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PAP African Mask Project This will be your Midterm Grade.

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1 PAP African Mask Project This will be your Midterm Grade

2 Examples of African Masks



5 Sumegne's sculptures are a true reformation of waste and rejects that are made mainly from wire/scrap iron and material that he has collected and stored in his workplace. For me they exhibit the same qualities as African masks do, slightly sinister and enigmatic but with strong bearing and form. Joseph-Francis Sumegné Les Notables, 2004 Mixed media, height ca. 200 cm

6 Nick Cave


8 Why Masks What does a mask signify? Why are masks worn in ritual or ceremony? What is a masquerade?

9 Project - Midterm Dogon Mask Ceremony (3:30) Dogon Mask Ceremony Mali Dogon Dance (3:05) Mali Dogon Dance 1.You will create an African-inspired ceremonial mask that is relevant to YOUR culture. Who are you, and how do you define yourself? What is your identity? Where does your family come from? 2.The Mask must fit completely over your head. 3.Mask is due Friday, December, 21 st @ 8:35 AM. 4.**Extra Credit Opportunity: Create at least a 45 second choreographed culture-inspired dance.

10 Materials…. Cardboard, paper maché, tissue paper, construction paper, paint, homework from the semester, newspaper, magazine, feathers, plastic, sticks, wood, dvds, cassette tapes, vinyl records, shoes, denim, YOU GET THE IDEA

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