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Marie Curie Actions – in the 6. Framework Programme – Viola Tegethoff, MPG-Brussels Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Marie Curie Actions – in the 6. Framework Programme – Viola Tegethoff, MPG-Brussels Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marie Curie Actions – in the 6. Framework Programme – Viola Tegethoff, MPG-Brussels Office

2 FP 6 - Activities and Instruments

3 Marie Curie Actions · FP 6 Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training Conferences and Training Courses Research Training Networks Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge Development Scheme Industry-Academia Partnership Intra-European Fellowships International Fellowships TeamsAwards Chairs Profile of Fellows ≥ 4 years experience or Ph.D. < 4 years experience Transfer of Knowledge Early Stage Training Advanced Lifelong Training and Excellence Return and Reintegration Source: A rough guide to the Marie Curie Actions

4 Marie Curie Actions · Deadlines 2005-2006 ActivityDeadlineBudget / Mio. € Research Training Networks (RTN)08. Sept. 2005220 Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training (EST)Closed! Host Fellowships for the Transfer of Knowledge (ToK)18. May 2005 / 15. May 200645 / 47 Conferences & Training Courses (SCF/LCF)18. May 2005 / 17. May 200612,25 / 12,25 Intra-European Fellowships (IEF)15. Feb. 200670 Outgoing International Fellowships (OIF)18. Jan. 200622 Incoming International Fellowships (IIF)18. Jan. 200622 Excellence Grants (EXT)15. Feb. 200645 Chairs (EXC)15. Feb. 200610 Excellence Awards (EXA)15. Feb. 2006.0.25 European Reintegration Grant (ERG) 19. July 2005, 19. Oct. 2005 19. Jan. 2006, 19. April 2006, 19. July 2006 2005: 10; 2.5 for each closure date 2006: 13; 3.25 each for Jan. + April, 6.5 for the last closure date International Reintegration (IRG)2005: 10; 2.5 for each closure date 2006: 13; 3.25 each for Jan. + April, 6.5 for the last closure date

5 Marie Curie Actions · Evaluation / ex. Excellence Grants HRM evaluation criterion Specific Questions to be posed to evaluatorsThreshold mark (0-5) Weighting (%) Scientific Quality of Project  Scientific quality of the research programme including, leading edge or interdisciplinary character of the research  Importance and relevance of the scientific content  Potential for promoting innovation  Research methodology 420 (40) Quality of the Host  Quality of receiving organisation.  Synergies offered by the hosts with the proposed activities. -10 Quality of the Researchers  Potential to lead a team to reach a high level of excellence  Scientific and technological excellence of previous research  Level of international experience obtained  Experience with managing research  Ability of proposer to take on the responsibilities of the task and to successfully manage and carry out the proposed research 420 (60) Management and Feasibility  Arrangements for implementing and managing the activity described in the proposal  Feasibility and credibility of proposed plans  Availability of necessary resources  Quality of the dissemination plan -15 Added Value and relevance to objectives  Relevance of the proposal to one or more of the specific objectives of the action - as specified in section of this document.  National diversity of envisaged team  Impact on prospective team leader's career  Synergies built by carrying out the proposed research at a European level  Impact on increasing the attractiveness of Europe, and on promoting European research careers, in particular the contribution to reversing brain drain.  Impact in the creation of excellent, transnational dynamic and stimulating focal points in Europe  Relevance of theme(s) in relation to European achievements and interests -35

6 Marie Curie Actions · What‘s new in FP 6  Marie Curie Actions = Mobility Programme  The programme is open to scientists from Third Countries  Marie Curie ‚Label‘  No age limit, but based on experience and expertise  Return Mechanisms (incl. mechanisms to reintegrate European world-class researchers in Europe)  Promoting Excellence

7 Marie Curie within FP 6 – Definitions, I  early stage researchers: This refers to researchers at the beginning of their research career with less than four years' active research experience  e.g. graduates, researchers undertaking a doctoral degree  experienced researchers: This applies to researchers with more than four years of active research experience or those with a doctorate degree.  e.g. Post- docs, Habilitanden  Very experienced researchers: This refers to researchers with at least 10 years of active research experience Scientists Institutions  Organisations, which are actively involved in research and/or research training  e.g. universities, research bodies, enterprises (incl. SME)

8 Marie Curie within FP 6 – Definitions, II  Nationals and institutions from - Member States of the European Union (MS) - Associated Candidate Countries (AS): Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey - Associated Countries to the FP6: Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, - Persons (and institutions) of third countries, e.g. GUS-States, Asia, Africa, North- and South America, Australia - International European interest organisations (e.g. EMBL, EMBO) and international organisations Who can participate:

9 Marie Curie within FP 6 – Definitions, III  “assimilated nationality”: Non-nationals from MS / AS having legally resided and having had their main activity (work, studies, etc.) for at least 4 of the last 5 years (at the start of their fellowship) in MS / AS, are treated as to nationals of the Member/Associated State in which they have resided the longest.  Example: A Japanese applicant submitting a proposal on February 2004 with the following history: February 1999-September 2000 resided in Germany October 2000-October 2002 studied in France November 2002-February 2004 worked in Hungary According to the mobility rules s/he could not apply to go to France (“assimilated” nationality), nor Hungary (more than 1 year in the past 3) but could apply to go to any other MS /AS (including Germany) Special conditions:

10 Marie Curie within FP 6 – Definitions, IV  Holders of Multiple Nationalities: a national holding more than one nationality may carry out a period of mobility in the country of his/her nationality in which s/he has not resided during the previous 5 years (short stays such as holidays are not taken into account)  Example: A Turkish/ German national who is residing in Great Britain and studied in Germany for 3 years in 1995-98. May apply for a fellowship in Germany in 2004. Special conditions:

11 Marie Curie within FP 6 – Definitions, V  The researcher should not be a national of the state in which s/he plans to move and carry out research.  The researcher has not lived, worked or studied in that country for more than 12 months out of the three years immediately prior to either the time of application, or the start of work. What is meant by mobility?  Open to all research areas and research topics  condition: the work/project must contribute to the aims of the European Community The »bottom-up« approach for all MC activities:

12 Marie Curie within FP 6 – Definitions, VI  In this category, organisations may submit proposals to the Commission. Host- driven actions will provide structured training for researchers in the early stages of their career and will enable the development and transfer of competencies in research. What is meant by „host-driven activities“?  In this case, an individual researcher may prepare and submit the proposal together with a hosting institution. The aim of these actions is to help experienced researchers to develop specialised or complementary knowledge and expertise to achieve independence. Early stage researchers (< 4 years of research experience) can‘t submit proposals to the COM! What is meant by „individual-driven activities“?

13 Marie Curie within FP 6 – Definitions, VII The Marie Curie-proposals are evaluated in 7 panels:  Chemistry (CHE)  Social and Human Sciences (SOC)  Economic Sciences (ECO)  Engineering sciences (ENG)  Environment and geosciences (ENV)  Life sciences (LIF)  Mathematics and information sciences (MAT)  Physics (PHY) The concept of panels

14 Marie Curie Actions · Host driven actions  Marie Curie Research Training Networks (RTN) = research training within the frame of an international research project  Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training (EST) = comparable to Max Planck International Research Schools  Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge (ToK)  Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses 2) Individual-driven actions 3) Excellence promotion and recognition 4) Return and Reintegration Mechanisms 1) Host-driven actions

15 Marie Curie Research Training Networks (RTN)  Aims:Cohesive but flexible framework for the training and professional development esp. of early stage researchers; transfer of knowledge by the experienced researchers, if necesary for the project; training in a multidisciplinary and/or intersectorial context  Requirements:Well-defined collaborative research project of recognised international standing  Proposers:Institution (e.g. universities, research organisations, industrial firms, SME’s, international organisations, etc.)  selects and appoints the early stage and experienced researchers  Partner:At least 3 hosts in 3 different MS /AS (ø 5-15 partners)  Target group:Primarily early stage researchers ( 4 years of active research experience)  Funding period:max. 4 years  Length of stay: Institution appoints fellows for periods between 3 months and 3 years (also includes short stays to get acquainted with a new method or the like)  Participation:Training must be open to researchers from outside the partners  Project size:800.000 – some Mio. € (ø ca. 3 Mio. €)

16 Marie Curie Research Training Networks (RTN)  Open positions:The open positions at the ‚RTN‘-Sites are advertised on the Internet, in specialist journals, per email, etc.  Publication:continuously since March 2004  Link:  Application:directly to the host institution  Length of stay:between 3 months and 3 years  Qualification:Scientific quality; ability to carry out a project on their own; potential of excellence; good knowledge of english (TOEFL) Job opportunities for Graduates / Doctoral candidates

17 Marie Curie Actions · Financing  Payments are always made to the host institution representing the contractual partner of the European Commission (COM)  The institution is in charge of its forwarding  The scientist receives his/her COM-contribution from the host institution, with which he/she has to conclude a contract

18 Marie Curie Host driven actions · Financing  Monthly living allowance: a basic monthly amount to be paid according to qualification of the researcher (+ correction factor) - Early stage researcher:30.550 €/ p.a. (employment contract) 15.275 €/ p.a. (fixed-amount stipend) - experienced researcher:47.000 €/p.a. (employment contract) 23.550 €/p.a., (fixed-amount stipend)  Mobility allowance: monthly payment of a fixed amount to cover expenses related to the mobility - 500€/month + correction factor for a researcher without family charges. - 800€/month + correction factor for a researcher with family charges  Yearly travel allowance: fixed amount based on the distance between the two locations - e.g. <500 km: 250 €; 500-1000 km: 500 €  Career exploratory award: one single payment of 2000 € / fellow for the researcher to attend job interviews, additional courses, etc.  Contribution for expenses related to participation of the researcher in research and training activities: monthly fixed amount for research related costs, meetings, conference attendance, etc. - 250 €/M. (for non-laboratory based research projects) - 500 €/M. (for laboratory based research projects) For the researcher

19 Marie Curie Host driven actions · Financing  Contribution to the research/ training/ transfer of knowledge programme expenses: normally on the basis of real expenses up to a maximum amount per researcher month  For RTN: Contribution to the expenses related to the co-ordination between partners (meetings, conferences, joint training actions, detachment of staff, etc ); for all participating researchers of the host institutions, which are not financed by the Marie Curie-Activity)  Contribution to management activities (including audit certificates): max. 7% of the total Community contribution  Contribution to overheads: max. 10% of the direct costs For the institution

20 Marie Curie · Individual-driven actions  Intra-European Fellowships (EIF)  International Incoming Fellowships (IIF)  Outgoing Incoming Fellowships (OIF) 3) Excellence promotion and recognition 4) Return and Reintegration Mechanisms 1) Host-driven actions 2) Individual-driven actions

21 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (EIF)  Aims:to undertake advanced training through research and/ or to acquire complementary skills in order to become independent.  Applicant:experienced researchers in liaison with the Host Institution  Proposal:Course of the scientific training; which additional competences (e.g. in project management or the like) will achieve the experienced researcher, a work plan correlated to the research methodology and objectives (includ. the milestones)  Participation:Researchers and institutions of a MS / AS  Funding period:1-2 years  Project size:60.000 – 180.000 €  Contract:Shall include a ›Personal Career Development Plan‹ that should have been previously established by the fellow and his/her supervisor. It comprises the fellow's training needs and scientific objectives as well as a description of all activities foreseen as part of the fellowship specific training/career development at the host  from and to Member States (MS) and Associated States (AS)

22 Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowships (OIF), 1  Aims:Training in an internationally accepted excellent Centre outside of Europe, followed by applying the experience gained in an European host organisation  Implementation and duration: First Phase: 1-2 years in a not European country Second Phase: max. 1 year (normally half the time of the first Phase) at a host institution in a MS / AS  Applicant:experienced researchers together with the Host Institution of the 2. Phase  Proposal:Course of the scientific training; which additional competences (e.g. in project management or the like) will achieve the experienced researcher, a work plan correlated to the research methodology and objectives (includ. the milestones)  Participation:Experienced researchers from MS / AS  Scientists from Third Countries cannot apply!  from Member State (MS) and Associated State (AS) to a Third Country (e.g. USA, Japan, Canada, Argentina, etc.)  compulsory return phase

23 Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowships (OIF), 2  Contract:the COM concludes the contract with the host institution of the 2. Phase; the host institution of the 2. Phase commits itself towards the COM, that the researcher will carry out the 2. Phase at their institute; otherwise the european institute has to pay back the hole financial contribution to the COM  Stay 1. Phase:The experienced researcher is send by the european host institution to the extra-european host institution, that means, s/he has the status of a visiting scientist  Salary:is payed by the host institution of the 2. Phase  Project size:120.000 – 240.000  Working contract:shall include a ›Personal Career Development Plan‹ that should have been previously established by the fellow and his/her supervisor. It comprises the fellow's training needs and scientific objectives as well as a description of all activities foreseen as part of the fellowship specific training/career development at the host

24 Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships (IIF), 1  Aims:Training of excellent researchers from Third Countries in Europe; Knowledge transfer to Europe; broaden the relations between the European Community and the Third Countries  Implementation and duration: 1. Phase: 1-2 years an Gastinstitution in MS / AS 2. Phase: re-integration for max. 1 year (normally half the time of the first Phase if the researcher comes from a developing country)  Applicant:experienced researchers together with the Host Institution and the Host Institution in the third country (in the case of a re-integration- phase)  Participation:experienced researchers from third countries  Proposal:Course of the scientific training; which additional competences (e.g. in project management or the like) will achieve the experienced researcher, a work plan correlated to the research methodology and objectives (includ. the milestones)  Promising scientists from Third Countries to Member State (MS) and Associated State (AS)  Possibility of a re-integration grant for scientists from developing countries

25 Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships (IIF), 2  Contract:the COM concludes the contract with the host institution in MS /AS for 1-2 years and with the Host Institution in the third country (in the case of a re-integration-phase)  Project size:72.000 – 185.000 €  Working contract:shall include a ›Personal Career Development Plan‹ that should have been previously established by the fellow and his/her supervisor. It comprises the fellow's training needs and scientific objectives as well as a description of all activities foreseen as part of the fellowship specific training/career development at the host

26 Marie Curie Actions · Financing  Payments are always made to the host institution representing the contractual partner of the European Commission (COM)  The institution is in charge of its forwarding  The scientist receives his/her COM-contribution from the host institution, with which he/she has to conclude a contract

27 Marie Curie Individual driven actions · Financing  Monthly living allowance: a basic monthly amount to be paid according to qualification of the researcher (+ correction factor) - experienced researcher: 47.000 €/p.a. (employment contract) 23.500 €/p.a. (fixed-amount stipend) - very experienced researcher : 70.500 €/p.a. (employment contract) 33.500 €/p.a. (fixed-amount stipend)  Mobility allowance: monthly payment of a fixed amount to cover expenses related to the mobility - 500 € /month + correction factor for a researcher without family charges - 800 € /month + correction factor for a researcher with family charges  Yearly travel allowance: fixed amount based on the distance between the two locations - e.g. <500 km: 250 €; 500-1000 km: 500 €  Career exploratory award: one single payment of 2000 € / fellow for the researcher to attend job interviews, additional courses, etc.  Contribution for expenses related to participation of the researcher in research and training activities: monthly fixed amount for research related costs, meetings, conference attendance, etc. - 500 €/M. (for non-laboratory based research projects) - 750 €/M. (for laboratory based research projects) For the researcher

28 Marie Curie Actions · Financing  Contribution to management costs (including audit certification): normally up to a maximum of 3% of the Community contribution  Contribution to overheads: normally a maximum of 10% of the direct costs For the Institution

29 Marie Curie Individual driven actions · Financing Example: experienced researcher who is staying 2 years at an institute in Sweden, with family (brutto) a) directly for the researcher €/Month€/total Monthly living allowance406697.584 Mobility allowance88621.264 Travel allowance-1.500,00 (750/year) Career exploratory allowance-2.000,00 total4952122.348 €/Month€/total Contribution to the participation expenses of the researcher 750,0018.000 Overhead-14.035 Management activities-4.631 total a + b159.014 b) for the institution

30 Marie Curie · Excellence promotion and recognition  Grants for Excellence Teams (EXT) = Max Planck Junior Research Groups  Chairs (EXC)  Excellence Awards (EXA) 4) Return and Reintegration Mechanisms 1) Host-driven actions 2) Individual-driven actions 3) Excellence promotion and recognition

31 Marie Curie Grants for Excellence Teams (EXT), 1  Aims:Support for creation and development of European excellent research teams Support of early scientific independence Also aims at encouraging world-class researchers, who are currently active in Third Countries, to bear their potential for excellence in inside the Member States and Associated States  Applicant:Team leader in liaison with the host institution in which the project will be developed and executed  Participation:Experienced researcher form MS /AS and third countries  Size of the team:e.g. 1 team leader and 3 PhD‘s  depends on experience of the team leader  Mobility:the team may under the following conditions also work in the home country of the team leader:  it should not have worked for more than 1 year in the host institution, involved in the application  it should be composed transnationally and well-balanced regarding nationalities  it should integrate researchers, who come back from outside MS and AS

32 Marie Curie Grants for Excellence Teams (EXT), 2  Teams:Teams should not exist for more than 1 year (if so, they should be enlarged)  Location:The team shall execute the project in a MS or another AS  Open positions:not all participants have to be recruited on application (free places in the project have to be published in international professional publications)  Duration:max. 4 years  Project size:800.000 – 1.6 Mio. €

33 Marie Curie Grants for Excellence Teams (EXT)· Financing  Monthly living allowance: monthly living allowance according to the rules of MCA (+30% for team leader) - early stage researcher: 30.550 €/p.a. (employment contract) 15.275 €/p.a. (fixed-amount stipend) - experienced researcher :47.000 €/p.a. (employment contract) 23.500 €/p.a. (fixed-amount stipend) - very experienced researcher : 70.500 €/p.a. (employment contract) 33.500 €/p.a. (fixed-amount stipend)  Mobility allowance: monthly payment of a fixed amount to cover expenses related to the mobility - 500 € /month + correction factor for a researcher without family charges - 800 € /month + correction factor for a researcher with family charges  Yearly travel allowance: fixed amount based on the distance between the two locations (home- and host-institution) - e.g. <500 km: 250 €; 500-1000 km: 500 €  Contribution for expenses related to participation of the researcher in research and training activities for research related costs, meetings, conference attendance, etc. For the researcher

34 Marie Curie Grants for Excellence Teams (EXT)· Financing  Contribution to management costs (including audit certification): normally up to a maximum of 3% of the Community contribution  Contribution to overheads: normally a maximum of 20% of the direct costs  With prior agreement of the COM, contributions to technical equipment  Institutions receive 85% of advance payments for the first 18 months. Further payments are made after reporting For the Institution

35 Marie Curie Chairs (EXC), 1  Aims:a mechanism to highlight personal achievements of world-class researchers by offering them top-level appointments in Europe, with a view to supporting their future career development and international recognition.  Applicant:by the candidate for the Chair in liaison with the host institution  Participation:The chair holder shall be a world-class researcher of any nationality, with outstanding past achievements in international collaborative research  Tasks:The chairholder will give lectures and teach research courses to students at graduate and/or postgraduate levels, as well as supervise research and thesis work and carry out research (50/50)  Subject:should be of a leading edge and/or multi-disciplinary nature, and correspond to directions in research, which are relevant for Europe  Synergies:Synergies with e.g. host-driven MC-Activities are possible and usefull  Duration:max. 3 years  Project size:450.000-750.000 €.

36 Marie Curie Chairs (EXC), 2  Contract:The host organisation, which will be the contractor, shall provide all the administrative and logistical support necessary to ensure that the chair holder can carry out the project most effectively.  Special agreement: will be concluded between the chair holder and the contracting organisation to regulate their relations. This agreement shall be transmitted to the European Commission. It shall guarantee the necessary autonomy to the chair holder to carry out the project in question.

37 Marie Curie · Return and Reintegration Mechanism  European Reintegration Grants (ERG)  International Reintegration Grants (IRG) 1) Host-driven actions 2) Individual-driven actions 3) Excellence promotion and recognition 4) Return and Reintegration Mechanism

38 Marie Curie European Reintegration Grants (ERG), 1  Aim:Reintegration of researchers from EU Member or Associated States who have taken part in a Marie Curie Action for at least two years  Applicant:The researcher applies to the Commission together with the host institution  Participation:Marie Curie-Fellows, who have been enroled during at least 24 months in one of the following MC actions: - Intra-European fellowships (EIF) - Research Training Networks (RTN) - Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training (EST) - Transfer of Knowledge (TOK)  Requirements:The hosting institution must commit themselves to offer a work contract of at least 2 years to the researcher  Application:Earliest during the last year of a running MC fellowship and latest 6 months before conclusion of the MC action. If the proposal is rejected, a new application is possible during the next evaluation.

39 Marie Curie European Reintegration Grants (ERG), 2  Project:starts usually after the MC action is finished (exceptions are possible!); well-defined research project which has to be considerably better than the original project  Funding period:max. 1 year  Project size:max. 40.000 €  Budget:the grant, which must be used within one year, goes towards the cost of undertaking a reintegration project. Salary is not paid for the reintegrated researcher (but additional staff, equipment, travel expenses, etc.)

40 Marie Curie International Reintegration Grants (IRG)  Aim:Reintegration of experienced researchers from MS/AS, who have been active for more than 5 years in a third country outside EU in scientific research  „Anti-Brain Drain“-action  Applicant:Researcher applies to the COM together with the host institution  Participation:Experienced researcher from MS/AS  Requirements:The hosting institution must commit themselves to offer a work contract of at least 3 years to the researcher. The researcher may not have lived for more than 1 year out of the last 5 years within MS/AS.  Application:Earliest during the last year of a running MC fellowship and latest 6 months before conclusion of the MC action. If the proposal is rejected, a new application is possible during the next evaluation.  Funding period:max. 2 Jahre  Project size:max. 80.000 €  Budget:the grant, which must be used within two years, goes towards the cost of undertaking a reintegration project. Salary is not paid for the reintegrated researcher (but additional staff, equipment, travel expenses, etc.)

41 Marie Curie – Information about the application Download the “InfoPack” that provides the material you need to prepare a proposal: Handbook (available for EST, RTN, Conf, ToK, EIF, OIF, IIF, EXT, EXC, EXA)  the bible for the application! Guide for proposers (one per activity) Forms (electronic submission possible)  Calls for proposals  Work Programme Human Resources and Mobility  Evaluation Guidelines  Model Contract  Financial Guidelines How to apply? European Added Value  Read political background papers, e.g. of the European Commission:

42 Results of the 1. call of the Marie Curie Actions ActivityNo. of qualified proposels No. of proposels on the short-list Success rate RTN /Research Training Networks from D 217 48 52 6 16,0 12,5 EST (Early Stage Research Training) from D 706 77 48 8 6,8 10,4 ToK (Transfer of Knowledge) from D 220 29 86 7 39,1 24,1 SCF/LCF (Conferences & Training Courses)3163511,1 EIF (Intra-European Fellowships) Fellows from D 1.655 166 391 50 23,6 30,1 IIF (Incoming International Fellowships)3555615,8 OIF (Outgoing International Fellowships)2394217,6 EXT (Excellence Grants) from D 195 35 21 5 10,8 14,3 EXA (Excellence Awards)8456,0 EXC (Chairs)371129,7 ERG (European Reintegration Grants) from D 72 6 68 6 94,4 100 IRG (International Reintegration Grants)171482,4

43 Marie Curie – how to write the proposal? / Example EIF  A1: generell information on the proposal (to be filled in by the host institution)  A2: Information on organisations (to be filled in by the host institution)  A3: Information on the researcher  A4: not applicable to EIF I. Part A (administrative part) – Forms:

44 Marie Curie – what to write in the proposal? / Example EIF Stage 1  B1.1: Scientific Quality of the Project (four A4 pages) - Research topic, Project objectives - Research method - Scientific originality and innovation - Timeliness and relevance of the project  B1.2: Quality of the Researcher (six A4 pages, incl. a CV and a list of main achievements) - You will need two referee‘s assessments! Please use the form supplied in the ‚Guide for Proposers‘. Stage 2  B2.1: Quality of the research training (one A4 page)  B2.2: Quality of the host (four A4 pages) - Scientific and training expertise of the host - Quality of the group/supervisors - Quality of infrastructure/facilities and International collaborations  B2.3: Management and Feasibility (two A4 pages)

45 Marie Curie – what to write in the proposal? / Example EIF  B2.4: Added Value and relevance to the objectives of the activity (two A4 pages)  B2.5: Previous proposals and contracts  B2.6: Other Issues (one A4 page) important: all proposers need to provide information on the following aspects mentioned in the ‚Guide for Proposers‘: - are ethical or safety issues associated with the subject of the proposal and have these been adequately taken into account? - are there other EC-policy related issues (such as gender-aspects, SME etc.) and are they taken into account? - demonstrate a readiness to engage with actors beyond the immediate area of research to help spread awareness and knowledge and to explore the wider societal implications of the proposed work - fill in the table on ethical issues - confirm that the research presented in this proposal does not involve research involving the use of human embryos or embryonic stem cells with the exception of banked or isolated human embryonic stem cells in culture

46 Marie Curie – available opportunities of FP5  Marie Curie Host Fellowships: - Training sites (up to 12 months for doctoral students) - Development scheme (Post-Docs) - Industry-fellowships  Research Training Networks (for doctoral students and Post-Docs)  EuroConferences Job-opportunities / stipends / conference participation of FP5:  direct application to host institution / the network / the organizer  rapid procedure  open positions until 2005!  h h tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// mmmm cccc ---- oooo pppp pppp oooo rrrr tttt uuuu nnnn iiii tttt iiii eeee ssss.... cccc oooo rrrr dddd iiii ssss.... llll uuuu 

47 Marie Curie in FP7 (2007-2013), I Host Fellowships:  Marie Curie Networks for early-stage researchers  merging of the early-stage training activities under FP 6 (RTN, EST & CONF) into one single scheme  financing of academic chairs  extension of funding period up to 5 years  preferable multi-partner-site [or mono-site / interrelated groups with strong trans-national cooperation]  “XXX”-scheme / realising the full potential of EU25 (= “ToK-Development Scheme” in FP6)  Institutions located in the Convergence Regions of the EU-25 having a recognised experience level but with (1) a need to expand research capabilities, (2) to develop new areas of competence, (3) to improve their attractiveness or visibility as research centres, (4) or to increase the level of co-operation with other EU research organisations.  Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnership scheme  to strengthen the links between the industrial/commercial and the academic/ public sectors  to facilitate the sharing of knowledge through involvement in a common research programme Budget proposed by the COM for the Marie Curie Actions in FP7: 7.178 Mio. €

48 Marie Curie in FP7 (2007-2013), II Individual Fellowships  Intra-European Fellowships  Outgoing / Incoming International Fellowships  Funding through the EU-Commission and co-funding of national/ regional/ international programmes  More flexibility in the modalities of the fellowships Excellence Recognition  Marie Curie Award Return and reintegration mechanisms  for European researchers abroad (in a third country)  to facilitate the eligibility conditions by reducing the time spent abroad from 5 to 3 years;  to increase of the grant for a) partial payment of the salary costs b) contributions to the research costs

49 Marie Curie – Important information sources   http://mc-opportunities.cordis.lu 

50 The Pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal

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