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Raising the Participation Age Learning from the Trials Dee Desgranges National Participation Adviser Learning Visits Programme Jan – March 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Raising the Participation Age Learning from the Trials Dee Desgranges National Participation Adviser Learning Visits Programme Jan – March 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raising the Participation Age Learning from the Trials Dee Desgranges National Participation Adviser Learning Visits Programme Jan – March 2011

2 Why Trials? Education & Skills Act – legislation LA responsibility to ensure full participation Small selection of LAs approached to be trial areas: Galvanise the system Inform national policy Disseminate learning


4 The Trial Authorities Model A: IAG How local authorities can work most effectively in securing a full IAG offer to support RPA. Derby Staffordshire Lambeth Ealing Plymouth Model B: Re engagement How local authorities can plan and deliver a system, building on the September Guarantee, that effectively picks up those 16 and 17 year olds that disengage with learning through the year and re engages them in education or training. Barnsley Swindon Wandsworth Worcestershire Blackpool Model C: Local Solutions Local Challenges & Solutions to implementation of full participation Cumbria East Sussex Newcastle Hertfordshire Lambeth Sub regional approachGreater Manchester Warwickshire/ Solihull/ Coventry

5 Communicating the Message The Stakeholder Strategy Schools – Heads, Teachers, Learning Mentors, CEIAG, Governors, Providers – Colleges, WBT, VCF Support Services - IYSS, TYS, Youth Service Elected Members – cabinet lead Parents – Carers, Foster Carers, MASTs – multi agency, locality based Wider support services – housing, health, social care, tp services, through care, community safety, street based teams, substance misuse Employers – EBPs, Chambers, Forums, Sectors, NAS Young People – are we ready for you!

6 Strategic Leadership Clarification and communication - roles & responsibilities of all partners The RPA Plan - NEETs / Participation strategies Governance and accountability - performance management & new partnerships Meeting the needs of particularly vulnerable groups -for LLDD to 25, Capacity building - an inclusive provider network Workforce development – a cross sector approach

7 Knowing the Cohort Past, Present and Future Trajectory – numbers, levels, type, content RONI s - risk of NEET indicators (pre and post 16) Deep dives - the real barriers to participating Partnerships around vyp – Team around the NEET Tracking - what works and what doesn’t Learner voice –what’s really going on

8 Mix ‘n’ Balance In the right places - hub and spoke At the right time - an all round guarantee In informal settings – vcf / youth sector (assessment by stealth) JWT – segment the cohort (some are ok) – brokerage role Foundation Learning – routeway planning (to 25 for LLDD) Creative curriculum design – half levels, bridging & retrieving, hot housing Employability, enterprise & transferability

9 Access and Support Timely & Targeted CE /IAG – a new challenge Transition protocols for vyp – information & expectation Support Panels – resource allocation Post 16 integrated resources – a half way house Learning for Living & Work – the model for all learning & support plans Participation adviser - mentor

10 The Building Blocks of an RPA Plan Strategic Leadership Participation Plan CommunicationKnowing the CohortAccess and Support Mix and balance of provision Transitions & Tracking

11 Next Steps Continue to share learning between trial areas Swop tools and products Disseminate experience and expertise Phase three – Locally Led Delivery Projects The critical mass…..

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