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Dae Joon Hwang, Ph.D. Prof., Sungkyunkwan University 29 th July 2011 Workshop Session 1: ICT for Quality Education ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang.

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Presentation on theme: "Dae Joon Hwang, Ph.D. Prof., Sungkyunkwan University 29 th July 2011 Workshop Session 1: ICT for Quality Education ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dae Joon Hwang, Ph.D. Prof., Sungkyunkwan University 29 th July 2011 Workshop Session 1: ICT for Quality Education ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang The 6 th Annual Thailand POD National Conference, 28-29 July 2011, Bangkok, Thailand

2 Contents  What ICT Makes Possible  ICT in Education and Training in Korea  Practices  Remarks ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

3 What ICT Makes Possible Extended space: cyber space, ubiquitous space Networking Openness SharingAccessibility Collaboration ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

4 ICT for Education Innovation Address De- synchronization Globalization (competitiveness) Globalization (competitiveness) Leverage technology quality education ICT, a Catalyst for Education Innovation Challenge to Paradigm Shift in Education Education Innovation for Global Competitive ness ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

5 Quality Education Equal Opportunities for Education Global education competence Education Welfare Goals of ICT in Education ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

6 Overview of ICT in Education and Training Systems in Korea Formal education system Primary and secondary education: Bridge gab divides in education between rural and urban areas Harness benefits from education and learning: CHLS Educate “Generation Y” for the 21 st century: u-School, Smart education e-Administration and e-Financing: NEIS, EDUFINE Establish nation wide education information sharing environment: digital library, Edunet Higher education: Global competence and open access: KOCW, Global Virtual Lab. Pedagogy innovation: Regional e-Learning Support Center, mobile campus More opportunity for HE and accessibility: cyber university Establish education and research information system: RISS Training: Human Resource Development Teacher training: National e-Teacher training system Government official training: Central Government Official Training Center Company employee training: Job training institutes ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

7 e-Learning in Education and HRD in Korea Adoption of e-Learning in education institutions in 2009: 76.8% Primary (83.5%), Secondary(76.6%), High(67.8%), Junior High(45.1%) HE: Junior college(57.6%), 4Yr University(77.5%), Cyber University(100%) Strategy of HRD Government official training: 517,000 in 2009 Job training: 2.05Million employees in 2009 Teacher training: 226,313 teachers in 2009 e-Learning became a major knowledge business : Demand and supply market in revenue USD 2.07B, USD 2.09B respectively in 2009 Legal foundations : Primary and secondary education law, HE law, LLE law, Presidential decrees, IPR protection law, Privacy protection law, e-Learning industry promotion law, e-Training in labor education Law e-Learning quality management Establishment guidelines : Cyber university, e-Learning institutes QA guidelines : CHLS, Teacher Training Institutes, Cyber university, e- Learning institutes, e-Learning products Certification guidelines of content and SW for education and training ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

8 ICT Initiatives in Primary & Secondary Education in Korea ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang Create digital ecosystem for learning and research Intensify ICT use Focused on side effects of ICT Data and evidence based on policy making Encourage stake holder’s participation and communication Promote internal ICT use in education Establish ICT infrastructure Promotion of use of ICT in education 1996-2000 Infrastructure building ICT literacy education Internet portal service Opening of EDUNET 2001-20052006-2010 Customized learning Develop digital textbooks U-Learning pilot projects National Teacher Training Information Service Restructuring EDUNET based on Web 2.0 Develop Edu-fine Establish KOCW Education Cyber Security Center Global consulting on e-Learning Penetrate into foreign Knowledge business market MP 1: ICT literacy MP 2: Promotion and stabilization of ICT use in Education Advances in Education and Research Information service PM 3: Advances ICT use in education ICT training for over 25% of all teachers annually ICT training for over 33% of all teachers annually Teacher training for use of ICT in education: 30 hrs(15 hrs, optional) for every 3 years Focus on ICT literacy Creative HRD using ICT Master plans ICT Develop- ment Training Policies Training Direction Development and distribution of content National system for sharing educational contents Digital Library System Improving teaching methods EDUNET Teaching/ Learning center Cyber Home Learning System EBS lectures for college academic ability test Goal MP 4: Creative education Using digital technology Creative ICT based Education/Learning 2011-2015

9 Education Cyber Security Center Education Cyber Security Center Central Teaching and Learning Center Central Cyber Home Learning Center Central DLS Center Nationwide center for integrated educational information service Center for Teaching & Learning Cyber Home Learning Digital Library Digital Library Educational information data (applied KEM/DRM), various unit service modules (assessment tools, online discussion tools, etc) ※ Ensure interoperability through compliance with the W3C web standard and adoption of IMS Common Cartridge Integrated certification system/copyright management system EDUNET Teacher, Student, Parent (web 2.0-based, individualized, user homepage ) Resource Layer (ERSS, national educational information sharing system) Service Layer User Layer NEIS Digital Textbook Digital Textbook Education Information Service Platform ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

10 MOE&HRD Local Offices of Education, etc. Citizens Schools MPOEs National e-Administration System National Education Information System (NEIS) MOE&HRD Statistics DB Admin DB Index DB MPOEs Civil Service Support DB Education Admin DB ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

11  National e-Learning system to supplement primary and secondary education  Provide students with personalized learning after school  Provide equal opportunity for participation Cyber Home Learning System Community Customized learning Tailored Services Q&ALevel Diagnoses Career counseling Self-directed learning after school hours  Student-centered  Home connected  Internet-based  Curriculum-based Cyber Teacher 1:1 Learning Management Cyber learning incorporated with class DLS Customized learning KEMLMSLCMS ERSS ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

12 Digital Library of Higher Education Institutions Provide emerging searching technologies: web 2.0, web 3.0, semantic search engine Common place for sharing and exchanging knowledge and culture ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang Space Service Planning/ Consulting Space/Furniture Design UX Service Integrated Management System Web applications Create future IT models Integrate construction design UX Service, design concept design IT infrastructure & space arrangement plan Space efficiency and increases value Digital furniture production UX Service planning UX Service design / development Device, System, Contents centralized management system Use/Management optimum system design Organic integration of IT, space and design

13 Unit Organization Support System for Responses to Incidents of Infringement Support System for Responses to Incidents of Infringement External Organizations National Cyber Security Center Sharing infringement cases and response measures Security Information Management System S&T SEC Security Data Management System CERT of Education Office Collection of Cyber Infringement Data Top N, Event Data Sub-Organization MEST Integrated Security Management System Direct Security Control 신규위협보호대책신규위협보호대책 Detect and Responding to infringements and Issue predictions and warnings Analyze threats and establishing the protective measures Threat Management System Cyber Safety Support System KISA (KR CERT) International CERT Information Sharing and Joint Responses Collect CERT data and logs of sub- organizations Incident Response and Issuance of Warnings Comprehensive Analysis System Education Cyber Security Center ECSC website Accident report and responses ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

14 Overview of Teacher Training  Teacher training programs designed for ICT literacy, ICT use, and ICT leadership  Operation of teacher training institutes(175) –Government run TTIs(4), University attached TTIs(84), MPOE run TTIs(16), e- Teacher Training Institutes(71)  Number of teacher trained in 2009: 226,313 teachers –e-Teacher training Institutes(37%), MPOE run TTIs(29%), Government run TTIs(27%), University affiliated TTIs(7%)  Scope of teacher training: in-, and pre-service, capacity  Types of teacher training –e-Learning: 55.1%, –Blended : 29.1% –Offline : 14.6%  Overall satisfaction on e-Teacher training is high: 82.61%  Teaching community: –Operated by voluntary communities: Namosam(the web community for primary school teachers’) –Purposes: social networking, sharing and exchanging digital subject materials and experience in pedagogy and particular topics ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

15 Innovation in Teaching and Learning by Enhancing Teachers’ ICT Capabilities Policies to enhance ICT use in education Policies to enhance ICT use in education ICT teacher-training Support for self- directed effort to improve ICT abilities National Teacher Training Information System, EDUNET-Teaching and Learning Center National Teacher Training Information System, EDUNET-Teaching and Learning Center Development programs Development programs Supportive environments ICT Policies ICT Policies Goal of Teacher Training for ICT use in Education ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

16 Digital Library System Regional Offices of Education Digital Library System: Library administrative assistant service inter-organizational information exchange Index service Reading assistant service  Librarian  Student  Teacher Index development & operation Support class materials, Reading assistance Search, problem solving Library Internet-based One-Stop Library Service ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

17 Teacher Training Programs Based on Career Stages ICT Literacy Course Basic ICT Use Course Advanced ICT Use Course ICT Leadership Course Training Level Basic ICT Skills (eg) Information search, use of ICT tools, etc. ICT-based, problem-based education Building 21st century schools Lead Innovation Peer coaching course on ICT use School Teachers School CEOs Target Groups Teachers’ Career Stages (from induction to retirement) Creative lesson planning Developing thinking skills Teacher Training for 21 st Century Learners ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

18 Training Information Training offered by: MPOEs Private companies Universities Self-diagnosis and Prescriptions By position and rank Professional competence Common competence Comprehensive Training Information System Training Application Linked analysis of training info & diagnosis results Taking Training Courses Attendance Distance Training Path & Quality Assurance Individual training path Quality assurance Training course Training institutes Training Outcome Analysis Field Test Outcome Evaluation Course Feedback Expert Consulting Consulting on: Professional competence Common competence Class lessons Student guidance National Education Information System (NEIS) National Training Statistics Management National Teacher Training Information Service ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

19  Index for assessing the utilization of ICT in education Development of ICT Indicators in Education IndexMain contentsTarget ICT literacy assessment tools for students Focus : Assessing the ability to resolve the given problematic situation effectively Utilization : Apply to the revision of the information education system Domain : - Content domain: Computers networks and, Expression and logic of Information, Algorism and modeling, Information society and ethics - Ability : define, Access, Evaluate, Create, Manage, Communicate Primary school students(1-2, 3-4, 5-6grade), Secondary school students (middle school and high school students) ICT Skill Standard for Teacher (ISST) Focus : Assessment of ICT skill depend on role of teachers Utilization : Use in the teacher training courses Domain : Information gathering, Information processing, Information exchange, Information ethics Teachers, Executive teachers, CEOs ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

20  Education institutions –Primary and secondary education institutions: cyber home learning system –Higher education institutions: university, cyber university, junior college –Life-long education institutions  Training institutes –Teacher training institutes: MEST, KERIS –Corporation employee training institutes: Ministry of Employment and Labor, Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Labor education institutes, KRIVET –Government official training institutes: Ministry of administration and Security, Government officer training institutes  E-learning product: instruction design, content, infrastructure E-learning Quality Assurance Systems: EQAS ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

21 Cyber University in Korea Types of Cyber University Undergraduate program (31,125/110,485) Cyber University (18/20, 90%, 29,225/105,489) BA (16/20, 80%) : 27,525 /102,985 Diploma (2/20, 10% ): 1,700/2,500 Life Long Education Facilities classified as Cyber University (2/20, 10%, 1,900/5,000) BA (1): 600/2,400 Diploma (1): 1,300/5,000 Graduate Programs of Cyber University (8, 598) Hanyang Cyber Univ. (3, 290): MBA cluster (5,185), Human service (2, 65), Real estates cluster (1, 40) graduate schools Kyunghee Cyber Univ. (2/140): Hotel and tourism (2, 60), Creative industry (2, 80) graduate schools Wonkang Digital Univ. (1/48): Wellbeing culture (1, 48) graduate school Seoul Cyber Univ. (2/120): Human service (1, 60), Counseling psychology (1, 60) graduate schools *Source: MEST, Summary of Cyber universities in 2011, Reformulated by Dae Joon Hwang, July 2011. ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

22 Holistic Approaches and Coordination of Key Components of ICT in Education Policy, Laws and Education System Success of ICT in Education in Korea Teachers Training ICT Infrastructure Financing & Budget Allocation Cooperation among Private, Pubic, and Government Sectors Government Initiatives Korean’s High Drive for Education Curriculum Redesign & Evaluation ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

23 Remarks  Collaboration and coordination among private-public-company  Government leadership, initiatives, and investment  Develop performance management system  Provide training opportunity to stake holders  Encourage education institutions to leverage ICT for education innovation  Motivate parents to participate to experience what ICT would bring to education  Common framework approach to ICT initiatives in education  Create ubiquitous space for integrating spaces for learning, education, and living  Pay more attention to information ethics and protection of privacy ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang

24 Thank You 감사 합니다 Dae Joon Hwang, Ph.D., Prof., Sungkyunkwan University ICT_QE_2Aug2011_DJHwang The 6 th Annual Thailand POD National Conference, 28-29 July 2011, Bangkok, Thailand

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