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EPESUS Eco/08/239001 Kick-off Meeting Eco-innovation Unit, EACI, European Commission Dr Theodoros Staikos, Project Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "EPESUS Eco/08/239001 Kick-off Meeting Eco-innovation Unit, EACI, European Commission Dr Theodoros Staikos, Project Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPESUS Eco/08/239001 Kick-off Meeting Eco-innovation Unit, EACI, European Commission Dr Theodoros Staikos, Project Officer

2 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 2 Content of the presentation  Your project and our expectations  General contractual and financial topics  Financial aspects: reminder

3 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 3 Your project...... and our expectations

4 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 4 EACI’s role  To monitor the technical and financial execution of the project  Ensure that the EU financial contribution is provided under the conditions established by the grant agreement  To assess and approve deliverables & reports  To follow-up on results and give feedback to the European Commission

5 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 5 Work Programme The working programme (Annex I)… ……is your basic work plan. If you feel that you have to modify/adapt for whatever reason: Inform your coordinator on time! The coordinator should inform the EACI on time! Your project started on September 2009 and will run for 36 months

6 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 6 Cooperation EPESUS / EACI  Contact to EACI always via coordinator... ... but all partner are responsible for smooth and successful implementation of project  In general: flag problems as early as possible  Keep a good and continuous communication, internally - and the coordinator with EACI.  Please remember:  The contract is generally not extendable  project schedule needs to be kept  changes only within restricted limits

7 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 7 Check our website for all required documents:  How to take part/ Implementing your project  Timesheet model (optional, you can use your existing system as long as you have timesheets)  Communication Guidelines (use of logo on all your communication material, disclaimer, project website etc.)  Template for Project information sheet (due in month 2)  Templates for reports and financial statements (coming soon)

8 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 8 Technical Progress Report (1/2) The Technical Progress Report…  shows the status of implementation  is a helpful tool to identify + flag problems  must be comprehensive but can be short (5-10 Pages)

9 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 9 1.Project objectives + major achievements in reporting period (1-2pp) 2.Consortium management in the period (1-2 pp) 3.Progress of each work package in the period (3-4 pp) 4.Progress regarding performance indicators (1 p) 5.Other issues (0-1 page) Technical Progress Report (2/2)

10 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 10 Performance Indicators Performance indicators will illustrate to what extent the....  objectives have been achieved  relevant barriers been lowered (when applicable)  market been transformed/up taken Performance indicators are a project management and follow-up tool for consortium, coordinator and the EACI They are important for EACI to show achievements of the CIP Eco-innovation initiative

11 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 11  Strategic deliverables of your project  Should outline your strategy for:  Successfully exploiting the action…  … during and after the project  Continuous process that develops together with your project implementation  Exploitation Plan to be prepared on month 6 and should be updated every six months Exploitation and Business Plans

12 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 12 « Common Dissemination » Work Package on «Common Dissemination»  Project Web Site to be accessible on month 3 (and must be operational until 2 years after the end of the project)  Layman report Upon request  Update documents used for Programme dissemination (e.g. project information sheets, posters, slides etc.)  Participation and contribution to information and dissemination events (e.g. workshops, conferences etc.)  Contribution to the preparation of common presentation material related to Eco-innovation actions (e.g. newsletters, brochures)

13 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 13 Means of communication Eco-Innovation website Flash News Posters and brochures European and National Info Days Thematic workshops Eco-Innovation – Europe Web site:

14 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 14 General contractual topics

15 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 15 What is the grant agreement  Annex I: Description of the Action (comes from Part B proposal)  Annex II: Estimated budget of the action (Detailed budget – Part C)  Annex III: Technical Implementation Reports and financial statements (standard for all projects)  Annex IV: Mandates conferring powers of attorney from the co-beneficiaries to the coordinator (standard, to be signed by all co-beneficiaries)

16 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 16  Establishes the rights and obligations for all beneficiaries  Established between the Commission and all beneficiaries  One beneficiary will act as co-ordinator with additional responsibilities vis-à-vis the Commission Characteristics of the grant agreement

17 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 17 The roles of the beneficiaries  The coordinator has a very active role, in particular:  Intermediary for communication with the Commission (claims, requests for changes, etc.)  Transfers funds to co-beneficiaries within 30 days of receipt  Responsible for supplying information to the Commission and to the co- beneficiaries ▪Proactively inform the Project Officer (e.g. project summaries, access to project website, upcoming meetings, etc.) ▪Provides proof of transfer of funds to the co-beneficiaries (compulsory)  Establishes payment requests  Co-beneficiaries are responsible for the proper performance of planned work and reporting to the coordinator in particular

18 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 18 Reporting 1/2  Always through the coordinator: 2 original hardcopies and an electronic version in English – guidance in Annex III  Technical progress reports (PR1 & PR2) – M8 & M27  Covers subsequent periods as defined in Art. I.6.2  Within 30 days of end of reporting period defined in Art. 1.6.2  Interim report (IR) – M15  Within 30 days of end of reporting period defined in Art. 1.6.3  Includes interim financial statement  Approval is one condition for paying the second pre-financing

19 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 19  Final report (FR)– M36  Within 60 days of action completion  Covers whole project duration and includes final financial statement  Layman Report – M33  Send reports also to functional mailbox ( EACI-ECO- ) referencing project acronym and number in the subject EACI-ECO-  E.g. Interim report: 239001 – EPESUS Reporting 2/2

20 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 20 The payments (Article I.5) 1/2  1st pre-financing is 30% of the contribution  The 1st pre-financing is the first step after the grant agreement  Paid within 45 days of official receipt of agreement and mandates  The 1st pre-financing is not linked to the performance of the progress report and costs statement

21 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 21 The payments (Article I.5) 2/2  Aggregate amount of 1st and 2nd pre-financing are 60% of the contribution  Conditional on approval of IR and consumption of 1st pre-financing  Co-ordinator must keep evidence proving transfer of 1st pre- financing to co-beneficiaries  Final balance within 45 days of approval of FR  EACI will check all incurred costs  Co-ordinator must keep evidence proving transfer of 2nd pre- financing to co-beneficiaries  Audit certificate (unless final EC contribution to a single beneficiary is above pre-defined amount – see Annex II)

22 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 22 Contract Amendments  Article II.13 states:  No oral agreement may be considered as binding  An amendment may not have the purpose or the effect of making changes to the agreement which might call into question the decision awarding the grant or result in unequal treatment of applicants  An amendment must be submitted to the EACI in good time before it is due to take effect and in any case one month before the closing date of the action  Amendments are necessary when, for example:  Beneficiaries change (some withdraw, are replaced, etc.)  Change of name, legal status or bank details of a beneficiary 1  Extension of contract duration,  Significant changes in Annex I (change in a work package, reporting schedule...) 1 Commission should be informed and takes note of address changes – no need for an amendment

23 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 23 Budget shifts have to be approved by the EACI  Budget shifts do not require an amendment to the agreement provided that:  The budget shifts do not affect the implementation of the action  If they are between cost categories for one beneficiary and the shift does not exceed 20% of the total eligible costs of this beneficiary  If they are between beneficiaries and the shift does not exceed 20% of the total eligible costs of the receiving beneficiary and the transfer does not exceed 50% of the total costs of the giving beneficiaries  The request for a budget shift is simple:  Registered letter through the coordinator to the Commission at least 1 month before the completion of the action  The Commission has 20 days to approve or refuse the request  Without response within 20 days, the request is deemed approved

24 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 24 Financial aspects: Reminder

25 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 25 The rules for eligibility of costs must guide the fine-tuning of the budget  Ineligible costs (see grant agreement):  return on capital;  debt and debt service charges;  provisions for losses or potential future liabilities;  interest owed;  doubtful debts;  exchange losses;  VAT, unless the beneficiary can show that he is unable to recover it;  costs covered by another action receiving a Community grant;  excessive or reckless expenditure;

26 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 26 The rules for eligibility of costs must guide the fine-tuning of the budget  Conditions for eligibility (see grant agreement):  Costs must relate to the action and be necessary  Costs must be reasonable and justified  Costs must have been budgeted  Costs must be generated during the period of the action, i.e. from contract start (exception of costs relating to final reports and audit certificates -> Max. + 2 months)  Costs must abide by the relevant general accounting principles and participant's internal rules + comply with sound financial management  Costs must be identifiable and verifiable  Costs must be actually incurred

27 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 27 Some formal principles in establishing the budget will ease everybody's life  All costs should be budgeted in whole Euros  Round the figures, do not just hide the decimals  All costs should be budgeted net of value added tax (VAT)  The proposer may only budget gross amounts (incl. VAT) if he provides a certificate from his tax authority stating he can not recover VAT

28 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 28 5 cost categories will be used (as in proposal)  Direct staff costs  Subcontracting  Travel costs and allowances for staff  Equipment and Infrastructure  Other specific costs

29 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 29 Direct staff costs  Only technical and specialised staff of the coordinator and partners may be budgeted  Costs for administrative support staff belong to the indirect cost category  Identify each category of staff in a clear and unambiguous manner Examples of staff categories: project manager, expert, senior expert, junior expert, senior engineer, technician, etc.  The inclusion of freelance ‘staff’ (=inhouse consultants) depends on their contractual terms and conditions of work  they work in the premises of the proposer using its infrastructure  they take directions from the proposer  the outcome of the work belongs to the proposer  Teleworking is only allowed if the standard working conditions applicable to the employees of the beneficiary allow it

30 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 30 Travel and subsistence  Only for staff taking part in the action (travel costs of sub-contractors should be included in the subcontracts)  The travel budget should be based on the beneficiary’s usual practices and reflect the most economical options  Keep track of trips (e.g. keep flight boarding passes)

31 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 31 Subcontracting  Relates to purchase of services, not of goods  Subcontracting may only cover the execution of a limited part of the action:  Limited tasks outsourced by the beneficiary, and for hiring special expertise  Does not include services ancillary to the main work, e.g. printing of documents, which should be budgeted under "Other specific costs"  Subcontractors should be selected on transparent grounds, to the best offer, taking into consideration price and quality (best value for money)  In a very simplified procedure, three different offers should be obtained and evaluated against common established criteria Proposers cannot subcontract services or sell equipment to one another or internally (e.g. between departments or affiliates) !

32 EPESUS Project - Kick-off Meeting 32 Intellectual Property Rights Issues  Participants need to provide technical information to the Commission, both in the proposal and the project deliverables.  The CIP Eco-innovation programme requests you to share information and disseminate project results  Free service by the European Commission to assist with the protection of IPR:  For regulation of IPR within the consortium, a consortium agreement might be set up.

33 Thank you for your attention Good luck and have fun!! (+32 2 29 98354) (Financial Officer, +32 2 29 95324)

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