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American Imperialism 1865-1914.

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Presentation on theme: "American Imperialism 1865-1914."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Imperialism

2 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Period of American overseas expansion during the late 19th century Complex causes behind overseas expansion Economic Political Cultural Consequences still live on in the 21st century

3 American Imperalism 1865-1914 Definitions Imperialism Colonialism
Nationalism Chauvinism

4 American Imperialism 1865-1914
The world by 1900 Impact of Industrialization Unintended Consequences caused by Industrialization


6 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Resurgence of European Colonialism 1870s and 1880s Factors Consequences

7 American Imperialism 1865-1914
The United States Isolationist Tradition Preoccupied throughout much of the 19th century

8 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Rise of New Foreign Policy Elite in the late nineteenth century “White Anglo-Saxon Protestants” (WASP) Who are they? Ambitions

9 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Alfred Thayer Mahan American strategist The Influence of Sea Power upon History (1890) Influence on foreign policy elite

10 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Cultural changes of the late 19th century The Frontier declared “closed” in 1890 census Industrialization “New immigrants”

11 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Cultural attitudes of the late 19th century Darwin’s theory of evolution Impact of Darwinism

12 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Anglo-Saxonism Origins “The White Man’s Burden”

13 American Imperialism 1865-1914
American Expansion before the Civil War Mostly confined to the North American continent Northwest Ordinance of 1787 Manifest Destiny


15 American Imperialism 1865-1914
American Expansion after the Civil War Goals William Henry Seward Acquisitions

16 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Hawaii Formerly an independent kingdom Role of Missionaries Role of Economics Queen Liliuokalani Annexation Granted statehood in 1959

17 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Queen Lilioukalani, last Queen of Hawaii

18 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Cuba One of the last remaining colonies of Spain War of independence Role of American Media

19 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Cuba and the United States US Motivations The Maine

20 American Imperialism 1865-1914
The USS Maine arriving at Havana before its explosion

21 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Aftermath of Maine explosion De Lome Letter Public outrage

22 American Imperialism 1865-1914
The Spanish-American War Declaration of War Teller Amendment

23 American Imperialism 1865-1914
The Spanish-American War Public Opinion Typical Volunteer

24 American Imperialism 1865-1914
The Spanish-American War Theodore Roosevelt ( ) Role in Spanish-American War

25 Theodore Roosevelt (center) and the Rough Riders

26 American Imperialism 1865-1914
The Spanish-American War Spain vs. United States Battle of Manila Bay May 1, 1898



29 American Imperialism 1865-1914
The Spanish-American War Outcome Treaty of Paris

30 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Debate over the Philippines Arguments for colonial empire Arguments against colonial empire

31 American Imperialism 1865-1914
The US ratified the Treaty of Paris in 1899 Reaction of Filipinos Guerrilla war in the Philippines

32 Emilio Aguinaldo, Filipino revolutionary leader

33 American Imperialism 1865-1914
US Colonial Rule in the Philippines US policy Consequences Promises of Independence

34 American Imperialism 1865-1914
The Larger Picture Philippines part of a larger strategy China by 1900 Japan




38 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy ( ) “Imperial Presidency” Anglo-Saxonism

39 American Imperialism 1865-1914
American Imperialism in Latin America Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary

40 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Panama Suez Canal Attempts to build canal Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 1850 Hay-Pauncefot Treaty, 1901 Panama Canal

41 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Dollar Diplomacy Example of the Philippines “Informal Imperialism”


43 American Imperialism 1865-1914
The Anglo-American Rapprochement Diplomatic relations between US and Britain Venezuela Boundary Dispute Spanish-American War

44 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Impact of Spanish-American War on US/British Relations Hay-Pauncefot Treaty (1901) Alaska Boundary Dispute (1905) The “Special Relationship”

45 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Factors behind Anglo-American Rapprochement Cultural similarities between US and Britain Connections between US and Britain

46 American Imperialism 1865-1914
Factors drawing Britain and the US closer together Economic European Diplomatic Situation US foreign policy elite Role of Anglo-Saxonism

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