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What does Lincoln have to offer you? Lincoln Minster School – 10 February 2015 Information for Parents/Guardians/Students.

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Presentation on theme: "What does Lincoln have to offer you? Lincoln Minster School – 10 February 2015 Information for Parents/Guardians/Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does Lincoln have to offer you? Lincoln Minster School – 10 February 2015 Information for Parents/Guardians/Students

2 Award-winning Community Radio Station Contents -Why go to university? -Things to think about in Year 12 -Accommodation -Student life -Student support -Student Finance

3 Winner of the HE Students’ Union of the Year award 2014 Why go to University?: Employment potential -Will a degree lead to a better career? Office for National Statistics Increased earnings potential Route to higher qualifications Essential requirement for some professions Destination of Leavers from HE survey

4 The Media Archive for Central England is located on campus Why go to university?: Employment preparation -Work placements, exchange programmes, sandwich courses -Practical and theory balance -Employer mentoring scheme -Careers advice -Graduate careers fair -Internship scheme -The Lincoln Award

5 The Media Archive for Central England is located on campus How do you decide? -Work experience -Visit a careers adviser/School -Research – online/ library/ job sites -Talk to friends, family and teachers -Attend HE fairs and collect as much information as possible

6 The Media Archive for Central England is located on campus If you decide: Higher Education -Pro’s- Con’s -More like to find a job- You need to commit to 3 yrs with a degree -Graduates earn more- Choosing the right course Over 37,000 to chose from -Meet new people- You may need to move away -Lots of career areas require you to have a degree -You’ll develop transferable skills that employers look for -Independence- Independence

7 Your exams and qualifications -Whatever you choose to do: Every subject counts Every grade counts Don’t waste subjects!

8 £14 million Science & Innovation Park (2014) Accommodation -Options include: On-campus halls Off-campus halls Private housing All first years are guaranteed help in finding accommodation, should they require it

9 New £11.5 million School of Art & Design Support for students -Academic tutors -Student Services -Student Support Centre -Student Wellbeing -Student Health Centre

10 Our students graduate in Lincoln’s historic castle and medieval cathedral Safety, security and social life -‘The 4 Cs’ Career (prospects, employability) Course (content, how it is taught) City (size, distance) Campus (size, location, type) -Social life -Complete University Guide -Amenities and facilities -Safety

11 High Student Satisfaction Settling in -Welcome Week -Stay calm -Privacy -Offer re-assurance -You were 18 once

12 Journalism and Psychology ranked top 10 in UK The things you need to know -No upfront payments are required -Bigger borrowing does not increase repayment amount -Loans are written off after 30 years

13 World Class Teaching and Research The Financial Support -Tuition fee loan -Maintenance loan -Maintenance grant -Additional funding sources -Subject-specific -University scholarships/bursaries -Always check!

14 Excellent Graduate Employment Repaying your loans -Two loans added together to make one overall repayment amount -Earning over £21,000 salary -Deducted from salary like tax -Repayment amount is 9% of anything you earn above £21,000 -At a starting salary of £25,000 – the repayment will be £360/year or £30/month (9% of £4,000) -Lump sum payments can be made – no early repayment charge!

15 £160 Million Campus Useful resources

16 Thank you for listening | Any questions? -Informal Visit Days: Thursday 19 th February Wednesday 25 th February Wednesday 18 th March Open Day’s for 2016 Entry Friday 10 and 11 July -Contact Us: 01522 886644 /UniversityofLincoln @UniLincoln 113 Sports Teams and Societies, inc. Gliding, Rowing, American Football and the University Orchestra

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