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Calculating statistics in AirBase. General procedure calculating statistics A.Calculate aggregated data B.Calculate statistics.

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1 Calculating statistics in AirBase

2 General procedure calculating statistics A.Calculate aggregated data B.Calculate statistics

3 A.Calculate aggregated data (calc_average) get_dc Raw_data get_rd calc_max_mc Max values data_configuration calc_avg_mc averages AirBase getrawtable Table-name

4 B.Calculate statistics (calc_statistic) get_dc Raw_data get_rd calc_stat_mc statistics data_configuration AirBase getrawtable Table- name/duration Stat_period Max_result

5 Annual procedure calculating statistics 1.Calculate aggregated data (daily values, daily maximum running 8-hourly values) 2.Calculate general statistics (mean, maximum, percentiles) a.data_type in (hour, day, dymax) b.other 3.Calculate exceedances 4.Calculate N-max values 5.Calculate Ozone statistics (AOT, SOMO35) 6.Calculate aggregated NOx-data 7.Calculate general statistics NOx

6 1.Calculate aggregated data (load_average_year) a.Calculate derived measurements b.Load calculated measurements in AirBase c.Update timeseries data_configuration Raw_data_ =(hour, hour8) a.calc_average b.cp_raw_data c.upd_data_configuration =(hour8, day, dymax) Raw_data Raw_data_ Raw_data_day_report

7 1a. Calculate derived dymax-measurements (load_average_year) Calculate and import running hour8-values Update timeseries running hour8-values Calculate and import dymax-values Update timeseries dymax-values load_average_year raw_data_hour load_average_year upd_data_configuration dymax upd_data_con- figuration hour8 Raw_data_dymax data_configuration raw_data_hour8

8 2a. Calculate general statistics ( = (hour, day, dymax), load_statistic) a.Retrieve measurements and calculate statistics b.Load statistics into AirBase data_configurationRaw_data_ b.cp_statistic statistics Statistic a.calc_statistic

9 2b. Calculate general statistics ( = (other than hour,day, dymax), load_statistic_other) a.Retrieve measurements and calculate statistics b.Load statistics into AirBase data_configurationRaw_data_ b.cp_statistic statistics Statistic a.calc_statistic_other

10 3. Calculate exceedances (load_statistic_exc) a.Retrieve measurements and calculate exceedances b.Load exceedances into AirBase data_configurationRaw_data_ b.cp_statistic_exc exceedances Statistic_exc a.calc_statistic_exc

11 4. Calculate N-max values (load_statistic_max) a.Retrieve measurements and calculate N-max values b.Load N-max values into AirBase data_configurationRaw_data_ b.cp_statistic_max N-max values Statistic_max a.calc_statistic_max

12 5. Calculate Ozone statistics (load_statistic_aot) a.Retrieve measurements and calculate AOT/SOMO35 b.Load AOT/SOMO35 into AirBase data_configurationRaw_data_ b.cp_statistic_aot AOT/SOMO35 Statistic_aot a.calc_statistic_aot

13 6.Determine derived NOx-measurements (cr_vwraw_ _nox) Create a view in which the NO2-values and NO (expressed in NO2 -units) are stored from timeseries in table meas_configuration_nox. During retrieval of the NOx- values the NO- en NO2 values should be summarized. meas_configuration_nox vwaw_data_hour_nox vwraw_data_day_nox cr_vwraw_data_day_nox cr_vwraw_data_hour_nox raw_data_hour raw_data_day

14 7.Calculate NOx-statistics (load_statistic_nox) a.Retrieve measurements and calculate NOX- statistics b.Load statistics into AirBase vwmeas_configuration_nox vwraw_data_ _nox a.calc_statistic_nox b.cp_statistic_nox statistics statistic

15 Storage measurements in AirBase

16 raw_data_hour8 Measurements(general) Data_configuration determine timeseries from measurements raw_data_hour raw_data_dymax raw_data_other raw_data_day_report raw_data_day determine dymax-values from hourly values Determine daily values from hourly values Meas_configuration

17 Calculate NOx-daily values from NO+NO2-daily values (NOx= 46/30 * NO + NO2) NOx measurements Meas_configuration_nox Meas_configurationstatistic Determine all stations for which NO as well as NO2 values are stored vwraw_data_hour_nox Raw_data_day vwraw_data_day_nox Raw_data_hour Calculate NOx-hourly values from NO+NO2-hourly values (NOx= 46/30 * NO + NO2)

18 Statistics Add reported statistics of timeseries for which no measurements are available raw_data_other raw_data_dymax raw_data_hour raw_data_day Statistic_aot Calculate general statistics Meas_configuration Statistic_report Statistic Statistic_max Calculate exceedances Statistic_exc Calculate N-max statistics Calculate AOT/SOMO35 statistics

19 NOx-Statistics vwraw_data_hour_nox Calculate general statistics Meas_configuration_nox Statistic Statistic_nox vwraw_data_day_nox remove NOx-statistics for which along with the NOx-values also NO and NO2-values are reported

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