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1 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Offset: the Client‘s Perspective Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Offset: the Client‘s Perspective Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Offset: the Client‘s Perspective Federal Ministry of Defence 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation Jerusalem, 7th to 9th May 2007 Dagmar Metzger Deputy Head of Division Armament Economics and Industrial Affairs Point of Contact for Offset

2 2 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Definition Direct Offset Participation of the purchaser country‘s industry in the production of the commodities or defence equipment being procured. Shipment and counter-shipment are technically interdependent. Indirect Offset Participation of the purchaser country‘s industry involves the acquisition of goods and services that are not connected with the actual commodities or defence equipment.

3 3 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Reality  Trade-offs or offset agreements remain an integral part of the international trade in defence equipment  This applies to government transactions just as much as to contracts between companies  Offset arrangements are required not only by developing and threshold countries but also by the industrial nations

4 4 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Views of the FMoD (1) Offset agreements create problems from a regulatory and economic point of view because they - restrict competition - increase procurement costs - lead to dirigism and protectionism and consequently -are an obstacle to the principles of the market economy.

5 5 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Views of the FMoD(2) Moreover - the integration of not fully competitive company services and/or the selling that may otherwise be necessary of non-company trade-off services tend to result in additional costs. - small and medium-sized companies are prevented from participating in the development and procurement of military technology, as they are shut out of the market by products supplied form the purchaser country.

6 6 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Views of the FMoD (3) Finally - Offset arrangements restrict international cooperation in defence technology. Decisions by governments to opt for a certain type of military hardware tend to be dictated by various structural, industrial-political, technical and/or operational considerations. The resulting solution is often "second best“.

7 7 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Views of the FMoD(4) Therefore - the FMoD doesn´t support trade-off demands from other countries as part of government agreements - the FMoD will work through its involvement in international committees on defence cooperation to ensure that offset agreements are no longer part of any future bilateral or multinational cooperation on military defence - the FMoD will, in principle, refrain from making trade- off demands on purchases from sources outside of Germany.

8 8 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Offset in International Fora Western European Armaments Group OCCAR Letter of Intent/Framework Agreement European Defence Agency

9 9 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Offset in International Fora Western European Armaments Group (WEAG) - Because of national egoism no tangible results regarding the abolition of governments‘ offset policies - Termination of the WEAG in mid-2005.

10 10 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Offset in International Fora OCCAR - instead of Juste Retour and Cost Share/Work Share: the principle of Global Balance to be applied over a longer period of time and for several programmes

11 11 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Offset in International Fora Letter of Intent/Framework Agreement - discussion by the WG "Reciprocal Offset Waivers" - aim: assess the impact of offset on the European armaments market and examine the advantages and disadvantages of abandoning offset - drafted a set of guidelines

12 12 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Draft for Guidelines for LoI/FA - limit compensation to 100% of contract value - standardised application of multipliers - standard time allowance for fulfilment of offset commitments - mutual exchange of information on offset commitments - stipulation of a contractual cut-off. Germany´s position: The guidelines can only be the first step towards the complete abolition of offset.

13 13 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Offset in International Fora European Defence Agency (EDA) - Part of the work programme of the Industry & Market directorate - aim: to create a level playing field for everyone involved in the European defence equipment market - offset as an obstacle to the development of an efficient European Defence Equipment Market (EDEM); - assessing the results of the LoI process.

14 14 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Offset in International Fora European Defence Agency (EDA) Based on the LoI proposal for offset guidelines EDA drafted harmonised offset regulations In parallel EDA awarded a study on the effects of offsets in December 06 Results of the study are expected in June 07 pMS did not agree to the a.m. proposals In 07 EDA will provide pMS with new proposals

15 15 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Offset on the National Basis At the German Ministry of Defence In September 06 establishment of PoC for offset Aim: Support German industry in offset matters such as  possible „swapping“ mutual offset requirements  offset credits/debits German industry regulary asks for support

16 16 Hauptabteilung Rüstung - Rü II 1 BMVg 3 rd International Seminar on Offsets and Industrial Cooperation, Jerusalem Thank you for your attention. Dagmar Metzger Federal Ministry of Defence – Division Rü II 1 Postfach 13 28 53003 Bonn Tel +49-228-12-5851 Fax +49-228-12-5214

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