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Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. It’s in the Cloud – Managing Cloud-based Applications Rick Dutta, CEO & Chairman,

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1 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. It’s in the Cloud – Managing Cloud-based Applications Rick Dutta, CEO & Chairman, NexVisionIX NGA 2015 Financial Management & Technology Conference, Chicago, Illinois September 17, 2015

2 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Source: Google

3 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Source: Google

4 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4 Services Apps Photos & Videos Calendar Documents Email z Data Storage & Backup Media & Music Library What is the Cloud? It's all the things you can access remotely over the Internet.

5 MIGRATING TO THE CLOUD? You are probably already in the Cloud If you've ever used web-based email or things like Google Docs or Dropbox, you've used the Cloud Departments and employees are likely using Cloud services more than you think 90% of Cloud activity is being driven by individuals and small teams Unmanaged Cloud adoption is cause for concern related to privacy, security and corporate compliance

6 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

7 Source: Google

8 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. WHAT IS THE RIGHT CLOUD ENVIRONMENT? Customize your Cloud Pay-per-use model Designed for a single enterprise. Provides highest level of visibility, control, security and privacy Provides different levels of control over different company data PUBLIC CLOUD Made available to multiple organizations PRIVATE CLOUD Dedicated to a single organization. Your own or a service provider's data center HYBRID CLOUD Combines public and private cloud environments – increased security and control Infrastructure Cloud solutions can be accessed via different methods including:

9 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. TYPES OF SERVICE PROVIDERS 9 PACKAGED SOFTWARE Applications Data Runtime Middleware O/S Virtualization Servers Storage Networking IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Applications Data Runtime Middleware O/S Virtualization Servers Storage Networking PaaS Platform as a Service Applications Data Runtime Middleware O/S Virtualization Servers Storage Networking SaaS Software as a Service Applications Data Runtime Middleware O/S Virtualization Servers Storage Networking You Manage Vendor Managed You rent a virtual server. Amazon, Rackspace. You rent an abstract machine. Google Cloud Platform, Amazon, Windows Azure You rent a capability. Workday, Salesforce Source: Google

10 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Migrating to the Cloud? Address three important questions in your planning PRO AND CONS OF BEING ON THE CLOUD

11 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Business agility and system flexibility 75%72%70% Speed of implementation and deployment More frequent updates TOP BUSINESS DRIVERS FOR CLOUD DEPLOYMENT

12 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Business Drivers for Cloud Deployments Greater Business Agility, Speed of Deployment Redundancy, Backup and Recovery Reduce Operating Costs, Reduced Capital Expenditures Greater Scalability, On-Demand Capacity Newer Applications : Change Facilitator – Customer Engagement Apps Greater Business Agility, Speed of Deployment Redundancy, Backup and Recovery Reduce Operating Costs, Reduced Capital Expenditures Greater Scalability, On-Demand Capacity Reduce Operating Costs, Reduced Capital Expenditures

13 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AGILITY AND SPEED – TOP BUSINESS DRIVER Source: Forrester Research

14 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Important Considerations for Cloud Deployments Unpredicted Costs Control and Reliability Security and Compliance Contract and Lock-Ins Unpredicted Costs Control and Reliability Security and Compliance

15 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Pricing Factors 3 factors that have the greatest impact on cost o Compute - How many processing units and memory being used o Storage - How much and what type of storage is deployed o Data Transfer Out - Outbound Data Transfer Typical pricing options o Pay as you go - No minimum commitments or long‐term contracts required o Pay less when you reserve - You can invest in reserved capacity and get a significantly discounted rate o Pay less per unit by using more - You save more with more overall usage

16 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Pricing Example Typical cost for Amazon Web Services for a small data warehouse environment with a 1 year commitment 1 Database Server (16 CPU units, 128 GB RAM, 6x200 GB Disk) o Compute Cost = USD 668 per Month o Disk Cost = USD 120 per Month 1 Application Server (4 CPU Units, 16 GB RAM, 300 GB Disk) o Compute Cost = USD 297 per Month o Disk Cost = USD 30 per Month Inbound Data Transfer Cost = Free Outbound Data Transfer Cost = USD 90 per TB per Month Amazon Support (optional) = USD 100 per Month or 10% of Billing

17 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Physical Security You don’t need to concern yourself with  keeping people out of the data center, or  access and background checks for staff managing the hardware, as  the Cloud provider takes care of these security aspects

18 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Network Security The Cloud provider provides built-in firewalls and tools to define a Virtual Private Cloud o A logically isolated environment with private IP Address range and Network Access Control Lists o Security Groups to control access to inbound and outbound traffic Bridge your VPC and your onsite IT infrastructure o industry standard encrypted VPN connection over internet o Private network connectivity between your data center and provider network Attach Public IP Address to o Any server in your VPC so it can be reached directly from the Internet VPC

19 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. System Security You can define individual user accounts, groups and roles to configure access to cloud resources You can configure user identity with multifactor authentication You can also integrate on premise corporate directories for access control

20 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Data Security Protect your data at rest Cloud providers have data encryption capabilities in storage and database services o Encrypt the underlying storage so everything get encrypted automatically o Encrypt each piece of data as it’s stored Protect your data in motion o Use encrypted communication channels throughout your deployment. o Use secure socket layer (SSL) encryption to encrypt the data transfer between the client and cloud

21 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Migrating to the Cloud? Address three important questions in your planning PRO AND CONS OF BEING ON THE CLOUD APPLICATION TRENDS

22 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. APPLICATION TRENDS GROWTH IN CLOUD – WHY ? CONFIDENCE HAS INCREASED AVAILABILITY OF NEW SaaS APPS RENOVATION COST DIFFICULT TO SUSTAIN SaaS has become an attractive deployment alternative to repalce traditional on-premise applications High market valuations of a number of SaaS-native software vendors is bringing in new entrants CRM (Sales Cloud, Microsoft Dynamics CRM), HRM (SAP’s SuccessFactors, Workday), and eProcurement (Ariba, Apptricity)

23 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. MOVING TO SAAS Source: Forrester Research

24 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. MOVING TO HYBRID Source: Forrester Research

25 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. APPLICATION TRENDS BEST PRACTICES - Adopt a Phased Approach to the Cloud In Multiple Phases 78% of Cloud deployments are for new applications Select the Cloud environment best suited for each Phase Use A Hybrid Approach Utilize Public Clouds to build and deploy applications that enhance customer engagement Utilize Private Clouds to support migration of existing systems and sensitive data

26 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Migrating to the Cloud? Address three important questions in your planning PRO AND CONS OF BEING ON THE CLOUD TRENDS PREPARING FOR INCREASED SaaS ADOPTION

27 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. PREPARING FOR SAAS ADOPTION RECOMMENDED APPROACH Realize that hybrid cloud scenario will be the future Let the business run with business configuration Recalibrate your definitions of "legacy" systems Realize that the Hybrid Cloud scenario will be the future Let the business run with business configuration

28 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Build Credibility, Momentum and Support Create Evangelists for your Cloud Strategy Reshape the view of IT Lead the way to selecting and deploying the right applications in the Cloud Provide Cloud-based applications that support each department and drive business results Internally market the advantages of Cloud solutions Simplifying operations Driving revenue Increasing agility Reducing capital expenditures

29 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Build Credibility, Momentum and Support Make the Cloud Strategy a Reality Assess and prioritize applications and workloads Build the business case and develop the technical approach Adopt a flexible integration model Address security and privacy requirements Manage the migration Assess and prioritize applications and workloads Build the business case and develop the technical approach Adopt a flexible integration model Address security and privacy requirements Adopt a flexible integration model

30 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. SELL THE STRATEGY

31 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. QUESTIONS?

32 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. THANK YOU!

33 Copyright © 2014, Nexvisionix and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Rick Dutta, CEO & Chairman NexVisionIX, Inc. 2 Peters Canyon Road, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92606-1798 Office:714-665-6240 Ext. 323 Mobile:949-233-5766

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