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Y Cyd-destun Cenedlaethol The National Context Graham Davies Yr Is-adran Cymorth i Ddysgwyr Support for Learners Division

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Presentation on theme: "Y Cyd-destun Cenedlaethol The National Context Graham Davies Yr Is-adran Cymorth i Ddysgwyr Support for Learners Division"— Presentation transcript:

1 Y Cyd-destun Cenedlaethol The National Context Graham Davies Yr Is-adran Cymorth i Ddysgwyr Support for Learners Division

2 Ymddygiad a Phresenoldeb Behaving and Attending Adolygiad Cenedlaethol o Ymddygiad a Phresenoldeb, Mai 2008 Cynllun Gweithredu, Mawrth 2009 National Behaviour and Attendance Review, May 2008 Action Plan, March 2009

3 Ymddygiad a Phresenoldeb Behaving and Attending Camau a gyflawnwyd: –Deddfwriaeth newydd ar ymddygiad a disgyblaeth –Ymyriad Diogel ac Effeithiol Canllawiau newydd ar Ddefnyddio Grym Rhesymol Canllawiau a phwerau ar Chwilio am Arfau Actions completed include: –New legislation on behaviour and discipline –Safe and Effective Intervention New guidance on Use of Reasonable Force Searching for Weapons powers and guidance

4 Camau a gyflawnwyd (parhad): –Fframwaith Presenoldeb Cymru Gyfan –Codau presenoldeb newydd –Symudiadau Wedi’u Rheoli –Llawlyfr Grwpiau Anogaeth –Llawlyfr Rheoli Ymddygiad – Uwchradd –SEAL Cymru –Ymchwiliad i broblem ymddieithrio Actions completed (continued): –All-Wales Attendance Framework –New Attendance Codes –Effective Managed Moves –Nurture Groups Handbook –Behaviour Management Handbook – Secondary –SEAL – Welsh version –Enquiry into disengagement Ymddygiad a Phresenoldeb Behaving and Attending

5 The Education and Inspections Act 2006 (Commencement No. 6) (Wales) Order 2010 Section 88 – 96 relate to school discipline, Behaviour and exclusion 97 – 99 parenting contracts and orders 102 reintegration interviews 108 extend police powers to remove truants frompublic places

6 Changes to Inclusion and Pupil Support Guidance Increased powers for discipline Legal powers of staff Behaviour and conduct outside of school Confiscation Detention

7 Changes to Inclusion and Pupil Support Guidance Increased Engagement The role of the governing body Consultation Reintegration interviews

8 Mae Addysgu’n Gwneud Gwahaniaeth Teaching Makes a Difference ‘…Bydd y cam nesaf yn canolbwyntio ar ganlyniadau a gwella ymddygiad er mwyn codi safonau. Bydd pob athro newydd gymhwyso yn dilyn modiwlau datblygu mewn rheoli ymddygiad fel rhan o'u proses sefydlu…’ ‘…The next phase will concentrate on outcomes and improving behaviour to raise standards. All newly qualified teachers will undertake development modules in behaviour management as part of their induction process…

9 ‘…Bydd data presenoldeb yn cael ei gwestiynu'n llym fel elfen allweddol o broffil cyhoeddus blynyddol newydd ysgolion…’ ‘…Attendance data will be rigorously interrogated as a key element of the new annual public profile for schools…’ Mae Addysgu’n Gwneud Gwahaniaeth Teaching Makes a Difference

10 PISA Bwriad i fod yn yr 20 uchaf erbyn 2015 Mae angen gwelliant o bron i flwyddyn o addysg Perfformiad gwael ac amrywiaeth yn y canol Aim to be in top 20 by 2015 Needs improvement of close to one year’s schooling Wales has poor performance and average variation ‘Top 20’

11 Minister’s 20 actions – Moving Fair to Good Intelligent Accountability 4Literacy Reading Test 6KS2 Assessment 10School profile and floor targets 11ESTYN and school closure 14Use of data Leadership and Implementation 1Standards Unit 2Priorities, Implementation and Resources 12Federations 13Governor Training 18Statutory guidance of school improvement and PLCs 19Consortia working, system leaders and PLCs Enhancing Professional Practice 8Professional accreditation: literacy and numeracy 9Master’s in Teaching 15Performance Management 16Teacher Induction 17CPD and 3 SEF Priorities Learning, Teaching and Curriculum 3Foundation Phase 4Literacy 5Numeracy 7PISA skills 20Behaviour and attendance

12 Arweinwyr systemau yn ein consortia System Leadership in our consortia Tîm o’n penaethiaid gorau a’n prif Swyddogion Gwella Addysg, sydd â chontinwwm o wybodaeth, dealltwriaeth a sgiliau penodol, y bydd gofyn iddyn nhw weithredu ar nifer o lefelau a chyflawni amryw o dasgau. A team of our best head teachers with our leading Education Improvement Professionals, with a continuum of specific knowledge, understanding and skills who will be required to operate at a variety of levels and undertake a range of tasks.

13 System Newydd i Gategoreiddio Ysgolion New Banding System for Schools Blynyddol Yn cael ei drafod Seiliedig ar fesurau Presenoldeb nid gwaharddiadau O Fedi 2011 Cysylltiad gwell rhwng perfformiad a chefnogaeth Annual Under discussion Based on measures Attendance not exclusion From September 2011 Better linking of performance to support

14 Gwaharddiadau parhaol yng Nghymru Permanent Exclusions in Wales

15 Gwaharddiadau cyfnod penodol Fixed-term exclusions



18 Cynllun Newydd New Plan ‘…Bydd y cam nesaf yn canolbwyntio ar ganlyniadau a gwella ymddygiad er mwyn codi safonau. Bydd pob athro newydd gymhwyso yn dilyn modiwlau datblygu mewn rheoli ymddygiad fel rhan o'u proses sefydlu…’ ‘…The next phase will concentrate on outcomes and improving behaviour to raise standards. All newly qualified teachers will undertake development modules in behaviour management as part of their induction process…

19 Cynllun Newydd New Plan ‘…Bydd data presenoldeb yn cael ei gwestiynu'n llym fel elfen allweddol o broffil cyhoeddus blynyddol newydd ysgolion…’ ‘…Attendance data will be rigorously interrogated as a key element of the new annual public profile for schools…’

20 Cynllun Newydd – 3 adran New Plan – 3 sections Hyfforddiant a Datblygu Safonau ac Atebolrwydd Ymagwedd holistig at gefnogaeth unigol ac anghenion dysgu ychwanegol Training and Development Standards and accountability A holistic approach to individual support and additional learning needs

21 Cynllun Newydd – H a D New Plan - T and D Modiwlau HCA, Cynefino a DPP Cyllid i hyfforddiant rheoli ymddygiad Datblygu fframwaith dadansoddi presenoldeb Fframwaith H a D a Gyrfaoedd i’r GLlA Dulliau Adferol Modules for ITT, Induction and CPD Behaviour Mgt Training funding Develop attendance analysis framework T and D and Career Framework for EWS Restorative Practices

22 Cynllun Newydd - Safonau New Plan – Standards Meincnodi data ar waharddiadau Presenoldeb yn rhan o system categereiddio ysgolion Sgyrsiau gyda’r ALlau Exclusions benchmarking Attendance in school banding system Discussions with LAs

23 Cynllun Newydd – Gweithredu Holistig New Plan – Holistic approach Dysgu o’r cynlluniau peilot Ymddygiad a Phresenoldeb / Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol Adolygiad o Addysg Heblaw yn yr Ysgol a’r cynllun gweithredu Learning from B and A / ALN Pilots Review of EOTAS and Action Plan

24 Review of EOTAS and Action Plan Communications and Staff Development Funding Management and Organisation Standards and Commissioning

25 Review of EOTAS and Action Plan Communications and Staff Development –Develop ways of sharing good practice –Ensure EOTAS staff involved in T and D developments –Enhance methods of communicating with PRU staff nationally

26 Review of EOTAS and Action Plan Funding –Amend funding formulae to include EOTAS pupils –Undertake one-off research on full-time provision for excluded pupils and reintegration rates. To include case studies.

27 Review of EOTAS and Action Plan Management and Organisation –Develop EOTAS PLASC and tie-in to performance framework for local authorities –Continue registration / deregistration system for PRUs and regular audit –Make management committees statutory and issue guidance –One-off research project (as above)

28 Review of EOTAS and Action Plan Standards and Commissioning –New guidance on commissioning alt. curriculum –Consider how to embed EOTAS further in all-Wales Programme –Minimum standards for EOTAS –Improve recording of attendance for dual-registered pupils –Benchmarking framework –Use B and A pilots for national learning on reducing numbers in EOTAS / improving reintegration / sharing of expertise

29 Review of EOTAS and Action Plan Standards and Commissioning (continued) –Set out clearly the responsibilities of schools towards pupils registered with them –Ensure needs of EOTAS pupils reflected in development and implementation of national policies –Use additional learning needs pilots to consider how best to provide for pupils with SEN to avoid their being placed inappropriately in PRUs and other EOTAS

30 Discussion What specific aspects need to be taken into account in implementing the individual actions in the EOTAS Action Plan ?

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