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Introducing The Club Leadership Plan Don Humphreys PDG 2000/01 District 6360 Presented by..

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2 Introducing The Club Leadership Plan Don Humphreys PDG 2000/01 District 6360 Presented by..

3 Who dreamt this up? It’s based on the best practices of EFFECTIVE ROTARY CLUBS around the world over the last 100 years.

4 Who dreamt this up? It’s based on the best practices of EFFECTIVE ROTARY CLUBS around the world over the last 100 years. P L U S

5 Remember When in 2000, Rotary created 200 “Have it your way” Clubs?

6 What is it? It’s the next logical step after the success of The District Leadership Plan (DLP)... and is the recommended structure for all Rotary Clubs! Rotary Clubs! 1. From DLP 2. To CLP

7 When does this have to be done? Unless you are a struggling club that needs: Better Project ManagementBetter Project Management Better Decision MakingBetter Decision Making Better CommunicationsBetter Communications Better ParticipationBetter Participation Better Continuity of LeadershipBetter Continuity of Leadership NEVER

8 WHY the Change ? Club Service: Community Service Human Development Community Projects Environmental Projects Partners in Service Interact Rotaract Classification Programs Membership Fellowship Attendance Newsletter Public Relations Magazine Rotary Information Vocational Service Career Development Handicap Training Vocational Awards Youth Contests Group Study Exchange International Service Youth Exchange World Community Service Convention Home Stays Humanitarian Grants Polio Plus Partners International Projects New Generations RYLA Top Ten Recognition Leadership Awards Hosting Inbound & outbound Students The Rotary Foundation 30 chairs !

9 WHY Four New ? Club Service: Community Service Human Development Community Projects Environmental Projects Partners in Service Interact Rotaract Classification Programs Membership Fellowship Attendance Newsletter Public Relations Magazine Rotary Information Vocational Service Career Development Handicap Training Vocational Awards Youth Contests Group Study Exchange International Service Youth Exchange World Community Service Convention Home Stays Humanitarian Grants Polio Plus Partners International Projects New Generations RYLA Top Ten Recognition Leadership Awards Hosting Inbound & outbound Students The Rotary Foundation 1 2 3 4 5

10 MEMBERSHIP RecruitAndRetain


12 SERVICE PROJECTS The Local Community and International Communities Katrina 2005

13 CLUB ADMINISTRATION MembersPockets CommunitiesPockets Project Administration Rational Club Chair Service Chair

14 The Rotary Foundation If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it We’re still doing good stuff in all the World STAYS AS IT IS

15 There are several steps involved in setting up the new “Club Leadership Plan.’ Develop a long-range plan that addresses the elements of an effective club.Develop a long-range plan that addresses the elements of an effective club. Set annual goals using the Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs in harmony with a club’s long range plans.Set annual goals using the Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs in harmony with a club’s long range plans. Conduct club assemblies that involve members in the planning process and keep them informed of the activities of RotaryConduct club assemblies that involve members in the planning process and keep them informed of the activities of Rotary

16 There are several steps involved in setting up the new “Club Leadership Plan.’ Ensure clear communications between the club president, board, committee chairs, club members, district governors, assistant governors, district committees and the district office.Ensure clear communications between the club president, board, committee chairs, club members, district governors, assistant governors, district committees and the district office. Provide for continuity in leadership, including the concept of succession planning to ensure development of future leaders.Provide for continuity in leadership, including the concept of succession planning to ensure development of future leaders. Amend bylaws to reflect the club committee structure and roles and responsibilities of club leaders.Amend bylaws to reflect the club committee structure and roles and responsibilities of club leaders.

17 What happens to the Four Avenues of Service They remain central to the work of Rotary When they are used for club goal setting they will insure a balanced and working club that can achieve the Object of Rotary by focusing on the main purpose of Rotary, “Service Above Self”

18 There are several steps involved in setting up the new “Club Leadership Plan.’ Provide opportunities to increase fellowship among members of the club.Provide opportunities to increase fellowship among members of the club. Ensure that every member is active in the club project or function.Ensure that every member is active in the club project or function. Develop a comprehensive training plan.Develop a comprehensive training plan.

19 So What's Next? Order the new RI Brochure 245-EN-(805) For a step by step Gameplan to make the transition.

20 So What's Next? Surf the RI web site and download the New Official “Suggested Club Leadership By- Laws”. The Club Leadership Plan is a new edition, (407). Note: The Delton Club added a special insert on page 5, Section 7 of the standard bylaws to meet The State of Michigan requirements.

21 The Delton Area Rotary Club’s Unique Modification. Section 7 – Upon dissolution or liquidation of this club, after payment or provisions for its debts and liabilities, all of its assets (except any assets conveyed to this club upon condition requiring return, transfer or conveyance, which condition occurs by reason of dissolution of this club) shall be transferred or conveyed pursuant to law to one or more organizations described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or corresponding provisions of any subsequent federal tax laws for one or more of the purposes described above, as the club shall determine. Check with your state for equivalent verbage if needed

22 Charlotte Rotary’s Organizational Chart

23 The End

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