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JTLS 5.0 Version Description. Currently –Contract With JS/J7 Research and Development – Ends May 2013 –Contract With PACOM Through Booz Allen Development.

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Presentation on theme: "JTLS 5.0 Version Description. Currently –Contract With JS/J7 Research and Development – Ends May 2013 –Contract With PACOM Through Booz Allen Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 JTLS 5.0 Version Description

2 Currently –Contract With JS/J7 Research and Development – Ends May 2013 –Contract With PACOM Through Booz Allen Development – Ends April 2013 –Contract With NATO JCW Development – Completed March 2012 Contract Status December 2012 ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 2

3 Nothing Definite – But It Is Early –JS/J7 Intends To Extended Contract Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Be Able To Fix Anything Be Able To Upgrade Anything –JS/J7 Development SOA Contract Service For Translation and Scheduling ATO –Internal Research and Development Work Future Contracts December 2012 ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 3

4 Obviously Large Job Terrain Service –How To Get The Data No Problem For U. S. Government Users Foreign Customers - Combatant Command Access –Time Consuming and Not Flexible –Limited To Military Customers –Civilian Customers Have No Choice –Allows Coordinate Terrain Data – JCATS / VBS2 Remove Hex Terrain December 2012 ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 4

5 Remove Hex Terrain No Restrictions To Tiles December 2012 ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 5

6 Remove Hex Terrain Nested Tile Restriction December 2012 ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 6

7 Committed To Network Overlay –Types Of Networks Road River –May Be In 4.1, If Automated Generation Method Available Rail –Already In JTLS, Still No Automated Generation Method Air Corridor –Already In JTLS, Still No Automated Generation Method –Smooth Movement Remove Hex Terrain December 2012 ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 7

8 Web Services Manager Uses “ssh” –Connects To Remote Machines –Starts / Stops Processes Current Freeware Is No Longer Supported –Need To Find New Capabilbity –Proactive Upgrade JTLS 2012-11195 Update SSH Package December 2012 ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 8

9 New Version Of TBMCS –Many Of ICC Improvements –Also Accomplish In TBMCS Differences Between –Airbase Status –Mission Status –Mission Results JTLS 2011-10923 Improve Link To TBMCS December 2012 ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 9

10 Amphib Ops Joint Interd Special Ops Joint Urban Ops Stability Ops Peace Ops Interorg Coord During Joint Ops Close Air Spt Joint Security Ops in Theater Info Ops Space Ops Multinat Ops Joint Forcible Entry Ops Foreign Int Def Counter Insurgency Ops Deployment & Redeployment Ops Joint Log Anti- terrorism Joint Counterdrug Ops Ops in CBRN Envirns Electronic Warfare Military Info Support Ops Ops Security Air Mobility Ops Foreign Humanitarian Assist Joint Engineer Ops Combating Weapons Mass Destruction CBRN Consequence Management Joint Airspace Control Civil Military Ops JLOTSJoint Doct Logistic Spt Multinat Ops Joint Comm System Geospatial Intell Spt to Joint Ops Military Deception Barriers, Obst, Mine Warfare for Joint Ops Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Ops Sealift Support To Joint Ops Health Service Support JTTP for Common-User Logistics During Joint Ops Distribution Ops Operational Contract Spt Joint Electron Spectrum Mgmt Ops Joint Fire Spt Personnel Recovery Joint Mission Models (JMM) Joint Intel Joint Ops C2 for Joint Air Ops C2 for Joint Land Ops C2 for Joint Maritime Ops JTF HQ Joint Targeting Joint Ops Planning Cyber Ops Counter Air & Missile Executing Partial Future Work Noncombatant Evac Ops

11 Quick Review Of Web Site December 2012 ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 11

12 What Is Available This Afternoon December 2012ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 12

13 Downstairs In Training Room –New Order Panels –New IMT Freeze Panel –New MSEND Capability –DDS With Map Capability Full GDP Functionality Not Available Demonstrations December 2012 ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 13

14 Upstairs – Development Conference Area –MUSE Development Testing Demonstrations –They Will Explain What They Have Demonstrations December 2012 ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 14

15 Directions December 2012 ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 15 Safeway Sign Pointing To Del Rey Gardens Drive Police Station

16 Questions December 2012 ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation 16

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