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1 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced ADVANCED MICROSOFT WORD Lesson 11 – Merging Form Documents, Directories, Mailing Labels, and Envelopes Microsoft Office.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced ADVANCED MICROSOFT WORD Lesson 11 – Merging Form Documents, Directories, Mailing Labels, and Envelopes Microsoft Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced ADVANCED MICROSOFT WORD Lesson 11 – Merging Form Documents, Directories, Mailing Labels, and Envelopes Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced

2 2 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Objectives Identify a main document and a data source. Insert merge fields into the main document. Preview, merge, and print form documents. Create a new data source. Edit, sort, and filter data source records.

3 3 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Objectives (cont.) Prepare mail merge documents for labels and envelopes. Use merge features to create catalogs and directories.

4 4 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Vocabulary Boilerplate text Data source Field name Fields Header row Main document Merge fields Record Variable text

5 5 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Mail Merge: 6 Basic Steps Select document type. Select starting document. Select recipients. Write your letter. Preview your letters. Complete the merge.

6 6 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Step 1 Select document type

7 7 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Step 2 Select starting document

8 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Step 3 Select recipients

9 9 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Mail Merge Recipients Dialog Box

10 10 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Step 4 Write your letter

11 11 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Step 5 Preview your letters

12 12 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Step 6 Complete the merge

13 13 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Main Document with Merged Data Variable data

14 14 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Edit Data Source Records Add new entries. Edit current entries. Delete current entries.

15 15 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Sort Data Source Records Organize the records in alphabetic or numeric order.

16 16 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Filter Data Source Records Set up conditions identifying criteria that must be met before records are included in a merge.

17 17 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Prepare Labels Mailing labels Name badges Business cards Postcards Folder labels

18 18 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Envelope Options Envelope size Return address Printing options

19 19 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Create Catalogs and Directories All records print in the same document. To print only specific records, you must first filter the data source.

20 20 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Summary The mail merge feature enables you to create personalized form letters, mailing labels, and envelopes as well as catalogs and directories. The data source contains variable information. You insert field names from the data source into the main document.

21 21 Microsoft Office 2003: Advanced Summary (cont.) You can preview documents before you complete a merge. You can sort data records before you merge them with a main document. You can merge all or selected records to a new document, the printer, or e-mail.

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