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Malmö - towards the fossil-fuel free city… Lotta Hauksson.

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1 Malmö - towards the fossil-fuel free city… Lotta Hauksson

2 Windpower Today several windturbines placed in and outside Malmö New! The largest windpower site in Sweden-Lillgrunden 48 turbines Total 0,33 TWh electricity /year (60 000 houses).

3 Malmö the Solar City Malmö takes the lead in Sweden. Both heat and electricity produced Total 1600 m 2 solar collectors Total 2200 m 2 photovoltaics

4 BO01 100 % locally renewable energy Quality programme: 105 kWh/m2,year Sun, wind and water District heat pump Minimised energy consumption (pumps, ventilation, white goods)

5 Natural gas, Biogas, Hythane and Hydrogen 100% of buses on Natural gas (next year 50% on biogas) Public filling stations (biogas and hydrogen) New! 90 buses on hythane New! Hydrogen bus New! Biogas (slurry) production plant and an upgrading plant New! Free parking for biogas vehicles

6 Renewable energy creating opportunities… New businesses and jobs locating to Malmö The development has attracted new competences and knowledge to the city The investment stimulates the regional market. UK/SW cooperation further helps business to export ideas and products.

7 For more information or

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