Diaz Flight Projects Directorate Mr. Bill Campbell Earth Science Directorate Dr. Vince Salomonson Associate Director of Flight Projects for EOS Mr. Chris Scolese EOS Project Scientist Dr. Michael King Code 420 Code 900 Code 400 ESDIS Project Manager Ms. Dorothy Perkins EOSDIS Dr. Carl Reber Terra Dr. Yoram Kaufman Aqua Dr. Claire Parkinson Aura Dr. P. K. Bartia Science Division Dr. Jack Kaye Applications, Commercialization, and Education Division Mr.. Mike Thomas Code 423 Code Y Code YSCode YO DISS Program Scientist Ms. Martha Maiden Terra Program Scientist Dr. Dianne Wickland Aqua Program Scientist Dr. Ramesh Kakar Aqua Program Scientist Dr. Joe McNeal Line Control Program Control Science Guidance August 9, 2000 Science Operations Manager Ms. Vanessa Griffin DAACs

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