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“The Dream & the Challenge: Nurture Diversity” A presentation developed by: The Office of Employment Equity The President’s Commission on Women The President’s.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Dream & the Challenge: Nurture Diversity” A presentation developed by: The Office of Employment Equity The President’s Commission on Women The President’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Dream & the Challenge: Nurture Diversity” A presentation developed by: The Office of Employment Equity The President’s Commission on Women The President’s Commission on Diversity The Office of Multicultural and Academic Affairs Institutional Research, Planning, Effectiveness

2 New Vision, Mission, & Values Statement (approved by UK’s Board of Trustees on April 1, 2003) “ The University models a diverse community characterized by fairness and social justice.“ UK’s core values include: Mutual respect and human dignity Diversity of thought, culture, gender and ethnicity A sense of community

3 “Strategic Plan: The Dream and the Challenge” (approved by UK Board of Trustees on June 24, 2003) Objectives include: Providing an environment conducive to success Key Indicators include the NSSE benchmarks: Supportive campus environment – Quality of relationships with other students – Quality of relationships with faculty members Enriching educational experiences – Frequency of serious discussions with diverse students – Campus environment that encourages contact among students from different economic, social, and racial or ethnic backgrounds Goal II: Attract & Graduate Outstanding Students

4 Goal V: Nurture Diversity of Thought, Culture, Gender and Ethnicity Gender and Ethnicity “Strategic Plan: The Dream and the Challenge” (approved by Board of Trustees on June 24, 2003) Objectives: Improve the climate for diversity Create a diverse workplace and learning community Key Indicators: Enrollment and persistence goals of the Kentucky Plan for Equal Opportunities Employment goals of UK’s Affirmative Action Plan

5 Success in Achieving the Vision in “The Dream and the Challenge” Depends upon some fundamental principles: Awareness of our institutional and cultural history The significance of leadership at every level in the organization Acknowledgement of the critical role of students in creating a multicultural environment The importance of building a pipeline for future faculty and leaders

6 Success in Achieving the Vision in “The Dream and the Challenge” In short... UK’s emphasis must be on creating a supportive campus environment that models fairness, respect, and equal opportunity, not on “just achieving numbers”

7 How Diverse a Community is the University of Kentucky?

8 UK’s Total Enrollment in 2003 by Race and Ethnicity Amer. Indian <1% Note: Fall 2003 data are preliminary

9 Percent of Total Headcount by Race/Ethnicity Note: 2003 data are preliminary International African American Asian Hispanic American Indian

10 Percent of Female Students Enrolled by Degree Level Post Doctorate First Professional Doctorate Bachelor’s Master’s Note: 2003 data are preliminary

11 UK Faculty and Staff by Race/Ethnicity/Gender Fall 2002 FT EmployeesNo.Female %AA % Exec./Admin./Mgr.39942.1%3.3% Faculty1,90131.4%3.5% Other Professional3,99666.7%4.0% Secretarial/Clerical2,07990.3%13.4% Tech./Paraprof.1,09658.7%9.9% Skilled Crafts2242.2%16.5% Service/Maintenance1,29843.4%35.2% Total10,99359.3%10.2%

12 How are we doing so far in creating a diverse climate?

13 NSSE 2001: Percent of seniors reporting they ‘often’ or ‘very often’ had serious conversations with... Students of another race – Less than half (45%) of UK seniors – Over half (56%) of seniors at other doctoral/research extensive institutions Students who differ in terms of religion, politics, or personal values – Over half (54%) of UK seniors – Two-thirds (63%) of seniors at other doctoral/research extensive institutions

14 The Kentucky Plan Kentucky Plan for Equal Opportunities (1997-2002) KY CPE CEO KY Resident African-American students & employees Regular fulltime - only 3 job categories Annual CPE analysis Annual goals for new program eligibility same through 2002

15 The Kentucky Plan: A Progress Report 6 of 8 objectives met at UK 3 of 4 objectives met at LCC Automatic eligibility to submit new programs in 2003

16 Affirmative Action Plan Federal Exec. Order Technical Compliance as federal contractor US Dept. of Labor Women and all minority employees required – UK tracks AA employees Regular full-time - all job categories Annual analysis by EO office


18 Office of the Controller and Treasurer by Race/Ethnicity/Gender Fall 2002 FT EmployeesNo.Female %AA % Exec./Admin./Mgr. 1520%O% Other Professional 3868%8% Secretarial/Clerical 5582%7% Total 10869%6%

19 OCT Strategies to Create a Climate for Diversity 1.Start with yourself - look inside and broaden your personal experiences 2.Improve communication – listen and affirm individual value and worth 3.Facilitate unit development – seek resources for workshops and training 4.Nurture individual development – seek input, provide feedback; consider a mentoring program

20 OCT Strategies to Create a Diverse Workplace 1.Start with consideration of job qualifications 2.Broaden search criteria and advertising strategies to ensure diverse pools 3.Network through professional organizations 4.Involve diverse university leadership in campus visits by prospective hires

21 Resources for creating a campus that celebrates diversity Dr. Lauretta Byars, Assoc. Provost – 257-1991 The Office of Multicultural and Academic Affairs Mr. Terry Allen, Assoc. VP – 257-8927 The Office of Employment Equity Dr. Dorothy Brockopp, Chair – 323-5815 The President’s Commission on Women Dr. J. John Harris, III, Chair – 257-6169 The President’s Commission on Diversity

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