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 Why do we read this stuff? Wow. That is messed up.

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Presentation on theme: " Why do we read this stuff? Wow. That is messed up."— Presentation transcript:

1  Why do we read this stuff? Wow. That is messed up.

2 Learning Target  Understanding the fictional setting: dystopia.

3 Why do we read this stuff? Have you read any of these books?  The City of Ember?  Hunger Games?  The House of the Scorpion?  The Giver?  Matched?  Delirium?  Gone?  Ender’s Game?

4 Utopia and Dystopia defined: Watch the video to understand Utopia and Dystopia settings 

5 Defined: Utopia  The perfect place  A place of perfect harmony  Heaven on earth  The ideal place to live  A superior society Dystopia  A messed up world  A world that is severely flawed  Hell on earth  A dysfunctional place to live.  A degraded society

6 Why would people want to read about messed up worlds? Wouldn’t they rather read about happy worlds?  Find the article on my webpage under today’s date.  Review the vocabulary terms by looking the word up in a dictionary before you read the article.  Read the article.  Answer the questions using complete thoughts.  When you finish share your assignment with  Type “H# Lastname Firstname Dystopia” in the subject line.

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