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Copyright Eurostat 2011 LUCAS 2009 Survey. copyright Eurostat 2011 Coverage 2008/2009 Member StatesSampling size Member StatesSampling size Austria 4,969Latvia.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright Eurostat 2011 LUCAS 2009 Survey. copyright Eurostat 2011 Coverage 2008/2009 Member StatesSampling size Member StatesSampling size Austria 4,969Latvia."— Presentation transcript:

1 copyright Eurostat 2011 LUCAS 2009 Survey

2 copyright Eurostat 2011 Coverage 2008/2009 Member StatesSampling size Member StatesSampling size Austria 4,969Latvia 3,827 Belgium 1,808Lithuania 3,864 Bulgaria * 8,100Luxembourg 153 Czech Republic 4,674Malta ** 80 Denmark 2,554Netherlands 2,461 Estonia 2,680Poland 18,530 Finland 19,946Portugal 5,426 France 32,417Romania * 20,600 Germany 21,157Slovakia 2,895 Greece 7,819Slovenia 1,201 Hungary 5,513Spain 29,917 Ireland 4,165Sweden 26,665 Italy 17,851United Kingdom 14,508 Total 263,780 *Survey took place in 2008 ** Survey financed with national funds

3 copyright Eurostat 2011 Informative content Parameters: Land cover (1 & 2) Land use (1 & 2) Land Cover percentage Area size Height of trees Width of features Transect (250 m to east) with Land Cover and linear features Land management (grazing) Water management West East North South SOIL SAMPLE

4 copyright Eurostat 2011 LUCAS 2008/2009: Nomenclature Fully hierarchical (3 levels) Land cover and land use clearly distinguished Comparable with other main international nomenclatures (e.g. FFS agriculture, FAO, forestry) –Some new parameters introduced –Forest types have been introduced for forestry areas, in line with the EUNIS classification on forests (

5 copyright Eurostat 2011 A10Built-up areas A20Artificial non built-up areas B10Cereals (+ triticale) B20Root crops B30Non permanent industrial crops B40Dry pulses, vegetables and flowers B50Fodder crops B70Fruit trees & berries B80Other Permanent Crops C10Broadleaved and evergreen woodland C20Coniferous woodland C30Mixed woodland D10Shrubland with sparse tree cover D20Shrubland without tree cover E10Grassland with sparse tree/shrub cover E20Grassland without tree cover E30Spontaneous vegetation F00Bare Land G10Inland water bodies G20Inland running water G30Coastal water bodies G50Glacier, permanent snow H10Inland wetlands H20Coastal wetlands Nomenclature LUCAS 2008/09: Land Cover

6 copyright Eurostat 2011 U110Agriculture ( + Kitchen garden + Fallow land) U120Forestry U130Fishing U140Mining, Quarrying U150Hunting U210Energy production U220Industry & Manufacturing U310Transport, communication, … U320Water & waste treatment U330Construction U340Commerce, Finance, Business U350Community Services U360Recreation, Leisure, Sport U370Residential U400Unused Nomenclature LUCAS 2008/09: Land Use

7 copyright Eurostat 2011 Sampling strategy: sampling design 1 100 000 points LAND COVER classes 1 ARABLE LAND 2 PERMANENT CROPS 3 GRASSLAND 4 WOODED AREAS AND SHRUBLAND 5 BARE LAND, RARE VEGET. 6 ARTIFICIAL LAND 7 WATER First phase sample for stratification: orthophoto interpretation 2km squared grid Ground survey Parameters Land cover Land use pictures etc. Sample of around 260,000 pts Second phase sample: in-situ data collection

8 copyright Eurostat 2011 Aims : obtaining a reasonable balance among the strata (the agricultural strata were over-represented in the previous rounds of the survey) since the focus of the survey changed from a merely agricultural to a broadly agro- environmental one; providing reliable estimates at a geographical level more detailed than the EU one for the most relevant land cover classes in the various countries; gathering longitudinal data on land cover and land use to monitor their changes (for the countries involved in the 2006 round). Sampling design :

9 copyright Eurostat 2011 Sampling design: expected errors at NUTS2 level LAND COVER CLASSES UPPER BOUND EXP. ERRORS Cereals15% Root crops, Vegetables, floricolture, ornamental plants25% Fibre and oleaginous crops, non permanent industrial crops25% Fodder and temporary grassland25% Permanent crops and nursery25% Grassland7.5% Broadleaved woodland20% Coniferous woodland20% Mixed woodland20% Shrubland20% Bare land20% Artificial areas15% Water20%

10 copyright Eurostat 2011 Selection of points: criteria –LUCAS 2006 sample points are included as much as possible (panel approach) –Points above 1000m and very difficult to access are excluded –Strategy to reduce autocorrelation among points Sampling drawing:

11 copyright Eurostat 2011 Points selection strategy: recourse to replicates To reduce the autocorrelation within and between strata: 1.GRID (2km*2km) is divided into squared blocks of 81 points each 2.Pts coordinates are translated in relative position in the block 3.numbering of the replicates is done under the constraint that the distance with the previous one is maximized 4.Replicates are then selected successively in each stratum (starting with replicate 1) until the required sample size by domain is reached. From the replicate with the highest number, points are randomly selected

12 copyright Eurostat 2011 Quality assurance - Actions put in place : Different actors/levels of control Several training steps Continuous monitoring Independent data quality check Standardisation and computerisation of the main phases of data management

13 copyright Eurostat 2011

14 External quality check: main results Main conclusion of the external quality check: the overall quality of the data is very good since only 4.5% had serious measurement errors; Main sources of error: Mistakes in classification of the transect Mistakes in attribution of land cover and land use; photos were not always taken in a proper way.

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