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Microsoft ® Office Word 2003 Training Use mail merge for mass mailings and more [Your company name] presents:

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1 Microsoft ® Office Word 2003 Training Use mail merge for mass mailings and more [Your company name] presents:

2 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Course contents Overview: One source, many documents Lesson 1: Anatomy of a mail merge Lesson 2: Set up and connect to your data files Lesson 3: Perform a mail merge Lesson 4: Perform a more complex merge Lessons 2 – 4 have suggestions for practice tasks. All lessons include a set of test questions.

3 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Creating individual letters, e-mail messages, flyers, or coupons separately could take hours. Learn how to use mail merge in Microsoft Office Word to produce envelopes and labels for mass mailings. Overview: One source, many documents With mail merge, you create one document with the information that’s the same in each copy, and add placeholders for the information that’s unique to each copy. Word takes care of the rest.

4 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Course goals Understand how mail merge works so you can get the results you want. Set up a document for a mass mailing. Perform a basic mail merge to add unique addresses to a set of otherwise identical documents. Perform a more complex mail merge to merge several unique elements into a set of otherwise identical documents.

5 Lesson 1 Anatomy of a mail merge

6 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Anatomy of a mail merge In any mail merge, you'll deal with three different elements: Elements of mail merge The main document that you start with Information, such as names and addresses, that you want to merge into the main document to create a set of unique documents The finished set of documents

7 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Main document The main document is your starting document. You set it up to be the same size and shape that you want the final letters, e-mail messages, envelopes, labels, coupons, or other documents to be. It contains: Main document with placeholders 1.Information that is identical in each copy, such as the main body text of a form letter. 2.Placeholders for unique information.

8 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Main document In the main document, you add the information that will be same in every copy. Main document with placeholders You also add placeholders to the main document. Placeholders indicate where the unique information will appear and what it will be.

9 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Unique information In a mail merge, the unique information is the information that is different in each merged copy that you create. When you perform a merge, a new document is created for each set of unique information. The unique information replaces the placeholders that you added to the main document. Merged letters with unique information

10 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Unique information Merged letters with unique information Addresses on envelopes or labels Names in the greeting line of a form letter Salary amounts in e-mail messages that you send to your employees Examples of unique information:

11 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Unique information Merged letters with unique information Personal notes about favorite products in postcards that you mail to your customers Numbers on redeemable coupons Examples of unique information:

12 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Data files Data file is an umbrella term that covers a whole category of files you work with all the time. Merging information from data file to document For example, your Microsoft Office Outlook ® 2003 contacts list is a data file.

13 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Data files When unique information is organized in a data file, you can control where specific pieces of that information appear in a mail-merge document. The structure of a data file makes it possible to match specific pieces of that information with placeholders in the main document. Merging information from data file to document

14 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Finished set of documents When you finish a mail merge, you have: The set of individual documents that you print or transmit electronically. The main document you started with. A finished set of documents

15 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Finished set of documents Because copies of the finished set of documents are not saved, you should save the main document. Word remembers which data file you connected to the main document— when you open the main document again, you can quickly complete a new merge. A finished set of documents

16 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 1, question 1 In a mail merge, what is the main document? (Pick one answer.) 1.The document you start with that contains both information that is identical for each merged copy and placeholders for unique information. 2.The first document in the set that gets created. 3.A document that contains only the information that is identical in each merged copy.

17 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 1, question 1: Answer The document you start with that contains both information that is identical for each merged copy and placeholders for unique information. The main document is your starting document, where you add all the information that will be the same in every copy as well as placeholders that indicate what the unique information will be and where it will appear.

18 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 1, question 2 When you complete a merge, you automatically save a file that contains a copy of each unique merged document. (Pick one answer.) 1.True. 2.False.

19 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 1, question 2: Answer False. The finished set of documents is not saved. You should save the main document, because Word “remembers” which data file you connected to the main document. When you open the main document again, you can quickly complete a new merge.

20 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 1, question 3 Why does the unique information you use in a mail merge have to be stored in data files? (Pick one answer.) 1.Data files are a special type of file you use only to work with mail merge. 2.Data files organize information in a way that lets you match specific pieces of that information with specific placeholders in the main document. 3.Data files are designed to hold a lot of information.

21 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 1, question 3: Answer Data files organize information in a way that lets you match specific pieces of that information with specific placeholders in the main document. It's the structured way that information is organized in data files that makes it possible for you to put information from one cell in that file into one unique document.

22 Lesson 2 Set up and connect to your data files

23 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Set up and connect to your data files Data files, such as Excel spreadsheets and Outlook Contacts files, along with fields, such as «Name» and «Street Address», are the heart and soul of mail merge. They work together to get unique information into each merged copy. A data file and its fields

24 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more More about data files A data file (sometimes called a data source or data list) is any file that organizes information into columns and rows. See the image on the left. Example data file 1.Columns in a data file represent categories of information. 2.Each row represents one complete record.

25 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more More about data files The columns in a data file represent categories: Example data file For example, in a customer data file, like the one on the left, you might have columns for Name, Last Name, and Street Address.

26 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more More about data files Each row in a data file represents a complete record: Example data file In the customer data file, for example, one row contains all the information about one customer: the customer's name and address. It's these columns and rows that make it possible to get unique information into documents during a mail merge.

27 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more More about data files With the main document open, you: Example data file Connect, or link, to the data file that contains the unique information. Add placeholders, called fields, to the main document for each category (column) of unique information that you want to include. Complete the merge to create a set of unique documents.

28 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more More about data files See the image at left. Example data file 1.Columns in a data file represent categories of information. 2.Each row represents one complete record.

29 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Where data files come from In many cases, the data file that you want to use for a mail merge will already exist. For example, you might have access to a data file that lists: Customer or contact names, addresses, and more. The products or services your company offers. Information about your employees.

30 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Where data files come from But don't worry if you don't have a data file yet. The mail-merge process includes a step where you can create a data file from scratch. 1.In the Mail Merge task pane, select the Type a new list option, and then click Create. 2.The New Address List dialog box appears with a list of column headings.

31 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Where data files come from The new file is saved as a mailing database (.mdb) file in the My Data Sources folder, which is located in your My Documents folder. You can reuse the file for future mail merges.

32 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Fields, defined Officially, a field is a set of codes that instructs Word to insert information into a document automatically. Informally, you can think of fields as placeholders. In a mail merge, you'll mostly use fields as placeholders for information that comes directly from a data file. A field representing data is surrounded by chevrons (« »).

33 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Fields that insert data file information Fields that insert data file information correspond to column headings from your data file. By putting a field in a document, you indicate that you want a certain category of information, such as last name, city, or personal note, to appear in that location. Elements in an Address Block field

34 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Fields that insert data file information Some fields you might use in a mail merge are actually made up of other fields. You can combine fields and separate them by punctuation marks. For example, to create an address, you could set up fields in your document like this: «Name» «Surname» «Address» «City», «State» «Zip» Elements in an Address Block field

35 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Fields that insert data file information You can also control how unique information looks in merged documents by formatting fields. Elements in an Address Block field

36 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Fields that insert data file information For example, you might want names to be bold or colored red: In the main document, select the field, including the surrounding chevrons (« »). On the Format menu, click Font, Paragraph, or another command you want, and choose formatting options. Elements in an Address Block field

37 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Other fields There are a number of other fields in Word (called Word fields) that you can insert into a document, to: Display information about the document, such as the document's creation or print date or the author's name. Perform some calculation or action, such as counting and displaying the number of pages in one section of a document or prompting a document's user to fill in text. The Field dialog box

38 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Other fields For example, you could use: A Date field to automatically add the current date to each merged copy of a form letter. A PrintDate field combined with a Merged Record # field to add a unique number to each copy of an invoice. The Field dialog box

39 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Other fields For example, you could use: An If...Then...Else... field to print a company address in a letter if there is information in the Company column of a data file for a particular record, or to print a home address instead if there is no company information. The Field dialog box

40 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Suggestions for practice 1.Break the Name column into two columns. 2.Create a Personal Note column. 3.Save the Excel worksheet. 4.Set up a basic mail merge. 5.Experiment with fields. Online practiceOnline practice (requires Excel 2003)

41 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 2, question 1 What is the relationship between your data file and the fields you insert into the main document? (Pick one answer.) 1.There is no relationship. 2.Fields are equivalent to categories (column headings) in the data file. 3.Each field represents one cell in the data file.

42 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 2, question 1: Answer Fields are equivalent to categories (column headings) in the data file. Adding a field to the main document means that information stored in the corresponding column in your data file will appear in the merged documents.

43 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 2, question 2 How can you distinguish a data file field from other text in a main document? (Pick one answer.) 1. Data file fields are always formatted as bold text. 2. Data file fields are italicized. 3. Data file fields are surrounded by chevrons (« »).

44 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 2, question 2: Answer Data file fields are surrounded by chevrons (« »). Just scan for those chevrons when you're looking for the data file fields in your main document.

45 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 2, question 3 You must have an existing data file in order to perform a mail merge. (Pick one answer.) 1.True. 2.False.

46 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 2, question 3: Answer False. You can create a data file during the mail-merge process.

47 Lesson 3 Perform a mail merge

48 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Perform a mail merge In this lesson, you'll walk through the process of performing a mail merge. While some details differ depending on what document type you're creating, the process remains essentially the same. An addressed envelope created with mail merge

49 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Get set up To perform a mail merge, start Word. Then: The Mail Merge task pane 1.On the Tools menu, point to Letters and Mailings, and then click Mail Merge. 2.The Mail Merge task pane opens. The task pane leads you through the steps to complete a merge.

50 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Get set up The task pane opens with a question, asking the document type into which you want to merge information: The Mail Merge task pane Click the Next links at the bottom of the task pane to move through the mail-merge process. If you need to back up a step, click the Previous link.

51 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Choose the main document In the previous step, you selected the type of document you're creating (envelopes). The second step is to choose the main document—the starting document you want to use to set up your envelopes. Select document type setup

52 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Choose the main document This is how the task pane looks when you start the mail-merge process from a blank document or from any document not in envelope format. Select document type setup

53 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Choose the main document The options for envelopes are shown in the picture: Use the current document: Current document means the document currently open on your screen. Change document layout: This option is selected because a blank document was open when you opened the Mail Merge task pane. Select document type setup

54 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Choose the main document The options for envelopes are shown in the picture: Start from existing document: If you have a previously saved envelope document that you want to use for the mail merge, but you started out with a blank document, select this option to replace the blank document with your envelope document. Select document type setup

55 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Connect to a data file In this step, you connect to the data file where the unique information you want to merge into your documents is stored. You have three options. You can: Use an existing list. Select from Outlook contacts. Type a new list. Select recipients means choose the data file you want.

56 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Connect to a data file Use an existing list: If you already have a data file that contains the information you want to merge, select this option. Then, click the Browse link in the task pane to locate and open that file. Select recipients means choose the data file you want.

57 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Connect to a data file Select from Outlook contacts: If you want to use your Outlook Contacts list as your data file, select this option. Then, click the Choose Contacts Folder link to locate and open the correct Contacts list folder. Select recipients means choose the data file you want.

58 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Connect to a data file Type a new list: If you don't have an appropriate data file and want to create one, select this option. For more details about creating your own data file, see the previous lesson in this course. Select recipients means choose the data file you want.

59 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Choose the records you want to use After you connect to a data file, you choose which records (rows) from the file you actually want to use in your merge. You do all this choosing, sorting, and filtering of data file records in the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box that appears after you connect to or create a data file. Mail Merge Recipients dialog box

60 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Choose the records you want to use In the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, you can: 1.Sort the list, such as alphabetically, by clicking a category (column) heading. 2.Filter the list by clicking the arrow beside the heading, and then clicking the value by which you want to filter (like a specific postal code). Mail Merge Recipients dialog box

61 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Choose the records you want to use In the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, you can: 3.Clear a check box next to a record to exclude that record from the merge. 4.Use the buttons to select or exclude all the records or to find specific records. Mail Merge Recipients dialog box

62 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Arrange the main document Arranging the main document means putting content into the document. That content consists of: Information that stays the same in each merged copy. Fields (placeholders) for the information that is unique in each merged copy. Steps to insert an Address Block field

63 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Arrange the main document The quickest way to add address fields is: 1.Click the Address block link in the Mail Merge task pane to add a composite «AddressBlock» field to your document. 2.The Insert Address Block dialog box appears, where you have an opportunity to specify address elements and the format for the recipient's name. Steps to insert an Address Block field

64 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Arrange the main document 3.If you're sending international mail, leave Format address according to the destination country/region selected to ensure that the address will be formatted correctly. Steps to insert an Address Block field 4.To avoid errors in the address block, click Match Fields to manually match columns from your data file with address elements in the «AddressBlock» field.

65 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Preview After you've added all the content and fields to the main document, you're ready to preview how the merged documents look. When you click the Next link at the bottom of the task pane to move to the preview step in the mail-merge process, the first merged document appears. You can preview the results before completing the merge.

66 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Preview Depending upon how the first document looks, you have a number of choices: If things don't look right, click the Previous link at the bottom of the task pane. By returning to the previous step, you can add, delete, or match fields, or make other corrections so that the information is displayed correctly. You can preview the results before completing the merge.

67 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Preview If things look good, click the double-right-arrow button at the top of the task pane to page through a few more of the merged documents. You can preview the results before completing the merge. If you want to view the merged document for a particular record (row from your data file), click the Find a recipient link to search for that record.

68 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Preview As you page through the documents, you can exclude any record from the merge by clicking Exclude this recipient. You can preview the results before completing the merge. If you realize that the merge includes some records you don't want to include, click the Edit recipient list link to open the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box. You can use this dialog box to narrow the record list.

69 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Complete the merge When you're satisfied with previews of the merged documents, you're ready to print the final results. 1.Click Print to open the Merge to Printer dialog box. Or 2.Click Edit individual envelopes to open the Merge to New Document dialog box. Steps to complete the merge

70 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Complete the merge If you still don’t want to print without having one more chance to review the results, or if you want to customize selected documents, you can click the Edit individual envelopes link in the task pane. This creates a separate comprehensive document that contains all the merged copies, one per page or section, in a new Word document. Steps to complete the merge

71 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Complete the merge If you think you might do a similar merge in the future, it's a good idea to save the main document. Saving the main document also saves the connection between it and the data file. The next time you open the main document, you'll see information from the first data file record already merged. You can quickly complete the merge or connect to a different file. Steps to complete the merge

72 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Suggestions for practice 1.Open the Mail Merge task pane, and choose a document type and main document. 2.Connect to your data file and choose the records you want to use. 3.Type content, and insert fields. 4.Preview and match fields. 5.Complete the merge. Online practiceOnline practice (requires Word 2003)

73 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 3, question 1 How do you open the Mail Merge task pane? (Pick one answer.) 1.On the File menu, click Open, and then locate the task pane file. 2.On the Tools menu, point to Letters and Mailings, and then click Mail Merge. 3.On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Mail Merge.

74 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 3, question 1: Answer On the Tools menu, point to Letters and Mailings, and then click Mail Merge.

75 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 3, question 2 Why is it important to match fields? (Pick one answer.) 1.If Word can't match fields in an Address block with column headings in your data file, you'll see errors in your merged documents. 2.If you don't match fields, you won't be able to preview the merged documents. 3.You match fields after you preview the merged documents in order to complete the merge.

76 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 3, question 2: Answer If Word can't match fields in an Address block with column headings in your data file, you'll see errors in your merged documents.

77 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 3, question 3 Once you choose to preview your documents, the merge is complete and you can't make changes. (Pick one answer.) 1.True. 2.False.

78 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 3, question 3: Answer False. Preview gives you a chance to look at your merged documents before the merge is complete. You can go back to the previous step in the process and correct anything that needs fixing.

79 Lesson 4 Perform a more complex merge

80 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Perform a more complex merge Mail merge isn't always as simple as just adding an address. Sometimes you need to do something a little more complicated. When you're familiar with the Mail Merge task pane, or you're doing a more complicated merge, you can use the Mail Merge toolbar, where there are some options you can't find in the task pane. The Mail Merge toolbar

81 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Get started with the toolbar After you open the Mail Merge toolbar, you're ready to start stepping through the mail-merge process using the toolbar buttons. You can proceed from left to right across the toolbar. Main document setup and dialog box

82 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Get started with the toolbar In the dialog box, if you choose: Letters, Faxes, or Directory, you can either start with a blank document or with a template. Envelopes or Labels, the Envelope Options or Label Options dialog box appears, where you can set up the main document. E-mail messages, a properly formatted main document opens. Main document setup and dialog box

83 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Get started with the toolbar The Normal Word document option is useful when you open a document that you previously used in a mail merge. If you want to save the content of the document but don't want it to be connected to the data file anymore, click the Main document setup button, and then click this option. Tips: Main document setup and dialog box

84 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Get started with the toolbar If you already have a document set up that you want to merge information into, you can just open that document and skip clicking the Main document setup button. Main document setup and dialog box

85 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Connect to a data file and choose records You use the Open Data Source and Mail Merge Recipients buttons on the toolbar to: Buttons on the Mail Merge toolbar Connect to the data file that contains the unique information you want to merge. Choose the records from the file that you want to use.

86 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Connect to a data file and choose records 1.To locate and open your data file, click the Open Data Source button. Buttons on the Mail Merge toolbar 2.To filter and sort the records you want to include in the merge, click the Mail Merge Recipients button.

87 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Add fields to the main document Now, you're ready to arrange your main document by: Typing any content that will be the same in each merged copy, such as a return address or the body of a form letter or e-mail message. Adding fields for unique information.

88 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Add fields to the main document For your convenience, there are separate toolbar buttons devoted to adding Address Block and Greeting Line fields. There is also a button called Insert Merge Fields. By clicking this button, you can add any column heading from your data file to your main document as a field.

89 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Add fields to the main document 1.Position the pointer in the main document where you want an address to appear, and then click the Insert Address Block button to choose the format for (and to add) an «AddressBlock» field. 2.Position the pointer in the main document where you want a greeting to appear, and then click the Insert Greeting Line button to add a «GreetingLine» field.

90 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Add fields to the main document 3.Position the pointer in the main document where you want a field corresponding to a data file column to appear, and then click the Insert Merge Field button. 4.In the Insert Merge Field dialog box that appears, select Database fields. This displays the column headings from your data file. Choose the column heading you want to insert as a field, and click Insert.

91 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Add fields to the main document Let's say you’re creating form letters for your employees to inform them of their current salaries. In your data file, each employee's salary is listed in a column called Current Salary. If you insert a «Current_Salary» field in the main document, each employee's salary amount will appear in his or her copy of the form letter.

92 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Add other fields While you can insert any Word field by clicking Field on the Insert menu, you can also use the handy Insert Word Field button on the Mail Merge toolbar to insert a few Word fields most useful for mail merge. Insert Word Field button on Mail Merge toolbar

93 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Add other fields 1.Ask prompts you to enter information each time Word merges a new document, and associates a bookmark with the response. Insert Word Field button on Mail Merge toolbar 2.Fill-in prompts you to enter information each time Word merges a new document.

94 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Add other fields 3.If...Then...Else... does one of two alternative actions, depending upon a condition. Insert Word Field button on Mail Merge toolbar 4.Merge Record # prints the record number in each resulting merged document. The number reflects the sequential order of the data records you selected for a merge.

95 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Add other fields Or, you might use a Fill-in field if you want to type information, such as a client's name or a product number, in each merged document in response to a prompt. Insert Word Field button on Mail Merge toolbar

96 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Preview There are several buttons on the Mail Merge toolbar that are useful at the preview stage of a merge. 1.View Merged Data: Click once to display merge results. Click again to display fields. 2.Highlight Merge Fields: Click to highlight fields in a document. Click again to turn off highlighting. Preview buttons on the Mail Merge toolbar

97 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Preview 3.Match Fields: Click to open the Match Fields dialog box. Preview buttons on the Mail Merge toolbar 4.First Record, Previous Record, Go to Record, Next Record, Last Record: Click a button or type a number to locate a specific merged document. 5.Find Entry: Click to open the Find Entry dialog box. You can find merged documents that contain specific information.

98 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Preview Your preview process might go something like this: Click the View Merged Data button to take a quick look at the first merged document. If there is information missing, click the Match Fields button to match columns from your data file with fields in the main document. Preview buttons on the Mail Merge toolbar

99 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Preview When things look good in the first document, use the Next Record button to page through a few more merged documents. Preview buttons on the Mail Merge toolbar If you merged a large number of documents, type numbers in the Go to Record box, and then press ENTER to check random documents in the set.

100 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Complete the merge When you click any of the merge buttons, you open a dialog box similar to this. This is your last opportunity to limit the records you want to include in the final merge. If you choose Current record, you can produce just one document to see how it looks before you produce the entire batch. The Merge to Printer dialog box

101 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Complete the merge You complete the merge by clicking one of the following merge buttons on the Mail Merge toolbar: Merge to New Document: Create a new comprehensive document that contains all of the merged documents you just created, with one merged document per page or section. The Merge to Printer dialog box

102 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Complete the merge Merge to Printer: Print the merged documents. The Merge to Printer dialog box Merge to E-mail: Send merged e-mail messages. Your data file must contain a column where you list each recipient's e-mail address. Merge to Fax: Merge and send faxes. This button is available only if you have fax software and a fax modem installed.

103 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Suggestions for practice 1.Display the Mail Merge toolbar, and choose the document type. 2.Connect to your data file. 3.Add fields: address block, greeting line, personal note, conditional field for coupon instructions; add a number to the coupon. 4.Preview the merged letters. Online practiceOnline practice (requires Word 2003)

104 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 4, question 1 How do you display the Mail Merge toolbar? (Pick one answer.) 1.On the Tools menu, point to Letters and Mailings, and then click Mail Merge. 2.On the Tools menu, click Options. 3.On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Mail Merge.

105 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 4, question 1: Answer On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Mail Merge. You're ready to try a complex merge.

106 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 4, question 2 What can you do in the Mail Merge task pane that you can't do using the Mail Merge toolbar? (Pick one answer.) 1.Connect to your Outlook Contacts list as a data file and create a new data file. 2.Insert address block and greeting line fields. 3.Preview your merged documents and complete the merge.

107 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 4, question 2: Answer Connect to your Outlook Contacts list as a data file and create a new data file. You can't do either of these things using the toolbar. You have to use the task pane.

108 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 4, question 3 In addition to data file fields, you can insert Word fields into a main document. Where can you find a complete list of these Word fields? (Pick one answer.) 1.On the Mail Merge toolbar, click the Insert Word Field button. 2.On the Insert menu, click Field to open the Field dialog box. 3.On the File menu, click Open, and then locate the Fields folder.

109 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Test 4, question 3: Answer On the File menu, click Open, and then locate the Fields folder. The Field dialog box is the place to go to see what Word fields exist and to insert them into a document.

110 Use mail merge for mass mailings and more Quick Reference Card For a summary of the tasks covered in this course, view the Quick Reference Card. Quick Reference Card

111 USING THIS TEMPLATE See the notes pane or view the full notes page (View menu) for detailed help on this template.

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