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The Planning System Coleg Gwent Finance & Estates Committee 28th September 2010 Roisin Willmott MRTPI.

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Presentation on theme: "The Planning System Coleg Gwent Finance & Estates Committee 28th September 2010 Roisin Willmott MRTPI."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Planning System Coleg Gwent Finance & Estates Committee 28th September 2010 Roisin Willmott MRTPI

2 Aims of the session Background to how planning has developed Introduction to the Wales’ planning system today Provide an understanding of how the system works

3 Context Infrastructure planning Historic environment Industry and employment Leisure & tourism Economic development & employment Renewable energy Transport Marine planning Housing Urban design Regeneration Environmental planning Retail planning Minerals & waste Education Etc …

4 Evolution of planning Changing priorities: 1667 – recovery from plague and fire 1700 – canals 1800 – rail, water and sewerage 1900 – garden cities 1918 – homes for heroes 1930 – suburbs and green belts 1940 – war damage 1950 – new towns 1960 – slum clearance 1970 – housing 1980 – urban regeneration 1990 – environmental issues 2000 – sustainable development Bourneville Village

5 Planning acts, trends & priorities 1909 The Housing, Town Planning etc. Act Concerned largely with public health and aimed to achieve healthy communities. 1919 The Housing, Town Planning etc. Act Revised Introduced early versions of today's planning systems 1932 Town & Country Planning Act Extended planning powers to include all land, rural and urban. Wartime reports – Barlow, Scott & Reith 1944 Town & Country Planning Act Major re-construction – Emphasis on physical planning

6 Planning acts, trends & priorities 1947 Town & Country Act Introduced ‘comprehensive’ planning system. Included within broad introduction of welfare state. Forms the basis of planning system in place today Major physical development after the war 1990s - Awareness of the environment 2000 - Sustainable development Closing of the World Summit on Sustainable Development

7 Planning is important … It is not new: we’ve been doing it for thousands of years It affects everyone in their daily lives It affects the development industry, the economy & the environment Planners consider and balance opinions and social, economic and environmental issues and effects It is difficult to change our minds if we get it wrong People remember the mistakes, but tend to forget the successes As a planner you will always upset someone!

8 Planning is important … “The planning system regulates the development and use of land in the public interest. “It should reconcile the needs of development and conservation, securing economy, efficiency and amenity in the use of land, and protecting natural resources and the historic environment. “A well functioning planning system is fundamental for sustainable development.” Planning Policy Wales, July 2010

9 Devolution – Government of Wales Act 2006 Duties regarding equal opportunities & sustainable development Town and Country Planning devolved Distinct planning system and policy in Wales

10 Policy in Wales National policy – Planning Policy Wales European Directives transposed through UK Law, embedded in planning policy A set of local policies  Local Development Plans  Unitary Development Plans  Local Plans / Structure Plans  Supplementary Planning Guidance

11 Sustainable Buildings Policy in Wales May 2009 ‘Planning for Sustainable Buildings’ Uses energy hierarchy Covers three aspects: Design of developments to provide effective adaptation to and resilience against future climate change Use of sustainable building standards – Code and BREEAM Standards for strategic sites in LDPs

12 Policy Hierarchy European and National legislation Circulars and Statutory Instruments National Policy: Planning Policy Wales 2010; Other Assembly policy e.g. Wales Spatial Plan Various Technical Advice Notes (TANs) - topic specific At the local level Emerging or ‘stopped’ plans ‘adopted for development control purposes’ Supplementary Planning Guidance - topic specific Site Specific Development Briefs Advice Notes / guidance notes

13 The Development Plan Section 54A & 38(6) requires decisions on proposals to be made in line with the adopted ‘Development Plan’ The Development Plan (UDPs and in future LDPs) are intended to provide a firm and rational basis for consistent decision making. National policy states that applications which are not in accordance with the ‘plan’ should not be allowed unless material considerations justify a grant of permission

14 Development Plans for Coleg Gwent Current Adopted PlanLDP Position Blaenau GwentAdopted UDP July 2006Consultation on Deposit Plan autumn 2010 Brecon Beacons Adopted UDP March 2007Consultation on Deposit Plan autumn 2010 CaerphillyAdopted UDP for DC purposes March 2004 Possibly to be adopted in September 2010 – first in Wales? MonmouthshireAdopted UDP June 2006Consultation on rural housing this summer; Deposit Plan scheduled for autumn 2010. NewportAdopted UDP May 2006Consultation on the preferred strategy in October / November 2010? TorfaenAdopted Torfaen Local Plan (July 2000) and the adopted Gwent Structure Plan (March 1996) Deposit Torfaen LDP expected to be issued for consultation by end of 2010.

15 A Plan-led System The Plan is the starting point to determine applications for development ‘Material considerations’ are always crucial and must be weighed against the Plan

16 Material considerations Design issues: Intrinsic / visual impact Impact issues: Traffic / retail / noise / privacy Technical issues: Privacy standards Amenity standards Car parking standards Environmental issues: Historic environment Nature / habitats Landscape Planning history: Permissions/appeals Judgements Fallback Other examples: Public Opinion Personal circumstances Economic benefits

17 The Application Type:  Outline  Full  Reserve Matters Supporting Evidence:  Design and Access Statements  Code for Sustainable Homes / BREEAM Traffic Assessments  Biodiversity – e.g. bat survey  Language Impact Assessment  Health Impact Assessment

18 Conditions Welsh Office Circular 35/95: The Use of Conditions in planning permissions The tests:  Necessary  Relevant to planning  Relevant to the development to be permitted  Enforceable  Precise  Reasonable

19 Who Makes the Decision? Local Planning Authority  Planning Committee  Delegated to Officers  Called-in applications  Permitted development (PD) Planning Appeal:  The Planning Inspectorate Wales

20 Latest / emerging reforms The Planning Act 2008 (England and Wales) A major infrastructure decision making process National Policy Statements / Infrastructure Planning Commission Community Infrastructure Levy A system strongly influenced by economic development, climate change, sustainable development In England – the ‘localism’ agenda

21 Today’s planning system Modernisation of the system A speedier system Improved public confidence Planning as a co-ordinating and integrative devise Outcome rather than output and process orientated

22 Summary The planning system has evolved in response to rapid growth and changing priorities. 1947 Town & Country Planning Act Introduced a comprehensive planning system which still forms the basis of today’s system. Planning is broad and diverse in terms of the areas and issues it is required to address. The system is constantly developing Sustainable development is the core principle underpinning planning.

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