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Lesson 20 Magnetism Eleanor Roosevelt High School Chin-Sung Lin.

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1 Lesson 20 Magnetism Eleanor Roosevelt High School Chin-Sung Lin

2 History of Magnetism

3 History The lodestone, which contains iron ore, was found more than 2000 years ago in the region of Magnesia in Greece

4 History The earliest Chinese literature reference to magnetism lies in the 4th century BC writings Guiguzi ( 鬼谷子 ): "The lodestone attracts iron”

5 History Zheng He used the Chinese compass as a navigational aid in his voyage between 1405 and 1433

6 History In the 18th century, the French physicist Charles Coulomb studied the force between lodestones

7 History In 1820 Danish physicist and chemist who discovered that electric currents create magnetic fields

8 Magnetic Poles

9 Magnets attract and repel without touching The interaction depends on the distance Magnetic poles produce magnetic forces

10 Magnetic Poles Magnet can act as a compass The end that points northward is called north pole, and the end that points south is call the south pole

11 Magnetic Poles All magnets have north and south poles They can never be separated from each other If you break the magnet in half, what will happen?

12 Magnetic Poles Each half will become a complete magnet Unlike electric charge, you cannot have north or south pole alone

13 Magnetic Poles Like poles repels; opposite poles attract

14 Magnetic Fields

15 The space around the magnet is filled with a magnetic field

16 Magnetic Fields The magnetic field lines spread from the north pole to the south pole Where the lines are closer (at the poles), the field strength is stronger

17 Magnetic Fields The magnetic field unit: Units: tesla (T) or gauss (G) 1 tesla = 10,000 gauss

18 Magnetic Fields What will happen If we place a compass in the field?

19 Magnetic Fields A magnet or small compass in the field will line up with the field

20 Magnetic Fields Electric charge is surrounded by an electric filed The same charge is surrounded by a magnetic field if it is moving Which types of electron motion exist in magnetic materials?

21 Magnetic Fields Electrons are in constant motion about atomic nuclei This moving charge constitutes a tiny current and produces a magnetic field

22 Magnetic Fields Electrons spinning about their own axes constitute a charge in motion and thus creates another magnetic field Every spinning electron is a tiny magnet

23 Magnetic Fields Electrons spinning in the same direction makes up a stronger magnet Spinning in opposite directions cancels out The field due to spinning is larger than the one due to orbital motion

24 Magnetic Fields For ferromagnetic elements: iron, nickel, and cobalt, the fields do not cancel one another entirely Each iron atom is a tiny magnet

25 Magnetic Domain

26 Interactions among iron atoms cause large clusters of them to line up with one another These cluster of aligned atoms are called magnetic domains

27 Magnetic Domain There are many magnetic domains in a crystal iron The difference between a piece of ordinary iron and an iron magnet is the alignment of domains

28 Magnetic Domain Iron in a magnetic field: A growth in the size of the domains that is oriented in the direction of the magnetic field A rotation of domains as they are brought into alignment

29 Magnetic Domain Permanent magnets: Place pieces of iron or certain iron alloys in strong magnetic fields Stroke a piece of iron with a magnet

30 Electric Currents & Magnetic Fields

31 Current-Carrying Wire: A moving electron produces a magnetic field Electric current also produces magnetic field A current-carrying conductor is surrounded by a magnetic field

32 Electric Currents & Magnetic Fields Right-hand rule: Grasp a current-carrying wire with your right hand Your thumb pointing to the direction of the current Your fingers would curl around the wire in the direction of the magnetic field (from N to S)

33 Electric Currents & Magnetic Fields What will happen to the compasses if the current is upward? ?

34 Electric Currents & Magnetic Fields The current-carrying wire deflects a magnetic compass

35 Electric Currents & Magnetic Fields Current-Carrying Loop: A wire loop with current produces a magnetic field

36 Electric Currents & Magnetic Fields Current-Carrying Loop: A wire loop with current produces a magnetic field

37 Electric Currents & Magnetic Fields Coiled wire— Solenoid: A solenoid can be made of many wire loops

38 Electric Currents & Magnetic Fields Coiled wire— Solenoid: A current-carrying coil of wire with many loops The magnetic field lines bunch inside the loop

39 Electric Currents & Magnetic Fields Coiled wire— Solenoid: A coil wound into a tightly packed helix which produces a magnetic field when an electric current is passed through it Solenoids can create controlled magnetic fields and can be used as electromagnets

40 Electric Currents & Magnetic Fields Intensity of Magnetic Field of Electromagnet (B): Increased as the number of loops increased (B ~ N) Increased as the Current increased (B ~ I) Intensity is enhanced by the iron core (B ~ μ) B N I

41 Electric Currents & Magnetic Fields Permeability: The measure of the ability of a material to support the formation of a magnetic field within itself. Magnetic permeability is typically represented by the Greek letter μ B μ

42 Electric Currents & Magnetic Fields Permeability: Medium Permeability μ [H/m] Relative Permeability μ/μ 0 Mu-metal (nickel-iron alloy) 2.5×10 −2 20,000 Ferrite (nickel zinc) 2.0×10 −5 – 8.0×10 −4 16 – 640 Steel8.75×10 −4 100 Vacuum1.2566371×10 −6 (μ 0 )1 Water1.2566270×10 −6 0.999992 Superconductors00

43 Electric Currents & Magnetic Fields Direction of magnetic field of electromagnet follows the Right-hand Rule: Your fingers indicate the direction of the current (I) your thumb points the direction of the field (B) B I

44 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles

45 When a charged particle moves in a magnetic field, it will experience a deflecting force (F B ) I +

46 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles When a charged particle moves in a magnetic field, it will experience a deflecting force (F B ) F B = qvB F B magnetic force [N] q electric charge [C] v velocity perpendicular to the field [m/s] B magnetic field strength [T, Teslas] I

47 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles The magnetic field unit: Units: tesla (T) or gauss (G) 1 tesla = 10,000 gauss tesla = (newton × second)/(coulomb × meter) T = N  s / (C  m)

48 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles Direction of the magnetic force (F B ) follows the Fleming’s Left Hand Motor Rule I

49 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles What will happen to the positively charged particle? +

50 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles The positively charged particle will experience a force always perpendicular to the motion The particle will have a circular motion

51 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles The magnetic field has been used to detect particles in the cloud chamber What will happen to the different radiation?

52 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles The magnetic field has been used to detect particles in the cloud chamber α He 2+ helium nucleus (+) β e – electron (–) γuncharged EM ray

53 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles The magnetic field has been used to detect particles in the cloud chamber α He 2+ helium nucleus (+) β e – electron (–) γuncharged EM ray

54 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles The magnetic field has been used to deflect the electron beam. Where will the electron beam hit the screen? electron beam S N screen magnet A B C D

55 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles Mass spectrometry: To determine masses of particles, for determining the elemental composition of a molecule

56 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles Mass spectrometry: magnetic force = centripetal force F B = F C qvB = mv 2 /r r = (mv)/(qB)

57 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles Mass spectrometry: r = (mv)/(qB) the faster it is travelling the bigger the circles the bigger its mass is the bigger the circles the bigger its momentum the larger the circles the stronger the magnetic field the smaller the circles the larger the charge the smaller the circles

58 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles A positively charged particle moving along a spiral path inside a uniform magnetic field

59 Magnetic Force on Current-Carrying Wires

60 What will happen to the current carrying wires? I I

61 Magnetic Force on Current-Carrying Wires The current-carrying wire also follows Fleming’s left hand motor rule

62 Magnetic Force on Current-Carrying Wires The current-carrying wire deflects a magnetic compass and a magnet deflects a current-carrying wire are different effect of the same phenomena

63 Magnetic Force on Current-Carrying Wires Magnetic Force Between Wires: What will happen to the parallel wires if both current are in the same direction? I1I1 I2I2

64 Magnetic Force on Current-Carrying Wires Magnetic Force Between Wires: Parallel wires carrying currents will exert forces on each other When the current goes the same way in the two wires, the force is attractive When the currents go opposite ways, the force is repulsive

65 Magnetic Force on Current-Carrying Wires Magnetic Force Between Wires: What will happen to the parallel wires if the current are in the opposite direction? I1I1 I2I2

66 Galvanometers & Motors

67 Galvanometer A sensitive current-indicating instrument The coil turns against a spring, so the greater the current, the greater its deflection

68 Galvanometer A galvanometer may be calibrated to measure current— an ammeter A galvanometer may be calibrated to measure voltage— a voltmeter

69 Motor Converts electrical energy into mechanical energy Motors operate through interacting magnetic fields and current-carrying conductors to generate force

70 DC Motor The current-carrying wire of the motor coil follows Fleming’s left hand motor rule

71 DC Motor

72 AC Motor


74 Earth’s Magnetic Field

75 Earth itself is a huge magnet The magnetic poles of Earth do not coincide with the geographic North pole – magnetic declination

76 Earth’s Magnetic Field Magnetic Pole Shift: The magnetic poles of Earth keep changing The pole kept going north at an average speed of 10 km per year, lately accelerating to 40 km per year

77 Earth’s Magnetic Field Magnetic Pole Weakening: The strength of the magnetic field of Earth keep decreasing The magnetic field has weakened 10% since the 19th century

78 Earth’s Magnetic Field A geomagnetic reversal is a change in the Earth's magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south are interchanged

79 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles A positively charged particle moving along a spiral path inside a uniform magnetic field

80 Earth’s Magnetic Field Earth’s magnetic field will deflect the charged particles from outer space to reduce the cosmic rays striking Earth’s surface

81 Earth’s Magnetic Field Van Allen radiation belt: is a torus of energetic charged particles around Earth, which is held in place by Earth's magnetic field

82 Earth’s Magnetic Field Van Allen radiation belt: energetic electrons forming the outer belt and a combination of protons and electrons creating the inner belt

83 Earth’s Magnetic Field Aurora: a natural light display in the sky, particularly in the polar regions, caused by the collision of charged particles directed by the Earth's magnetic field

84 The End

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